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#40116044Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:03 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#40116398Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:07 PM GMT

Sure. I hate the snobs that call themselves OBC members. I support the thread.
#40116481Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:08 PM GMT

*Cough* Copied from Cobalt10. *Cough*
#40116530Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:09 PM GMT

Nice copy, kid.
#40116645Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:10 PM GMT

Ray.. Now wait I never told you all this XD Alt =P
#40116673Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:11 PM GMT

SO MUCH SUPPPORT I wish the admins were not idiots like they are.
#40116827Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:12 PM GMT

The last thread got [Content Deleted}. I wonder why? But when I tried to repost it ROBLOX gave me warning for "Spam". So I logged in as my alt to get around that.
#40117216Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:17 PM GMT

Maybe they're trying to avoid something...?
#40117502Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:20 PM GMT

I could have guessed that (And did) But then I though: No admin or mods come to the forums, and the filters aren't worth anything. So how could they be putting in an effort to block my post? Are the finally paying attention to this forum? If so then I have succeded in one aspect. If not then someone had to have reported my thread for an unkown reason.
#40117888Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:24 PM GMT

Who remembers the fourm from an admin "Reminder: Auto Guest-Banning Scripts aren't allowed", and it said in it: Roblox is a FREE GAME, for ALL PEOPLE. They're just trolling theirselves.
#40118020Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:25 PM GMT

Can't read...To long. But I hate the BC only places....They just help me from a stalking noob named Tom7368..
#40118140Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:26 PM GMT

I agree. Colbat speaks the truth.
#40118553Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:31 PM GMT

Peddo, I do. I have a very well developed memory. Very helpful when writing puersuasive essays =D They just broke their own rule. Now they must remove it or ban themselfs. Or they could do what the pigs did in Animal Farm. In Animal Farm **SPOILER ALERT** 7 commandments were writen on the side of the barn. But the pigs grew tired of the extreme "Restriction" it put on them. So (Being the leaders) the pigs re-wrote all of the commandments by adding 2 or 3 words extra at the end of each one. One of them read: "All animals are equal" Napoleon changed it to: "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others" **END OF SPOILER** So now the admins must rewrite "No auto-guest banning scripts" to "No auto-guest banning scripts, unless if you are using a member-only place"
#40118554Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:31 PM GMT

This thing tops my definition of INSANELY LONG. I'm not going to bother reading all of it, since I already know what it's about anyway. You do have a very good point. The ROBLOX Staff SHOULD spend more time working on the game and not social features. HOWEVER, PROPER social features are something ROBLOX lacks, though not as much as it used to. As for the game functionality, I could even name a game that's existed for a shorter period of time and has better physics. (READ: Mine.craft) So, yeah.
#40118607Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:32 PM GMT

@Peddo Exactly, they're hypocrites. @Gottur You STILL don't get what that thread means? Really, you're an idiot still.
#40118721Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:33 PM GMT

*points at the topic* See?
#40118786Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:33 PM GMT

SML: olaH (Read backwards) for PC. That game puts ROBLOX to shame in every aspect. Yet it came out in 2001.
#40118920Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:35 PM GMT

roblox admins are hypicrites they lied now its not even free games anyomre
#40119230Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:38 PM GMT

My parents are dragging me with them to the beach (This is why I hate living in Florida. That and hurricanes.). So if I randomly go offline you know where I'll be. If you could, please maintain this thread in my absence?
#40119512Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#40119609Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:42 PM GMT

Guys lets face it... I know you guys hate the new BC places and I do too... We just have to face it... In a year ROBLOX is gonna stop running we have to move on... ROBLOX is just ruining it for everyone even them...
#40119710Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:44 PM GMT

@Cobalt10 I live in Florida it sucks. Its hot and muggy.
#40119848Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:45 PM GMT

Shadic21. I know T_T At least the Winter take away the humidity but it's STILL TORTURE!! And this thread isn't about remove BC only places. I must go now though. Please maintain this thread in my absence? Thank you in advance.
#40120161Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:48 PM GMT

"Thank you for adding the member-only places. It was a way for you to separate the hard working NBC’ers and sane Builders Cub members from the snooty, spoiled, narcissistic brats which you seem to love so much." This. Now, as to the whole "We paid you didnt" thing I see so many people saying, I will say this: If Bob were to click one ad every day, it would make enough money to compare to the BC monthly subscription. I actually bet there are alot of people that do that. And who says he only clicked one a day? It could have been 2 or 3 a day.
#40120258Saturday, January 01, 2011 7:49 PM GMT

i agree with everything you just said...Telamon has become the most hated admin is roblox history he used to be the most loved not anymore you disagree with this thread your dumb

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