#40955423Saturday, January 15, 2011 8:31 PM GMT

lol if peolple se that ur an extra in the movie thell be like omg is that the creator?O_O
#40955527Saturday, January 15, 2011 8:33 PM GMT

lol 0.0 <(This totally is blowing my mind)
#41025263Sunday, January 16, 2011 6:49 PM GMT

This is scene two... SCENE CUTS TO SUN IN BEDROOM Sun: *upacking stuff, reaches bottom of suitcase and see note* What the? *Reads note aloud* The great Huyju has requested your company tonight at the village bonfire. If you do not appear before the crowd at midnight we will have to use brute force requested by our leader Huyju. Why your specific presence is needed is unknown to everyone other then our leader, but he wants you and nobody else in your group. Signed, Du? *Get's freaked out and crumples paper into ball and throws out window. Then quickly locks windows and shoves stuff in drawers and runs out of room* VIEW SHIFTS TO OUTSIDE BEDROOM WINDOW* Kik: *Sitting in bushes* Fan: *Walks up from behind Kik* Was that the right bag? Kik: Yes brother. Father will be pleased. *Both creep back into darkness* SCREEN FADES TO BLACK THEN FADES TO JASON, DAVID, AND GILLIE EATING IN THE KITCHEN Sun: *Walks quickly over to back door and locks* David: *Mouth full* Hey Sunshine, what'cha doing. Sun: *Doesn't turn around and is staring at lock on door* Excuse me? *Turns swiftly with scared look on face* Jason: *Stands up and steps over to her* Sun, what's wrong? *Everyone is lookinng at her worried* Sun: *Fake smile* I'm fine. *Claps hands together* So, what's for lunch. *Everyone's still worried looking* FADES TO BLACK THEN FADES TO JASON PLAYING CARDS WITH SUN David: *runs in* Jason! Have you seen Gillie? Jason: *Turns to him* No. *Looks at Sun* Have you? Sun: *Really worried* No, Maybe she went hiking. David: Gillie, hiking. Never going to happen. Jason, can you help me. She probably wondered off and got lost, you know how she is. Jason: I don't know, I should stay with Sun. Sun: It's fine Jason. Go, Gillie could be hurt. Jason: *Looks at David worried* David: Come on man! *Runs out door* Jason: *Looks at Sun* Are you going to be ok here by yourself? Sun: Just go. *Kisses on cheek* I'll be fine. Jason: *blushes. Then runs out door* That's scene two. It's longer then scene one but it's getting more interesting.
#41026597Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:08 PM GMT

man this movie is getting better and better
#41027544Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:22 PM GMT

I'll be any boy actor or a filmer
#41028131Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:30 PM GMT

im not bridge but ur probally gonna end up as filmer cuase thats one of most important parts lol
#41030340Sunday, January 16, 2011 7:57 PM GMT

Andy is right. I really need a filmer. If you could do that it'd be epic awesome sause.
#41226420Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:05 AM GMT

~Needed~ Director- ThadWallbridge Builder- twowantwowa Carmera Man- Obeliskblue ~Actors~ Sun- Havanese2107 Jason- Coolsuper63 David- Andythenoobkiller Gillie- Pokemon611 Sah- Bubblegummie21 Du- ThadWallbridge Fan- Kik- Huyju- emoney Carl- ThadWallbridge Forest Ranger- ThadWallbridge Extras- 1. ThadWallbridge 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I am being who I can. If you want to be anyone I am just say and I'll change it.
#41228490Thursday, January 20, 2011 1:36 AM GMT

my sister katlengirl123 wants to be an extra in the movie
#41231123Thursday, January 20, 2011 2:12 AM GMT

