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#41300957Friday, January 21, 2011 6:47 PM GMT

There once was a small village that was watched by a evil castle...inside of the castle is where the real story opens up A small dark room appears, it is lit by candles on the wall Two shady minions walked in "Were setting up the plan to destroy this stupid village..." A man in a dark robe sitting on his throne replied with "Good good...." The minions summoned shadow beasts everywhere "Guard the castle and kill any who stand in it's way!" the man in the black robe said "Nobody would find there way into this castle" the minions said "True true, it will take them months to get here, they have to face evil monsters, go through tough places, and theres no room for messing up, I, Lord Shadow will kill all!" Lord shadow screamed Lord shadow and the minions laughed like heck Classes: Warrior-There good with melee weapons, they have some magic, but not so much Mage-They use all types of magic, they will take down the biggest foes with a strong magic attack Archer-Like the mage, there great with far away attacks, but when there close, they have a small dagger to attack with Brawler-You might thinking whats the diffirence with this and a warrior? its diffirent because they use hand-to-hand combat, they never will use weapons Shadow hunter-These guys hunt for anyone who works for Lord shadow, they use the element of light to attack Healer-They heal anyone in pain, but if it's a foe, they drain the life out of them Blade master-They have spiked gloves which they use to punch there foes to death Sneakers-There the assiasins of the RP, there very sneaky and can kill without anyone seeing Known lands to the RP: Village-This is just your normal village where you buy all the stuff you need Beach-Great places to take a break when you fighted alot of monsters Forest-Full of monsters, not liked by most people Mountains-Really high mountains, if you survive walking up, your name gets put on the legend stone wall The dark castle-Lord Shadow lives here, be warned, he hates visitors Sides: Holy side-The good guys side Lord shadow-The bad guys side Races for the holy side: Humans-Just humans Elves:Great at magic Gnomes:There good at collecting wood for making weapons Winged flyers:There humans that have wings, but don't think you can fly to Lord Shadow's castle, they have a time limit when it comes to flying, and that time limit is 50 seconds Races for lord shadow: Shadow being:A shadow human created by Lord Shadow Orcs-There bulky and can survive deadly hits Aquatics:There like the fish people, there immune to being sick Undead:Dead humans brought to life by Lord shadow Rules: No mary-sues Romance is allowed [Just a small k i s s on the cheek, no over that] No godmodding No ubering This is not suppose to be Wow, I hate that game Im playing as lord shadow CS: Name: Ag.e: Side: Species: Appearnce: Class: Gender: Bio: Weapons: Pet:[Opt.] How much do you want to stop Lord shadow on a scale of 1-10:[1 means your on his side, 10 means your goal is to stop him]
#41301945Friday, January 21, 2011 7:12 PM GMT

(Might join.)
#41302956Friday, January 21, 2011 7:31 PM GMT

CS: Name:Arron Blackwing A.K.A Blackwing Ag.e:25 when died. Side:Lord Shadow Species:Undead/winged flyer Appearnce:A skeleton of a man, with a black dented up and beaten down tunic that covers the torso and shoulders, and matching gauntlets and greaves. Sometimes wears a black knights helmet when riding a horse. Has large black wings, from his previous life. They are larger now, but the flying time is the same, due to heavier armor. Class:Warrior Gender:Male Bio:Is a long valiant warrior for lord Shadow, and is willing to give his life for lord shadow.In his previous life he was betrayed by a human and a elf, was killed by a dwarven soldier. It was a accident but he has never forgiven any race, and he sided with lord Shadow to get back at the light side. Weapons:A short black iron sword. sometimes a crossbow. Pet:[Opt.]N/A How much do you want to stop Lord shadow on a scale of 1-10:[1 means your on his side, 10 means your goal is to stop him]1
#41304095Friday, January 21, 2011 7:55 PM GMT

(This is medevial right?) CS: Name:Daphne Sylvys Ag.e: 23 Side: Holy Side Species: Human Appearnce: Long, blonde hair tumbles down her tanned skin. She is a rather muscular woman but is still slim and pretty. She has piercing blue eyes. While in combat, she'll wear a maroon tunic, pants, and occasionly some armor. Outside of combat (which is extremly rare), she'll wear a sapphire blue dress. Class: Archer Gender: F Bio: Orphaned as a young child, she was adopted by a blacksmith. Daphne had many friends, but was close friends with an elf. Years later, the elf and Daphne betrayed a winged flyer named Arron. She doesn't know why because she and teh elf were possed by demons. She has not spoken to the elf ever since. Weapons: Bow and arrow, dagger Pet: A hunting dog named Shelly. It's a femal egolden retriver of great strenght. How much do you want to stop Lord shadow on a scale of 1-10:9
#41304171Friday, January 21, 2011 7:57 PM GMT

(YAY.Another thread that doesnt obey roblox rules of NO romance.LOL.OD`er
#41304507Friday, January 21, 2011 8:04 PM GMT

