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#40972891Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:20 AM GMT

TABLE OF CONTENTS Post 1- Table of Contents Post 2- Character Sheet Post 3- Storyline Post 4- Rules Post 5- Character List
#40973018Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:21 AM GMT

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#40973083Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

¸•*"ˆ¨…¸‹•*°*•›¸...¸•**•¸………..¸‹•*º*•›¸BIO FORMAT¸‹•*º*•›¸………..¸•**•¸...¸‹•*°*•›¸…¨ˆ"*•¸ '•‹,¸¸,‹•*;"*•›¸….`‹;¸¸¸,›´…¸‹•*"ˆ¨;ˆ"*•›¸…`‹,¸¸¸,› •*•‹,¸¸¸,›´…¸‹•*"ˆ;¨ˆ"*•›¸...`‹,¸¸¸;›´….¸‹•*";*•›,¸¸ ,›•' ……….`•¤•'…….`•‹,¸¸,›´……..`•»«•'………...†………...'•»« •´…….`‹,¸¸,›•´…….'•¤•´………. (( When I say name, age, home, etc, I mean your character, not YOU! I'm tired of noobs thinking I'm asking their personal information and reporting me! )) Name: Alignment: Occupation: Starting Region: (Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Orre, Almia, Sevii Islands, Orange Islands, Fiore, Oblivia, Duelist Region, Sinine Region, Battle Frontier, or Isshu) Hometown: Starter Pokémon: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Other:
#40973190Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:23 AM GMT

In the land of Pokémon, there are many trainers. There are many Pokémon. There are many tales. This is the story of some of the greatest trainers. The greatest Pokémon. The greatest tales. This takes place in the various regions of the Pokémon world. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Storyline In the wonderful, magical world of Pokémon, there are many great people and Pokémon. This story focuses on the *greatEST* people and Pokémon. Alright...So basically, you get your starter Pokémon in the beginning, do gym battles, Pokémon contests, and that sort of thing. We will form some groups, like they do in the anime and manga(Ash,Brock,and Misty[Misty,May,or Dawn] is an example). Eventually, after a few gym battles or contests(or just some really awesome battles), there will be something special, like they do in the Pokémon movies. In the movies, there's always something special and awesome. They go on a huge, epic adventure, then end up succeeding in whatever they're trying to do. That's what we're going to do. Once 2-X people agree on a region, they can make their bios all have the same region and make their characters meet, then form a group. It wouldn't really work if two people who wanted to be on a team said that they were from different regions, would it? Make sure that you and whoever you want on your team are in the same regions, or you will eventually get to the same region as them. Alright...This was a TERRIBLE storyline, but I think I got the basic idea through. This is pretty much it: A few people will travel through the Pokémon land together. After a few common things happen, they'll go through something rare, or uncommon. They'll end up becoming some epic Pokémon trainers in the end. Alright, do you get what I was trying to say? Tell me if you don't.
#40973216Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:23 AM GMT

whats alignment mean?
Top 25 Poster
#40973302Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:24 AM GMT

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#40973315Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:24 AM GMT

========== ¤ Rules ¤ ========== 1. All BulbaGarden rules apply. 2. No spamming 3. No flaming 4. No autohitting 5. No bunnying 6. No godmodding (no being in God Mode) 7. No foul language 8.No making your character overpowering 9.No seriously offensive language, keep it PG-13 10.Respect other members of the role-play. 11. Follow all rules 12. Don't find loopholes in the rules and go around them 13. Romance is allowed. Keep it PG-13, or use a timeskip when needed. 14. Cookies wear pineapple suits in the winter. 15. Pretend that rule 11 made sense. 16. No posting while being banned 17. Try to be as active as possible. 18. Leave posts with feedback and ideas for the thread and role-play. 19. Read EVERTHING shown in the table of contents, and as much as possible in the rest of the role-play. 20. Don't be dumb enough to make me add a 21st rule
#40973527Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:27 AM GMT

