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#41402436Sunday, January 23, 2011 3:20 AM GMT

Tales of the Wasteland Ch. 1 by Conner623 A very long time ago, the Admin's of Ole' were having a problem: they had too much stuff that no one remembers and have no where to put it all. Then Telemon had an idea: That an entire World should be created for all the forgotten Places, Items, and Robloxians can live out the rest of forever. They agreed on this, and found a workshop built by Builderman. They built a world out of Bricks and Paint, and created a crude model of the world so they can see how it's doing. They called the land Xolbor, and put Clockwork in it as the first Admin of Xoblor. They were proud of thier work. Soon more Place's, hats n' Gear, even Robloxians; forgotten by thier creators, found thier way to Xolbor. And they lived out thier days in peace and happyness. Although, this Painted Paradise was about to get a dramatic makeover; A dark entity commonly know for his hacks, who recently escaped Banland, This Entity was know as 1x1x1x1. He found the workshop and the modle of Xolbor. Using Hack's he turned him self into a large Hack monster and entered Xolbor. for Days he terrorized Xolborians and desemated places, Clockwork and fellow Xolborians tried to stop him, but he was too powerful with his hacks. Days later the Admins entered the workshop to check up on things, only to find the Workshop in ruins, and the Model holding by just a thread. Surprised at what they have found, the Admins started to try and patch the model together, Except, in a fit of Rage, Builderman said "Close up the Wokshop forever, I don't want to see this Wasteland again..." 'Wasteland', that word shot throughout Xolbor faster then a n00b would false report anyone, or a Troll would troll you, or- well, you get the idea. When they heard this, by thier creator, no less, The Xolborians found no need to defend thier land. 1x1x1x1 ruled over 'Wasteland' with a silent fist, sending his lackeys; Spatters, to do his bidding; New stuff came to Wasteland, but with no idea what to do, they just went with the flow of things; Clockwork Castle, where Clockwork resides, has fallen most to ruin; and the all-amount of creativity has dropped lower then what it has in Robloxia. These are Dark tiems for Wasteland, and it seem's there won't be a light at the end of this hacked tunnel, unless.... Like it? Hate it? Want me to continue it? Post your opinion below!
#41407226Sunday, January 23, 2011 4:40 AM GMT

Anyone even read the first sentence? or did they click away when they read 'A'
#41408746Sunday, January 23, 2011 5:14 AM GMT

O.o it took me forever but I read it all and I liked can you do more but can you can you make it smalled so it dosent take forever and a half to read it
#41517051Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:07 AM GMT

(Thanks for the feedback, sorry about it being a little long, I have a bad habit of doing that) Tales of the Wasteland Ch2 One day in modern Robloxia, a well-known Adventurer by the name of Conner was on his daily Exploration, when he found a bourded up door in the side of a mountain, being the curious Robloxian he is, Conner removed the bourds and ventured inside. "Whoa...never expected to see a workshop here; I was hoping for an abandoned Ice Cream factory, or something" Conner said in amazement. AS Conner walked around the workshop, looking at all the rements of Robloxia's past, he noticed the Model of Xolbor, still ripped apart as the Admins had found it years before. " Strange model of Robloxia, I don't remember a broken castle in the middle of Roblox. Who ever left this must of forgot to color this before they vanished. I better do him a favor and color it." Conner picks up the nearest paintbrush and useing his imagination started to paint a strange looking Plaza many colors; all the tents a nice tan, the buildings surrounding it with red bricks and Orange roofs, and a Train Station like building, he painted a nice blend of Yellow and Green. "One more touch around here and I should be done with this part" Said Conner, little did he know that he was messing around with something he shouldn't have. As soon as he was done painting a black portal opened up from the model and sucked him, and the paintbrush, into the Wasteland. (Like it? Hate it? Want me to continue? Post your opinion below!)
#41517112Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:08 AM GMT

Continue! Please! You accepting characters for this? :L
#41517420Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:13 AM GMT

(I have a thread for this story, You can join if you want)
#41517896Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:22 AM GMT

(Link, please?)
#41518114Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:26 AM GMT