CS: Name: Zaniia Laxor Ag.e: 18 Side: Holy side Species: Human Appearnce: Zaniia is about 109 pounds and skinny. She stands at about 5 foot 8. She has long, dark brown hair that is braided down her back. Her dark green eyes show sympathy yet determination. She wears a brown tunic and green shawl, with a belt for holding water jugs and other equipment. She has brown sandals, made from stiff rope and cow hide. Class: Healer Gender: Female Bio: N/A Weapons: A small dagger. Pet:[Opt.] How much do you want to stop Lord shadow on a scale of 1-10: 8
#41304805Friday, January 21, 2011 8:10 PM GMT

(wrester,once again, shut up. You got banned for a short time for spamming like a idiot once.)
#41311859Friday, January 21, 2011 10:05 PM GMT

(sweet I'm joining)
#41352468Saturday, January 22, 2011 2:39 PM GMT

All accepted, sorry, my internet didn't work and I had to be at my grannys house
#41356768Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:10 PM GMT

Shall we start?
#41356869Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:12 PM GMT

[Yes] Lord shadow I sat on my throne
#41356971Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:13 PM GMT

Blackwing I stand on the roof of the castle, watching for any trouble.
#41359396Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:51 PM GMT

-Daphne- I journey through a large forest just furious to find treasure
#41359575Saturday, January 22, 2011 4:54 PM GMT

Lord shadow I look out my castle window and notice the small village
#41361225Saturday, January 22, 2011 5:19 PM GMT

Name: Jak(not Jack) Krenchka Ag.e: 28 Side: Holy side Species: Human Appearnce: Leather armor that allows him to run fast and stuff. He has blue eyes and brown hair. He is a little short for his size and really thin. Has a leather helmet-ish thing to. Class: Archer Gender: M Bio: Jak has been hunting for and protecting his village since he was 24. He learned to use a bow when he was young. Around, twelve. He has only heard of the things Lord Shadow does and really wants to stop him. So he hopes every day that him and his wolf would become part of a big assault on Lord Shadow's castle. Weapons: Oak bow and a long curved knife. Pet: Hunting wolf How much do you want to stop Lord shadow on a scale of 1-10: 11
#41361728Saturday, January 22, 2011 5:27 PM GMT

[Accepted] Lord shadow "This village will soon fall..." I said
#41362325Saturday, January 22, 2011 5:35 PM GMT

Jak I walk in the woods, my dog beside me. I was looking for easy meat but found nothing but a squirell and a fat rabbit. I keep walking, bow loaded and ready. I decide to go back to the village to sell my squirrel. Before I can reach it I see a couple undead. Five. I shoot an arrow into one of their skulls. My dog goes and pounces on one. The others start coming so I shoot one. The other two come at me. My dog is still finishing off the last. I have no time to reload so I throw my knife at one of them. Theres still one other and I'm basically unarmed...
#41363068Saturday, January 22, 2011 5:46 PM GMT

Name: Aaron Ag.e: 26 Side: holy side Species: elf Appearnce: A bit below average height.Often wears a dark grey green cloak.Has blue eyesa and black hair. Class: mage Gender: male Bio: Used to be with Lord shadow.Then Aaron was charged with treason and narrowly escaped being executed.He grudingly joins the holy side for revenge.All the same he isnt quite trusted. Weapons:Short sword,Staff Pet:[Opt.] How much do you want to stop Lord shadow on a scale of 1-10:5
#41363203Saturday, January 22, 2011 5:48 PM GMT

[Accepted] Lord shadow I rest, knowing that my minions will protect me
#41382334Saturday, January 22, 2011 10:28 PM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#41382996Saturday, January 22, 2011 10:37 PM GMT

(joining) lemme make char sheet
Top 100 Poster
#41383218Saturday, January 22, 2011 10:41 PM GMT

Name: Sir Kervik Ag.e: 32 Side: Holy Side Species: Human Appearnce: A dark man, wears a black cap and dark glasses, a black coat that falls to his feet. and black pants and boots. Class: Shadow Hunter Gender: Male Bio: He was always Holy Faithful, and was always very willing to do something for the good of the cause. More of just to make a name for himself to impress his crush. Weapons:A small, but very sharp elegant blade, light power, what not. Pet:[Opt.] A Black Hawk, for certain purposes. How much do you want to stop Lord shadow on a scale of 1-10:[1 means your on his side, 10 means your goal is to stop him] 7.4
#41383769Saturday, January 22, 2011 10:49 PM GMT

#41384139Saturday, January 22, 2011 10:55 PM GMT

Jak The undead kept charging so I did the same thing. I ran at it and smacked it in the jaw and kicked in the stomach so he hard he fell over and hit a tree. I charge at him again and on my way retreive my knife from the other undead body. As I go to stab it my wolf jumps on it so I end up stabbing the tree where his head used to be. I let my wolf eat him then we went back to the village. I sell the squirrels and eat the fat rabbit that night. I looked over and saw a slave being sold. He was tied up to a post and looked beaten. I watch him. He undos his knots and starts running. One of his guards shoot him in the back with a bow.
Top 100 Poster
#41384499Saturday, January 22, 2011 11:01 PM GMT

I sat, in my small confined room in the castle. Looking over my dirty notes, over maps and coordinating points. From time to time I would look out the window to the gleaming stars, and see the evil castle, and gain my driven potential a little further.

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