#43357194Wednesday, March 02, 2011 8:16 PM GMT

#43358280Wednesday, March 02, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

#43358527Wednesday, March 02, 2011 8:45 PM GMT

#44364210Monday, March 21, 2011 7:04 AM GMT

Number Four:EVERY GAME IS BEING RUINED!! FOR GOD'S SAKE PEOPLE!! I've see you trash roleplaying games, I've seen you trash building games, I've seen you trash war games by using the same frickin' noobish weapon over and over! And now AMUSEMENT PARKS?! I was just walking around an amusement park, and someone had pressed the regen on every one of them, making two carts stacked on top of each other, unable to move. WHY ON EARTH DO YOU PEOPLE BOTHER TO EVEN FIND THE TIME TO DO THAT?! Which also leads into cart games, you can easily ruin those too. I thought ROBLOX was supposed you be fun, but I guess people are too "cool" for that and ruin the fun for everyone else. And if that's not the case, well, it seems like that. How is ruining games a crime?
#44364306Monday, March 21, 2011 7:17 AM GMT

This post is entirley useless. Why? Anybody who will read it all is mature enough not to do these things. Anybody who DOES do these things is just going to go 'TL;DR'. Therefore, it's a USELESSPOST. Plus, what's wrong with complaining about Justin Beiber? I could quite easily complain about YOU complaining about deleters.
#44477160Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:26 PM GMT

LOL...If my laughs were water,the world would be drwoned maybe 14 times.It's so funny how RedBaron reacted xD.You guys are really takeing this WAY to seriously.And for all you people who said,"Just leave ROBLOX alone and go play a game"You FAIL EPICLY.So your telling him to go play a game?Then what are you doing here?Complaning about a thread?Why don't YOU go play a game.Speaking of RedBaron,you should seriously do 2 things.1.Become a comedian,your so funny when you don't know what your talking about nor talking in Lower Case.2. Take anger managment.You're a freak.Just let it go for god's sake and get a life.Plus...How would you know anything about Afganistan?What are you up in the trenches playing ROBLOX on your ITouch while everyone else is fighting?I seriously did'nt think so.Oh.I found your Power Puff Girls lunch box in the Kiddie Pool.You can have it back now.
#44477400Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:29 PM GMT

#44478886Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:51 PM GMT

@Above, Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, calm down. Its wat he belives. If u cant handle it, get outta here.
#44479126Wednesday, March 23, 2011 9:55 PM GMT

Title fix. I agree with all and i disagree with some of them a bit. There can be 4 year old people playing on ROBLOX, some people on this game are very young. They are the ones that cause all of the problems. Sometimes, older people can be immature, but still, people are like that, its just a part of life. (PS. im 14)
#44479521Wednesday, March 23, 2011 10:01 PM GMT

I agree with all of them except the BC games. Yeah they segregated all of the BC/TBC/OBC's from NBC's, so there are some, no, many idiots that are BC as well. They pay for extras, thats the only difference. They are just as bad sometimes. NBC's are sometimes more mature than BC's. So other than that I agree.
#44510795Thursday, March 24, 2011 4:31 PM GMT

All the people complaining about this either a)Have never played a game and know how fustrating it is. b)Do all those stupid things that annoy people!
#44511434Thursday, March 24, 2011 4:55 PM GMT

For people saying its wrong roum, its suggesting people stop actling like idiots with a cabbage for a brain.
#44513255Thursday, March 24, 2011 5:48 PM GMT

"Number Five:Horrible/Immature Advertisement This is the most minor. If you're not funny, don't put an ad up. It disgusts me to see that people laugh at a high quality ad and think it's funny, but it really has no joke at all. They're all, "Oh, it's high quality! This must be a good ad and place!" and really ususally it's the complete opposite. Plus, some of the ads have disgusting or immature jokes in them (Fart jokes, Poop jokes, etc.) I mean, seriously? Grow up." Are you implying that all ads have to have a joke in them? Because if you are well, grow up.
#44514114Thursday, March 24, 2011 6:13 PM GMT

If you have a problem then get out.
#44535261Friday, March 25, 2011 12:18 AM GMT

We cant change these, ok? Its live buddy.
#44535460Friday, March 25, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

agreed with 1 and 4
#44536480Friday, March 25, 2011 12:35 AM GMT

So why are you here? Like BTU said, what do you expect to gain by posting this? I understand you are trying to blow out some steam because you are angry, but if the community bothers you, why do you play? Stop insulting respectable players on this thread. Crazypotato4 and BTU are well-known players, and they provided you with their opinions on your post, and you attacked them for it. Don't inquire why crazypotato4 is on your thread JUST because he disagrees with you. You're a hypocrite. If HE should get off the thread for having a bad opinion of your thread, shouldn't YOU get off ROBLOX and it's forum for ranting with your opinions? Sheesh. Grow a brain. Just quit Roblox. You obviously dislike it so much, so why did you write an essay about it? Talk about nothing better to do. Are you addicted or something?
#44583099Friday, March 25, 2011 11:48 PM GMT