SCENE THREE: SCEEN FADES TO BLACK AND FADES BACK TO SUN WATCHING TV Sun: *looks at clock, it's midnight* Yeah right. SCREEN CUTS TO MYTERIOUS PEOPLES BOMBFIRE Huyju: Son's you've failed me. Find me the girl and bring her before me. Fan & Kik: *runs off into forest* SCREEN CUTS TO GILLIE IN FOREST SITTING BY RIVER Fan & Kik: *behind bush* Fan: Is that the girl brother? Kik: No, but perhaps Father won't notice. Gillie: Hello? Who who's there? Fan: *Steps out* Gillie: *Steps back* W-w-ho are you? Fan: I'm here to help you. Don't worry, we'll take you back to your camp. Gillie: Oh, I was actually at a cabin. Do you know where it is? Fan: Oh course, the cabin. I should've known, just come with me and my brother here and we'll take you to your cabin. Gillie: Ohmigosh, thanks! *follows into forest* CUTS TO SUN IN CABIN Sun: *makes dinner and watches tv* CUTS TO DAVID AND JASON Jason: *out of breath* Da-Da-David! We s-should turn back now. Sun probably- David: *turns around* Sun, Sun, Sun! What is with you and Sun, she's the only thing you ever talk about! It's not like you can't get her, *turns around* with you always getting her eye, *turns back* What about ME! Jason: What about you dude, you're my best friend. David: Not with you, with Sun! Like god you two are always to caught up with each other, ever thought about ME? Maybe I don't want to be the smokin' girls boyfriend's best friend anymore! Maybe I want to be the boyfriend sometime! Jason: You have Gillie, don't you care about Gillie? David: *steps closer* Let me tell you something BUDDY BOY... CUTS TO GILLIE INFROUNT OF HUYJU Huyju: This is not the one I've requested. FIND ME THE ONE CALLED SUN! CUTS BACK TO DAVID AND JASON David:...I LOVE GILLIE TO THE END OF THE EARTH AND BEYOND! THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN QUESTION THAT WOULD BE ME AND ONLY ME! CUTS BACK TO HUYJU Huyju: Dispose of her and bring the proper one. If you do not it will cost you your head. Fan & Kik: *run off again* CUTS TO SUN Sun: *door opens* Screams CUTS TO DAVID AND JASON David: AND FUTHERMORE!! Jason: Hey, did you hear that? David: Jason did you even listen to me?! *SCREAM IN DISTANCE* Jason: Oh god, that's Sun! *Runs toward cabin* David: *follows* CUTS TO SUN Sun: W-who are you! Kik: We are sons of the great Huyju! Sun: What?! Fan: *hits in face* Sun: *knocked out* CUTS TO BLACK THEN TO DAVID AND JASON David & Jason: *run out of forest. Cabin door wide open* David: *Stands and stares at cabin. Windows all broken and everything is completely trashed* Jason: *Runs into cabin* Sun! Sun! *runs everywhere in cabin* Sun! Sun! SUNNN!!! *turns to door* David: *standing in doorway* Jason. She's gone. SCREEN GOES BLACK That's all for scene three :) keep posted
#41231195Thursday, January 20, 2011 2:13 AM GMT

Ok Andy :)
#41310448Friday, January 21, 2011 9:44 PM GMT

i have a qeustion,and this could be the most important of the movie,WAT THE HECK IS THE IS THE TITE???lol
#41357895Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:29 PM GMT

I havn't figured that out yet.... lol.
#41359668Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:55 PM GMT

ill be a filmer or the most mainn available boy part
#41360773Saturday, January 22, 2011 5:11 PM GMT

I really want sun...cause it matches my username! But I'll be an extra
#41365986Saturday, January 22, 2011 6:26 PM GMT

~Needed~ Director- ThadWallbridge Builder- twowantwowa Carmera Man- Obeliskblue ~Actors~ Sun- Havanese2107 Jason- Coolsuper63 David- Andythenoobkiller Gillie- Pokemon611 Sah- Bubblegummie21 Du- ThadWallbridge Fan- RobyToby Robot Kik- Huyju- emoney Carl- ThadWallbridge Forest Ranger- ThadWallbridge Extras- 1. ThadWallbridge 2. Sunburst 3. Andy's Sister 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I am being who I can. If you want to be anyone I am just say and I'll change it.
#41366234Saturday, January 22, 2011 6:29 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#41367663Saturday, January 22, 2011 6:48 PM GMT

