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#40414078Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:22 AM GMT

In the african plains next to a muddy swamp two small dens of sticks made by Servals 2,000 years ago are still active... with their ancestors in a new generation. These african plains stretch 5 miles and are plentiful of birds, mice, fish and of course, lions. Clouds stretch beyond the blue sky as a bright sun shines brightfully over the plains of endless-like tall grasses in soil that never had a drop of water in a week. A bundle of dark clouds slowly move with thundering sounds, Every animal knows this is the warning of a rainfall after a week, A chance to refresh. Serval CS Name: Siblings: (Optional) Parents: (Optional) A.g.e:(Newborn, kit, cub, teen, adult, elder.) Gender: Extra: Human CS Name: Personality: Appearence: A.g.e:(Child, Teen, Adult) Gender: Extra:
#40414396Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:26 AM GMT

Serval CS Name: Stone Siblings: (Optional) Parents: (Optional) A.g.e: Cub Gender: Male Extra: Oringinally found in a tree as a leader of the serval pride helped me down the huge tree and guided me to serval life... after the leader died i was the only serval. so I was the only leader unless another serval, older came along ~NAME CAN BE ANYTHING!~
#40414506Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:28 AM GMT

#40414758Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:31 AM GMT

#40415837Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:44 AM GMT

DX u make bunny sad and rp alone D: °• Stone •° I quickly took the bright red fish and grasped it in my jaws until it stopped wiggling. I layed it down in the den and looked at the clouds. I began to sleep in the den, knowing lions were still roaming the plains.
#40416369Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:50 AM GMT

°• Stone •° The rain pounding woke me up. I looked around and noticed a tornado in the far distance. Lions were running as fast as they could. Suddenly a lion got in the tornado and threwn to the ground. I didnt see it move though. Suddenly the rain loosened its anger on the plains and the tornado settled down, into a gentle wind as the clouds opened up very fast a bright sunshine. I began to shudder and picked up a piece of fish with my paw and ate it. I could tell the flavor was catfish.
#40417102Thursday, January 06, 2011 1:59 AM GMT

°• Stone •° I suddenly heard the roar of a lion I saw it walking onto the pond then lift its head and stare at me. I ran away and sat then hissed at the menace. I began to see a hyena in the distance. The lion wasnt roaring at me... it was roaring at the... 49 hyenas. I put my head down and walked around the field. I stalked up to the lowest member in the group and in a blink of an eye I pounced on its neck and bit as hard as i could then the hyena yipped. I clawed as hard as i could and in only in a few seconds... he was down. I bit a bit of the soft skin in the pooch. The leader said it tasted great. To me, it tasted like spoiled fruit.
#40418246Thursday, January 06, 2011 2:14 AM GMT

°• Stone •° I slowly went to my den trying to wash out the terrible taste out of my mouth. As I layed down I thought of something... "Why did I have to be a cub with no parent?" "Why did the leader die after a week of adopting me?" "Am I just a unlucky cat?" "Why is no serval in the plai--" Then I spotted a moving figure. I bolted toward it and saw what it was, A lost domestic cat. She was a pure black cat probably from a african tribe. I said in a friendly voice "Hello whats your name?" Purring politely. "My name is shadebolt." I looked at her and chirped "If your lost, I can help you.. for I am a serval.". The black cat's eyes lit up. "My owner wants all of those cats dead. He said they killed many other pets, like spike our german shephard. So im sorry for doing this" The cat pounced on me then I suddenly roared and bit her arm and did not let go. "Let go!" She growled. I let go and she wrapped her arms trying to suffocate me. I then regretted this but bit her in the head, write through her skull and inside her brain. With that I bit her neck. She dropped to the ground. "Why did I just kill a poor house cat?" "I so lack socializm"
#40418960Thursday, January 06, 2011 2:24 AM GMT

°• Stone •° As I walked around in the tall grasses. I put my head down and my tail between legs. For I knew I killed another feline. I then remembered this stone the leader wrote rules for me to follow, 4. Never feel sorry for yourself. It always happens even if you hunt prey. I looked at my reflection in the pond. Then another serval, a adult appeared right close to me. "Whats wrong?" He asked. I turned my head and saw it. I wasnt the only serval. "Nothing, where did you come from?" "Very far away from a roaching hot desert I traveled to a different pride with less heat. Would you like me to be your parent?" I looked at the cat and with a very happy voice i said " Yes! " He walked me to a gazelle mob he found a while ago. Then he demostrated how to take down one. the meat tasted better than anything ive ever tasted before, Today was my first lucky day.

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