"This post is entirley useless. Why?" I've NEVER heard that before. All right, let's hear what crap you've got to say. "Anybody who will read it all is mature enough not to do these things." Not true, if you read through the comments, some of the immature people read the whole thing and disagreed 1-8. "Anybody who DOES do these things is just going to go 'TL;DR'." You really have NO IDEA what you're saying, do you? Because that was on my list if you actually read it. Congradulations, you just proved yourself worthy to be a part of this list. Joining this part to the last, that means you didn't read the whole thing, which means you called yourself immature. Nice job! =D "Therefore, it's a USELESSPOST. Plus, what's wrong with complaining about Justin Beiber? I could quite easily complain about YOU complaining about deleters." ...And you'd be so dumb for doing that. EVERYONE hates deleters, just admit it. And I don't think you've seen the things people are posting about Bieber. it's quite immature, lemme give you some examples. "BIEBER SHOULD DIE!!" "Justina Beaver." "Justin's a noob!" "Copy/paste this if you're part of the 8% who would buy popcorn to watch Justin Bieber fall off the empire state building!" Etc. And they've been doing this for a year, and for what? To act "cool".
#44583706Friday, March 25, 2011 11:58 PM GMT

@super No. I'm saying if it's meant to be funny, it should really be and not something that says "I made this in three seconds". Next up: "So why are you here?" Even though all of this is very annoying, I never said Roblox was COMPELTELY bad. "Like BTU said, what do you expect to gain by posting this?" How many times do I have to answer that question? I'm showing people to have a little thing I call "common sense". "I understand you are trying to blow out some steam because you are angry, but if the community bothers you, why do you play?" Becuase the games themselves are fun. (Well, not all, but still a good majority.) "Stop insulting respectable players on this thread. Crazypotato4 and BTU are well-known players, and they provided you with their opinions on your post, and you attacked them for it." Because they don't have the common sense to get ANY of this. And how should I know that they're well known players? Have you looked at my amount of posts? "Don't inquire why crazypotato4 is on your thread JUST because he disagrees with you. You're a hypocrite." Lol, nice job showing to everyone that you have no idea what "hypocrite" means. "If HE should get off the thread for having a bad opinion of your thread, shouldn't YOU get off ROBLOX and it's forum for ranting with your opinions?" That was possibly the worst comparison I have ever seen. "Sheesh. Grow a brain." I believe everyone who has supported this thread is laughing in your face right now. "Just quit Roblox. You obviously dislike it so much, so why did you write an essay about it? Talk about nothing better to do. Are you addicted or something?" I said I disliked the community, not most of the games. And for the most part, I do admit I'm addicted, and I'm trying to break out of that trance. After being banned for a week, (>_>) it's really helped me.
Top 100 Poster
#44584122Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:05 AM GMT

What is random is that the last one hating justin beiber was originally hating on the jonas brothers. The only number i don't agree with you on is missing old roblox, you didn't speak of the old community at all in that. Since it was mostly a good community until after 08 where the namecalling the current year players began. and yeah. also umm... im curious what roleplay ruiners did.
#44584247Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:07 AM GMT

About number 6: What you said makes you look like a noob to all of us and we cant take you seriously. You obviously have never played anything on roblox but garbage you 10er!!!!
Top 100 Poster
#44584852Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:17 AM GMT

"About number 6: What you said makes you look like a noob to all of us and we cant take you seriously. You obviously have never played anything on roblox but garbage you 10er!!!! " umm... cheddar im pretty sure he has played some good games. but the terrible things he speaks of didn't happen in 07 and 08 except for place ruiners at building games. the only thing in new roblox that sucks of course is the community and some games.
#44585821Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:31 AM GMT

ok i definantly have to agree with the creator of this forum!
#44606752Saturday, March 26, 2011 9:14 AM GMT

Lol...It's funny how Nieghborly pwns all of you haters out there.You all got something Troll-Ish to say and everyday I log on just to see how much you got burned.Its hilarious x3.Keep up the good work Nieghborly,you got the patience of a saint.Fully support ^3^
#44607086Saturday, March 26, 2011 9:49 AM GMT

Aherm.Sorry about that,it looks like Ive failed to spell the first part of his name right >_<.Neighborly* there,all better now :)?