========== ¤ Rules ¤ ========== 1. All ROBLOX rules apply. 2. No spamming 3. No flaming 4. No autohitting 5. No bunnying 6. No godmodding (no being in God Mode) 7. No foul language 8.No making your character overpowering 9.No seriously offensive language, keep it PG-13 10.Respect other members of the role-play. 11. Follow all rules 12. Don't find loopholes in the rules and go around them 13. Romance was allowed in all my other threads. But ROBLOX doesn't allow it. So... 14. No posting while being banned 15. Try to be as active as possible. 16. Leave posts with feedback and ideas for the thread and role-play. 17. Read EVERTHING shown in the table of contents, and as much as possible in the rest of the role-play. 18. Don't be dumb enough to make me add another rule. And forget the table of contents, cuz I accidentally mixed stuff up. :/ You may now post.
#40973714Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:29 AM GMT

Alignment- Good, bad, neutral, etc. AND OOOOHHH You can be... A Gym Leader Breeder Trainer POKEMON Elite Four Frontier Brain Team Magma Team Aqua Team Rocket Team Galactic Whatever you want. Have fun. :P
#40974866Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:43 AM GMT

Name: Isaac Roten (Row-Ten, not Rah-Ten) Alignment: Good Occupation: Trainer/Coordinator Starting Region: Kanto Hometown: Pallet Town Starter Pokémon: Squirtle A.ge: 10 Gender: Male Appearance: Shaggy blonde hair going to his shoulders. His bangs go beneath his bottom lip. He wears black skinny jeans, a grey DC t-shirt with the DC logo across the torso, a black and grey striped hoodie, white skater shoes. He has green eyes. Many people say he's very handsome. Personality: Nice, helpful, adventurous, brave. Bio: He lived his whole life dreaming of becoming a great Pokémon trainer. Today he turned ten and he's getting his starter Pokémon. _________________________________________________________________________ Isaac dashed out of Professor Oak's lab, holding the PokéBall containing his Squirtle tightly. He threw it into the air and Squirtle came out. "Hi...I-I'm Isaac, your trainer!" Isaac nervously said to the Squirtle. "Squirt! Squirtle squirt!" Squirtle happily exclaimed, then jumped on Isaac's back. "You want a piggy-back ride? Well...Okay!" Isaac said, then ran down the road with Squirtle hanging on to his shoulders tightly. This...is where Isaac's adventure started... (( And then the old pokemon theme song plays. XD just kidding. )) (( Alright. All my posts above this OOC thing I'm saying RIGHT now is all noobish and from like 2007. :P ))
#40975636Sunday, January 16, 2011 12:51 AM GMT

(( There's no way that that last thing is my intro. >.> I'm redoing that. )) Isaac dashed out of Professor Oak's lab, holding the PokéBall containing his Squirtle tightly. He threw it into the air and Squirtle came out. "Hi...I-I'm Isaac, your trainer!" Isaac nervously said to the Squirtle. "Squirt! Squirtle squirt!" Squirtle happily exclaimed, then jumped on Isaac's back. Isaac saw stuff like that on TV. With people keeping Pokemon on their backs and their shoulder. So he figured this was normal. And that Squirtle wanted to ride on his back. He had a small smile before running down the road with Squirtle hanging on to his shoulders tightly. (( Eh. Still fails. But better, I think... Anyone think there'd be a way to add Mystery Dungeon into this? :) ))
Top 25 Poster
#40979392Sunday, January 16, 2011 1:33 AM GMT

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#40982999Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:15 AM GMT

(( Lol. Seedot. That's probably the most unused Pokemon. O: But no. You can either go to a lab and get an actual starter, or get a Pokemon from your parents or something. But no legendaries yet. Especially as a starter. ))
Top 25 Poster
#40984005Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:28 AM GMT

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#40984769Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:38 AM GMT

(( Accepted. :D And oooh. I used to have Nuzleaf on my Emerald and Sapphire. But then I traded my Sapphire one, and migrated my Emerald one to Diamond. :) Shiftry now. :D OOHHHH. I found a shiny Machop in that one mine place! Where the first gym is in Diamond! It's green. :D ))
Top 25 Poster
#40985003Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:41 AM GMT

