#40505346Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:01 AM GMT

(Eco, accepted. Ning, no. Reallly, you start when no one accepts you? FOLLOW THE RULES. T_T Currently not accepted.)
#40505487Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:02 AM GMT

(Accepted, Blazar.) (No, it isn't to late blue. :D)
#40505516Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:03 AM GMT

(Was I accepted after entering my new power?)
#40505763Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:06 AM GMT

(Samsum, what power?)
#40505857Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:08 AM GMT

(Well, I got confused. I think Ima just leave. :I)
#40505912Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:08 AM GMT

(Superspeed w/ claws >:3 Its on my post on Pg. 31... The post everyone ignored...)
#40506072Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:10 AM GMT

I stand up then I take off my trench coat and hoodie then I sit down again. (hey Liz, can I do something with my mutation?)
#40506407Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:14 AM GMT

(Sam and Raz; Sure.
#40506548Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:16 AM GMT

(Well, isn't it as the 'Virus' spreads the powers get stronger?)
#40506864Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:20 AM GMT

#40507042Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

(Since Scott has a Mutation wouldn't the ExoSkin spread throughout his his outer body, and If so, could I be allowed to control where it spreads to.)
#40507064Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:23 AM GMT

(idk it was a virus... And can we please continue with the story? Im sitting at the same table as your girl character, Lizz.)
#40507227Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:25 AM GMT

I sit down to eat. I give Squeaky some of my food.
#40507553Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:30 AM GMT

"You know... we should try to escape somehow.." I say to Squeaky, but then I stop myself, remembering the pills."We're doomed" I whine.
#40507714Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:32 AM GMT

Sam finishes his meal and reties his bandana, still surprised at the rudeness of some of the test subjects here. He gets up and forgets the time. He doesn't want to be late for his appeal for the doctors. He turns to another table to ask. He looks at the girl and decides to ask her (Meer).
#40507800Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:33 AM GMT

(Well How am I supposed to know dis crap)
#40508075Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:37 AM GMT

(Fine den. Meh post dont exist dat I made. I didn't take time to read the whole thing. I was tired. So now can I be exepted?)
#40508625Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:43 AM GMT

I looked at the kid that had came over to Talker and My table.
#40508730Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:45 AM GMT

(Ning. Now you have broken two rules. No, I'm not making an exception because you are lazy.) Scarlett; "Hi." I said to the boy.
#40508791Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:46 AM GMT

(Can I do that Liz?)
#40509036Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:49 AM GMT

#40509061Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:49 AM GMT

I woke up, looking around. 'What, where, why, how,' were the only things in my mind. White... all white... too much white, in fact. I glanced down at myself. Ah, green. Good. But what was this? "Subject 24." The words in my mind changed into sentences. 'What is going on, where is this place, why am I here, and how did I get here.' A door! Open! I decided to explore.
#40509258Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:52 AM GMT

(Thank you.) The ExoSkin had started to grow up my neck but I had yet to notice.
#40509575Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:56 AM GMT

Sam stutered a bit, "Uh...oh! Do you know what time it is?"
#40509624Saturday, January 08, 2011 12:56 AM GMT

I see a boy approach. "yes..?"