#41520928Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:37 AM GMT

Xevek, followed by about 30 representives, with Dra'akona beside him, walked up to the Kyrstenski's. "Welcome to Gammei I! As you may have noticed by now, this is our homeplanet for our empire. Come this way," waved his two forfingers towards the towering castle, "We will have hospitality for your followers, while me and you have a private conversation. Dra'akona, Lead the others to the castle; I will start chatting here, and we will be up in a while."
#41521353Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:49 AM GMT

"Why, yes. That sounds excellent." Qekon said, smiling at their hospitality. "Men, Kgavi, Sil, please go oversee the others to their castle. This...er...kind fellow here will take you. Off now, so the leader and I may greet each other." The Kyrstenites followed the Humanoidz to their castle, while Qekon turned to their leader. "Beautiful planet, looks like one from our native system."
#41521559Tuesday, January 25, 2011 4:56 AM GMT

"Really? How so? We found it completly abandoned, like an ancient civilization used to live here, but body's were found everywhere, buildings were burned and destroyed, and the last standing thing was that lovely fountain there," Xevek pointed towards an old statue, "Sadly, it doesnt work anymore. But anyways, We found it abandoned, or i guess 'dead' except for the thriving plants, so we moved in, cleared everything, and re-built most of the things in our fashion."
#41522088Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:13 AM GMT

"Back in 33D, our planet Tarkov had the lush greenery and dense cities that this planet appears to have from orbit." Qekon said. "Its a thriving planet, populated by Kyrerian immigrants." Qekon saw that the leader was going to say something, so he left it at that.
#41522154Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:16 AM GMT

"Well.. thank you for the compliment on our building progress, but may i ask, what ever happened to to this dead planet 'Tarkov'? If you dont mind me asking of course."
#41522408Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:28 AM GMT

"Hmm? Were we not talking about Tarkov?" (XD) "I do commend your progress here, though, these buildings remind me of the glorious past of Kyrstensk..." Qekon was puzzled. Here he'd been talking of Tarkov, when the person in front of him thought he was speaking of this planet! 'Oh, wow...I really screwed THAT one up...' Qekon thought, slightly miffed.
#41522500Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:33 AM GMT

"Thank you, once again. We have some of the best architechts around. Infact, i think Dra'akona helped build my castle... Im still fuzzy on that... i was just about 2 human years at the time... Very young. So, would you like to see around a bit, or would you rather sit and chat at the castle? Or anything else? Your choice, i guess. Oh, and no, you didn't screw it up," Xevek added, with a slight smirk on his face, hinting that he heard the thought, "It just seemed to 'link', with the dead we found here, and how you some how lost your planet.."
#41522606Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:40 AM GMT

"As for the mind-reading, I could easily imply my mind-clearing technique, but I wont. Its rude." "As to where to go, I'd actually like to look around; cities on ancient ground tend to grab my interest." 'And, for the record, Tarkov isnt dead. I believe our topics got mixed up...'
#41522686Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:45 AM GMT

"I see... Well then, Where to first? We have the town, the gardens, the cav...umm... *Aherm*... Shopping area... very beautiful; very floral and such... And about the mind-erase, if you get time later, can you teach me it? I know, well, its actually natural but, i know how to read minds, and control them at times." Xevek was getting slightly nervous at almost mentioning the Caves, but he tried his best not to show it
#41522728Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:47 AM GMT

"Oh, and yes, we might have gotten our topics mixed up. I manage to somehow do that somewhat often.."
#41522762Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:49 AM GMT

"The Gardens would be perfect for me to show you the mind-clear technique all we Kyrstenskians learn. Its fairly simple."
#41522805Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:51 AM GMT

"Alright, so its just a few mitons, i mean, human minutes this way. Follow me, we can chat on the way. Oh, ill summon a willing Humanoidz to be the test subject to meet us there."
#41522915Tuesday, January 25, 2011 5:58 AM GMT

"Of course. The mind-clear works 2 ways: used to clear other's minds of recent thoughts, or to clear your own by just not thinking of anything." Qekon followed the leader through the older town area to the gardens, and soon reached them.
#41522944Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:00 AM GMT

"Alright... Oh, hold on, i just received an answer to the testing... we have a volunteer.. Frea'der... He says hell be there in a few minutes. We should be there just before him"
#41523022Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:06 AM GMT

(accidental cuss fail, Jal. XD) "Perfect timing. It works by clearing your mind, to block others reading your mind, then to will the other persons thoughts to match or clear like your own, to erase theirs." "Easy, quite basic."
#41523077Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:11 AM GMT

(hey, i couldnt think of anything! lol) "Cool, so after were done with this, what do you want to see next? The caves... are... uhm... closed right now due to harmful..stuff..and..uhm..yea...off-limits... tilll further notice... i think...."
#41523106Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:14 AM GMT

"You never mentioned caves...did you? Oh well, off limits are off limits. Ah heres the gardens...and here comes our subject!"
#41523136Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:16 AM GMT

"well i sorta... nevermind... ill get Dra'akona to come with us then to them later... ah, Frea'der! You do know what will happen right?" "Yes, sire." "Please, for now, call me Xevek. Oh, and what will happen is only temporary, ok?" "ok, Xevek"
#41523197Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:22 AM GMT

"Okay, let us begin. Frea'der, please think of something, anything, youre willing to forget for a short period of time." "Now, Xekev, clear your mind and focus on his, like you were reading it." "When you are reading the thought, will it to be gone, like wiping clean a whiteboard." "Now, Frea'der wont remember what you erased for up to an hour."
#41523223Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:26 AM GMT

Xevek followeed the instuctions, very closely to. "Hey, i think its working...!" "Frea'der, what were you thinking of?" "Um... er.... hm.... I dont remember..?" "It worked! It worked! Woo! .... Sorry, im still averagly young here... So... shall i summon Dra'akona so we can head to the c...*Ahem* caves?"
#41523247Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:27 AM GMT

"I dont see why not. You seem apprehensive of the caves...?"
#41523256Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:29 AM GMT

(GAH! Have to go...too late to continue.) (@.@)
#41523295Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:33 AM GMT

(Lol, well continue on tomorrow then i guess, but first) "No....not really... ive just had...lets say, bad 'experiences' with them... but no matter. Ill summon Dra'akona and we'll be off."
#41537145Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9:41 PM GMT

(kk) "Sounds good."
#41539592Tuesday, January 25, 2011 10:20 PM GMT

"Alright, he said he will be there in about an hour...So why dont we see the sights while we wait?"