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#40985164Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

I ran out of Pallet Town, on my way to Pewter City. Suddenly, I heard something. Squirtle jumped up and flipped over my head, and landed in front of me. "Squirtle, SQUIRT!" He shouted. "Wha-" I began, then saw a flock of Pidgey above us. "AHHHHHHH!" I screamed. "Squirtle, return!" I shouted, pointing my Pokeball at him. I didn't want him to get hurt. He went back into the Pokeball and I ran. But the Pidgey were catching up. Squirtle came back out of the Pokeball somehow (like Misty's Psyduck!) and got behind me. He put his arms out, as if he was guarding me. "But Squirtle..." I said. "I don't think it's possible for you to fight all of them!" "Squirt squirt, SQUIRTLE!" "Alright..." I nervously said. I had a potion. So if he got hurt, I could use it... But still... If Squirtle got hurt on the first day, he'd hate me. :(
Top 25 Poster
#40985291Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:45 AM GMT

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#40985509Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:48 AM GMT

(( I've encountered 4 in the actual games. I've caught three, though. My brother bumped my arm and made me use a really strong attack. And I made it faint. :( And I've gotten 3 others by trades. :D In Pokemon Indigo, I have TOOONNNSSSS of shinies. I think everyone does on that game, though. :P ))
Top 25 Poster
#40985758Sunday, January 16, 2011 2:51 AM GMT

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#40986493Sunday, January 16, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

"Squirtle, use um..." -What does Squirtle know? Oh, man. What've I gotten into!?- I thought. Then I remembered. I took out my PokeDex and pointed it at Squirtle. The PokeDex said it only knew Tackle and Tail Whip... (( Tackle -Learned after hatching from egg. Tail Whip- Learned at level 4. Starters are level 5. :P )) "Squirtle, use Tail Whip!" I shouted. Squirtle nodded, then obeyed my command. The Pidgey at the front of the flock dived towards Squirtle with its beak pointing straight at him. It would surely pierce through him... "Squirtle, dodge and use TACKLE!!!!" Squirtle jumped at the Pidgey, knocking it from the air.
Top 25 Poster
#40986613Sunday, January 16, 2011 3:02 AM GMT

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#40986808Sunday, January 16, 2011 3:05 AM GMT

The Pidgey got up, then tried attacking Squirtle. But Squirtle dodged. "Good job, Squirtle! Keep it up!" I said. "Now use tail whip again!" Squirtle wagged its tail in front of Pidgey (that's what tail whip is in the shows :P ). Pidgey flew towards Squirtle. "DODGE!!!!" I shouted. But it was too late. Squirtle got slammed into a tree. "Squirrr..." Squirtle muttered, getting up. "Use tackle!" I shouted. Squirtle dived at the Pidgey, and it hit the ground. It was out. But the rest of the flock was only a few yards away now. "Good job, Squirtle! Now... Let's run! You can't POSSIBLY fight ALL of them!" "Squirrrr!" -Wow. I got a stubborn one...- I thought. "Return." I said. I put the Pokeball on my belt, then ran away from the rest of the flock.
Top 25 Poster
#40987195Sunday, January 16, 2011 3:10 AM GMT

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#40987831Sunday, January 16, 2011 3:20 AM GMT

Name: Luke Inaki Alignment: Good Occupation: Trainer Starting Region: Johto Hometown: New Bark Starter Pokémon: Cyndaquil A.ge: 11 Gender: Male Appearance: Black hat with a blue lightning bolt, black hair with short bangs. a Blue Shirt with a black stripe going vertical through the middle. Also black Jeans and Light blue sneakers. Personality: Nice at some points, and serious when he goes into a few trainer battles. Bio: He was born In New Bark Town his hat was a gift when he was 10. Other: A Blue backpack with a white circle and a white stripe.

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