Tales of the Wasteland Ch 3 "Uuaagh....My head, I feel like I got reported by a spawn killing noob...." Conner says as he regains conciousness and starts to get up. When he can notice where he is, He notices a much larger version of the Plaza he was painting before was in front of him, and sure enough, right behind him was a Bent and twisted Yellow Train Station with a Green roof. "Ok, I must have touched a teleporter or something, this is too wierd to be real" Said a surprised Conner as he backed away from the Train Station and walked down into the Plaza. He passed many Tan shop Tents with people selling goods, before heading into a Hat Store. "Ah! A customer, How can I help you- wait..." Says the Store owner to Conner, as he looks him over, "You don't seem familier, You new here or somethin'?" Asks the Shopkeeper. "Why would I be new here? I've been Exploring Robloxia for the past three years," Says Conner. "Ah, you must be new, Denial, thats the first emotion everyone gets when the land here.", "'Denial'? Why would I be in denial?" Asks Conner, "Because, you arn't in Robloxia anymore" Says the Shopkeep with a stern look. "You don't mean I've found my way to that copyied of the Land of blocks!?", "No you idiot! Xolbor! Wasteland! This is here! Your in Wasteland now, So enjoy your stay!" says the ShopKeep (Like it? Hate it? Want me to continue? Post your opinion below!)
#41518178Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:28 AM GMT

#41526785Tuesday, January 25, 2011 2:49 PM GMT

Tales of the Wasteland Ch4 Conner left the shop with and without something; He left with a confused emotion as to why and how he ended up in Wasteland, He didn't leave with a Hat on sale for 20 TIX. "I can't be here, my creator couldn't forget me even if he wanted to! There has to be a mistake" Questioned Conner to himself. "If it's mistake, Maybe you should see the Admin" Says a voice from behind Conner. "Who are you?" Asks Conner, "Me? Naw, I'm a Wastelander, It shouldn't be bothered" Says the Stranger. "Well....I'm Conner623, Grade A Robloxian Explorer and Adventurer." Says Conner. "Fine, names Smiley15" says the Wastelander. "Ok, you were saying about an Admin?" asks Conner, "Oh, yes. See that Castle over there? The one thats in ruin?" Says Smiley, "Yes? What about it?" says Conner "Thats Clockwork Castle, Thats where the Admin lives" Tells Smiley. "Ok, before we head off, is this going to be a strange parody of a famous black and White and Color movie?" Ask's Conner " No......" Says Smiley. "Ok, then. We're off to see the Admin!" Conner says as he points his Staff of the Woodlands towards the Castle (Like it? Hate it? Want me to continue it? Post your opinion below!)
#41527356Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:28 PM GMT

I havent seen such a creative story in awhile, Continue.
#41597004Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:33 AM GMT

Tales of the Wasteland Ch5 As Conner and Smiley started to walk down the main street toward the castle, Conner asks, "Hey, Smiley? Is this really the Wasteland everyone has heard when they'er a noob? and where they go too when thier creators have forgotten them?" "The very same, and not only Robloxian's come here, also Place's and items from the back of the Catalog as well." Says Smiley "Wow...ama-ZING!!" Conner says as he trips on a stray cobblestone stud, as he trips a Paintbrush falls out of his back pocket. Smiley picks it up and examines it. "Is this a new gear in Robloxia?" asks Smiley "Ow...Not that I know of" Conner says as he gets back up, then "Hey...thats looks like the paintbrush I painted that model with..". "You What!!" exlaims Smiley "You used this to paint The MarketPlace! This is amazing, we might actualy have a painting chance!" Smiley mutters to himself while pacing. "A painting chance? What do you mean by that?" Conner asks. "no time to explain. we need to get to Clockwork Castle, and Fast!" Smiley says before grabbing Conner by the arm and running down The MarketPlace toward Clockwok Castle (Like it? Hate it? What me to continue it? Post your opinion below!)
#41597456Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:40 AM GMT

Intrigued :3
#41598540Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:54 AM GMT

