#40365571Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

"Woah my bad dude. Well I gotta go." I say, helping him up, then run to my room.
#40365615Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

"So, what class is this? I kinda teleported so I wouldn't know." I ask Cody.
Top 25 Poster
#40365838Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:08 AM GMT

I looked at John. "I..."
#40365884Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:08 AM GMT

#40365921Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:08 AM GMT

( I didnt grow , Im saving that for when another ring activates) "The alpha....."
#40365979Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:09 AM GMT

-Cody "This was LifeSkills. It's over now." I tell him.
#40366075Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:10 AM GMT

(I MUST GO! see ya!)
Top 25 Poster
#40366090Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:10 AM GMT

"Yes, I'm new, what's it to you?"
#40366254Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:12 AM GMT

I sniff the air, "another half dragon?"
#40366322Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:13 AM GMT

"Haven't seen your face around. I'm going to skill testing, want to come?"
#40366546Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:15 AM GMT

Couldnt help but seeing i can make my own race! I already have a race in mind... Name: Pykra Flamer @ge: 24 Gender: M Bio: An original fire-user. Not much known about this crazy animal! Race: Pyrodian Power(s): Basically all the fire-type moves Appearance: Looks like a fox,only with a yellow-tipped tail and paws that look like white boots. Personality: Not too much of a talker.Is on average pretty funny in a way Other:N/A
#40366764Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:18 AM GMT

I sniff my way over to the new half dragon
Top 25 Poster
#40366811Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:19 AM GMT

I thought for a moment. "s-sure..."
#40366820Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:19 AM GMT

(nice! I'd like to know more about this amazing race, but hey, I don't think you'd like to work on a backstory for the entire race. Y'know, you could make a epic thread with that race!)
#40366932Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:20 AM GMT

(Accepted.) -Cody "Hmm...this was a strange class. Well bye." I say, walking out of the room.
#40366998Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:21 AM GMT

I walked to the office, and sat down. "I brought a new student here, aswell."
#40367041Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:21 AM GMT

"Well I'm headed back to the room" I say "Oh by the way take this" as I throw robloxian a cooked steak. "I have raw ones if you would prefer that" I say jokingly.
#40367339Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:25 AM GMT

"are you from the draconian mountains?" I say to draco in dragon tongue
#40367660Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:29 AM GMT

I set the stone on my desk, and a small black orb works into my hand and I press it against the stone and it seeps in."Ok, it will take a few months for it to recharge. So....Time to go outside to get some pelts." I say, and leave my room.
#40367904Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:32 AM GMT

"I have no idea" I say "I do have a vivid memory of somewhere cold though. However I'm kind of bored, do you want to practice fight?"
#40368354Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:38 AM GMT

"sure" I notice dracos tail "well I guess every half dragon inherits different traits"
#40368638Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

I walk into the school practice areana and wait for Rob as I wait I sit cross-legged and meditate and say "Strength, speed, defense, and dexterity" in ancient dragon language.
#40368644Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

-Cody Hearing that I walk back intothe room. "I would like to watch." I tell them.
#40368849Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:45 AM GMT

I come back inside later with a ruo head, and two fox pelts. I mount the ruo head on my wall and set in the two pelts in the floor for rugs.
#40368977Wednesday, January 05, 2011 2:47 AM GMT

Hey guys want me to make a site for this?