I will be Kik.
#41369304Saturday, January 22, 2011 7:12 PM GMT

~PART FOUR~ FADES FROM BLACK TO MP's BOMFIRE Fan & Kik: *bring Sun through crowd* Sun: Lemmie go! *Stomps on Kik's foot* Kik: YOW! *drops* Fan: *Drops in front of Huyju* Sun: *looks up* Huyju: Sah! Sah: *Walks over* Yes? Huyju: Is this girl the one they call Sun? Sah: *looks at Sun with sorry eyes* Sun: Yeah! I'm Sun, Sun Hevon! Now get me go! Huyju: *Stands* Du! Take her to the others. Du: *Steps out of crowd* But Huyju... Huyju: SILENCE! YOU ARE TO CALL ME THE GREAT HUYJU! Fan: *Takes Sun to large shack* Kik: *Takes Du and follows Fan* Fan & Kik: *Throws Sun and Du in shack and closes door* Sun: *Stands up* Let me out!! *Slams on door* Gillie: It's no use, I've tried. Sun: *Turns around* Gillie!?! They got you too?! Gillie: Yeah. Du: If we're going to get out of here we're going to need a knife. Sun: Excuse me? Du: A knife, we could cut the ropes holding the wooden door shut. Gillie: I've tried to get one, but they won't even give me food let alone a weapon. Du: Right. Sun: *Looks at Du, then Gillie* Well what the heck are we supposed to do!? Du: I don't know. Sun: This is so FREAKING STUPID!! *Faints* FADES TO BLACK THEN CUTS TO JASON AND DAVID BY RIVER GILLIE WAS AT David: What now? Jason: We need to find them. David: Hey, wait... Was Gillie wearing DC shoes? Jason: What? Don't bother me I'm trying to think David. David: JASON!! These are Gillie's shoeprints! Jason: What?! *Runs over* David: Look, they have the DC logo and everything! Jason: But wait, who's shoeprints are these? David: That's what we're going to find out! *They start following shoeprints* Jason: SUN? SUUUN? CUTS TO GIRLS & DU IN SHACK Gillie: SUN?! SUUUUUN!?! Sun: *Sits up* What happened? Du: You fainted due to stress and exhustion. Sun: *Stands up* How'd you know that? Du: I'm the tribe's nurse. Gillie: *giggles* Guy nurse. Du: You have a problem with that?! Gillie: No sir! Sun: So, what's the plan? Gillie: I don't- Fan: *Opens door and throws David & Jason in* Gillie: David! Sun: Jason! David: *Stands up* Gillie!? *Kisses* Jason: *Stands up* Sun! *hugs* Du: Hi. Jason & David: *looks at Du* Du: I'm the tribe's nurse I- David & Jason: *LAUGHS* Gillie: *Smacks both in the back of the head* David & Jason: Heeey........... Du: As I was saying, I've been listening in on Huyju's conversations about why he wanted Sun... David: Wait who's Huyju? Gillie: Ultimate overlord of these guys. Jason: Why does he want Sun? Sun: I know why. Everyone but Sun: You do? Sun: *Flashback* When I was small I used to live in a tribe like this one... On my tenth birthday, I found out I had an arranged marrige with the boy next in command of the other tribe. Two weeks before the wedding the other tribe's leader Hunngui torched our home and killed everyone but me, I was taken hostage by Hunngui for half a year. Then I finally met my arranged husband, he was much older than me and he was Hunngui's son. His name was Huyju. Everyone: *GASP* Sun: So, I escaped. But everyday since I've been scared Huyju and his father are still out there, looking. Du: But, Huyju has a woman in his life now, it's not you. Her name is Sah. Sun: I'm not sure exactly why he still wants me then. He never really wanted to marry me either. David: You don't get it? Jason, Du, & Sun: Get what? Gillie: You were the only thing left in his father's legacy. His dad destroyed an entire tribe except his son's future wife, a girl he took hostage and didn't kill. Then she escaped. David: HE doesn't want you Sun, he want's to finnish what his father started. CLOSE UP ON SUN THEN SCREEN GOES BLACK
#41369867Saturday, January 22, 2011 7:20 PM GMT

hi can i dont wanna be in it but i might watch when it comes out on youtube soumds great and not to take your job but can you change jasons name when i think of jason i think of the guy with a hockey mask and chainsaw
#41370035Saturday, January 22, 2011 7:23 PM GMT

i be fan if person who plays huy guy quits i be him
#41370133Saturday, January 22, 2011 7:24 PM GMT

#41376278Saturday, January 22, 2011 8:52 PM GMT

~Needed~ Director- ThadWallbridge Builder- twowantwowa Carmera Man- Obeliskblue ~Actors~ Sun- Havanese2107 Jason- Coolsuper63 David- Andythenoobkiller Gillie- Pokemon611 Sah- Bubblegummie21 Du- ThadWallbridge Fan- RobyToby Robot Kik- Shock Huyju- emoney Carl- Sugarglaceonbro Forest Ranger- ThadWallbridge Extras- 1. ThadWallbridge 2. Sunburst 3. Andy's Sister 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I can't change Jason's name srry :P
#41376340Saturday, January 22, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

All actors please add me. In the friend request just say your part and ill accept :)
#41390873Sunday, January 23, 2011 12:45 AM GMT

but jasons the good guy right why have a horror film with the good guy named jason look in scary games its jason all over and he is not good hes a guy with a old hockey mask with blood all over it and a gory chainsaw