#41512554Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:01 AM GMT

(This will live to at least 10 pages. I SHALL MAKE IT!)
#41513058Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:07 AM GMT

(*Defib unit* A'ight, I got the defib, if you got the pain pillz.) ~/Alaska\~ The Falcon circled around, much of the 'UNSC' markings gone, the only was scorched just last month, and I had refused to let them repaint it. Hopefully, they were smart enough to not shoot me out of the sky, as I would be pretty ----ed off. The Falcon flew lower, the camera taking in pictures, and making a map of the area.
#41513306Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:11 AM GMT

Jason looked above head seeing a falcon not of UNSC origin... he got out his DMR quickly did a jump looking back and shot towards the camera the shot made for the time of travel a few ahead.
#41513504Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:14 AM GMT

~/Alaska\~ "Agent Alas- Al," Jer corrected himself, "the camera was shot out. Switching to live feed." I pulled the DMR out of its emergecny holster, loaded it, and turned of the safety. "Lethal force releasing, chaingun all yours Jeri," I said. "Ahhh... Haven't used this in a long time." Jeri said. The chain gun began to, strech, in a sense, and it peered around, specifically behind it.
#41513748Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:17 AM GMT

Jason started to sprint faster until nearing the Blue base, ahead was a Warthog, Jason started to go down and slide going under the Warthog but then stopped... right under it. "Crap." Jason said punching the engine which basicly started it up.
#41514124Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:23 AM GMT

(Rofl, when did I get over 3000 posts o.o?) ~/Alaska\~ The Falcon slowed, and it did a 180 degree turn, and rescanned the enviorment, while constructing the map from the live-feed. "Jeri, I'm drop'n out, leave the guns warmed up, and park her somewhere inconspicuous, then send the drone to put you back into my head. I pushed the canopy up, and braced myself. "Decent will last 15.7 seconds, the worst injury will be a bruise, at most." Jeri calculated. I jumped, and I felt the impact, and God, did it send shocks. I wasn't as strong as other Spartans, only little more stronger than the 'average' Spartan. But, much more intellegant. I brought my DMR to bear, and put on a bright red armor primary, and snow white secondary. While the insignia was two playing cards on fire. Hopefully I won't be mistaken for a red.
#41514364Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:27 AM GMT

Jason crawled out from under the Warthog... seeing that it was started, why waste? He hoped in the Warthog and started it. He looked around... then he saw a Red... he ignored it and went ahead and drove.
#41514515Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:29 AM GMT

~/Alaska\~ I walked around a bit, and a small, fist-sized drone came up to me, an AI chip in its storage area. I took it out, and plugged into the compartment, and stood still as a chilling sensation crept over me. "Ahhh. Much better." Jeri said, while pulling his image infront of my HUD, which was just a bunch of sparkles.
#41514584Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:30 AM GMT

Jason drove around... and around...
#41514745Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:32 AM GMT

~/Alaska\~ (I should blow you off teh ground, I don't liek ground-based vehiculars!) I watched a Warthog drive by, and resisted from blowing to kingdom-come. I walked off, again, and went to the base hidden inside a cave, one so hidden, I had to bloody find it.
#41514894Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:34 AM GMT

(:P) Jason just drove... then turned to his left and went back to his cave.
#41514936Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:35 AM GMT

( Casey, you know the wooden spoon trick? )
#41515003Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:36 AM GMT

(Nope, I'm a musician/swordfighter/Military Enthusith. Not a magician.)
#41515118Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:37 AM GMT

~/Alaska\~ "Al, a Warthog has just turned to where the base is supposed to be, advise; shooting out the engine, the driver will survive any explosions." Jeri said. I aim the DMR down the scope, and aimed for the important part of the engine; Every single bit. I took out the standard, and put in my own concaucsion of rounds, mostly armor peircing, to completely obliterate that engine, of that blasted ground-based vehicle. The scope blinked red, and I knew the engine would atleast be out of duty, and fired, watching the bright red streak peirce its bowl, and I continued toward the cave, a steady jog.
#41515152Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:38 AM GMT

( No its a prank. You take 2 wooden spoons, but you need 3 friends. Situate yourself in front of the person your going to face off with. Go first, but you need to use your mouth to whack them in the head. So, the friend behind the guy your about to whack has a wooden spoon. When your about to hit him and make the motion, your friend behind him whacks him with the spoon hard. :D I just pulled it off like 12 times. Got it from YouTube. )
#41515265Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:39 AM GMT

Red or Blues CS James "Jack&%$" Martian 32 Rank: Private First Class Red or Blue: Red IQ Level: 0 Physical Strength: Unhumane Skills: ...drooling, shooting at rocks with rocket launchers, and being a pain in the %&$ for everyone. Weapons: Rocket Launcher Likes: Rocket Launchers, Rocks Dislikes: Living People Personality: Dumb, stupid, idiotic, moronic, drooler, fingernail biter Appearence?: Red Mark 5 Armor Bio: During the Human-Covenant War, he was a fine soldier. Then, everything turned upside down when he got ran over by a Scorpion. Doctors brought him back, and enhanced his strenght, but not his intelligance. Therefore, it remained next to none. He fell in l.ove with rocks and rocket launchers because those were the first two things he saw when he awoke. Extras: Has a frequency to teamkill and go beserk...
#41515279Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

Jason heard a bullet shot "Jason jump." Jackson had said then, Jason jumped and flipped out of his Warthog his DMR in hand. He saw someone run towards his base in the caves. The Red. He started to sprint after him.
#41515367Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:41 AM GMT

((Hiya! It is me, imafighter! :D))
#41515424Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:42 AM GMT

(OMFG. A red Tker. :o Who lieks teh boom boom?) ~/Alaska\~ "He's following you, ya know?" Jeri said, smartaliky. I sprinted out, and rushed into the cave, quickly changing everything to standard blue, but leaving my emblem. Then acted like I was sleeping on the cave wall.
#41515484Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:43 AM GMT

(Meh, you're accepted... WAIT... what is my favorite colour, then you shall be accepted!)
#41515672Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

( RED. Freelancers are fail. )
#41515693Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

(I know! Whatever I answer will be wrong! Right?)
#41515724Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:46 AM GMT

(Nope. I actually have an obvious favorite color.)
#41515771Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:47 AM GMT

A rocket zoomed over twoards Daniels. A gurgling sound was heard as well.
#41515946Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:50 AM GMT

( BLACK. ) Daniel dove from his cover as the rocket destroyed his sniper rifle. Daniel then grabbed his sidearm and began to search for whoever destroyed his most prized possession.