Nice, nice.
#41605308Thursday, January 27, 2011 3:56 AM GMT

Tales of the Wasteland Ch6 As Smiley rushed Conner down the Main Street, conner Notices something, at one point buildings stop appearing at either end of the street, and the street is now a twisted and garbled mess going to the Castle. When Smiey arrives at a gate guarded he stops, amazingly not out of breath, He goes up to one of the guards, his helmet strangly down, covering his face. "Hey, Megaman, wake up, I got a friend here that needs to see Clockwork, now." He backs away from the guard and goes next to Conner. "This is Clockwork Castle, one of the first things built by the Admins when Wasteland was created. I don't know if clockwarks home, no one has gone to the castle besides the guards ever since 'The Name' was shouted", "The...Name?" Conner asks "Well you see- why isn't he moving?" Smiley goes to say before wondering why the guard hasn't moved an inch. "HEY! Megaman765! I need you to open the gate!" No REsopnse from either of the Guards... "Grrr.....Thats it, if he's asleep I will- *gasp*" Smiley goes to shake The Guard but as soon as he touches the armour, it falls into a pile, no Wasteland to be seen. smiley goes to touch teh other guard, same thing happens. "Oh this is bad, Both Guards are dust! GAH! I hope clockwork survived all these years alone" Says smiley. "No matter, We must get through that gate! Conner, you have any Gear that can help?". "Just This Grapple Gun" Conner says as he pulls out a Grapple Gun "Perfect" says Smiley. Smiley points the Gun upwards and fires, the hook goes over the wall and latches to something, "Hold on, This might get bumpy!" Smiley says as he grabs Conner's arm before being pulled by the Guns pull back over the wall, into the old unknown (Like it? Hate it? want me ot continue it? Post your opinion below!)
#41605363Thursday, January 27, 2011 3:57 AM GMT

Tagged for I want to see teh end.
#41638615Friday, January 28, 2011 1:03 AM GMT

(AHH! Imaginative Block!)
#41638749Friday, January 28, 2011 1:16 AM GMT

#41673221Saturday, January 29, 2011 12:03 AM GMT

As both of them flew over the wall, into a Courtyard in front of the Castle, Smiley landed with a dodge-roll, Conner, on the other hand, landed with an 'oof'. "Clockwork Castle, Who knows if the Way to Clockwork is still around, if CW is even there at all" Says smiley, "Ugg, not one of my best landings...."Conner says to himself as he gets up, "So,...how will we get to him?". "Easy, we just-" Smiley stops when he notices two Robloxians with strange purple oozing goo on them with red numbers and letters, like somesort of code almost, coming from the goo. They Stare at Conner and Smiley with thier peircing red eyes. "Spatters!" smiley yells, "What? Spatters? What are spatters?" Conner asks. Smiley points to the purple Robloxians "Those, are Spatters, creatures of 1x1x1x1, They do the dirty work for him, hacking whatever he wants hacked, see those red codes comng from them, those are hacks created by him for here. Hey, Hey! Watch it!" Yells smiley as one Spatter yells and grows a sort of claw from one arm, then swinging it at Smiley. "Don't just stand thier! Attack!" Smiley says as he starts swing a cutlass at hte Spatter. not knowing what to do, Conner takes out the first thing he reaches for: The Paintbrush, Then starts swinging it at the other Spatter, who was going after him, As the brush touched the Spatter Blue paint emited from the Spatter. soon enough the Spatter was covered in blue paint. AS if it died, the Spatter fell to the ground, before picking itself back up, pulling up its fists, beofre going after the other Spatter and attacking that one. "What the-?" Smiley asks as the Blue Spatter Attacks the other one covering the Purple Spatter with green Thinner before the now-Green Spatter melts into the ground, defeated. The Blue Spatter, puts its fists down, with no enemy in sight, beofor looking at Conner and Smiley with a smile on its face, it Salutes at Conner beofre wandering around the Courtyard. "This is getting weirder and weirder by the paint stroke" Smiley says pondering at what just happened (Like it? Hate it? Want me to continue it? Post your Opinion Below!) (Don't think I did well with this one)
#41685016Saturday, January 29, 2011 3:20 AM GMT

#41686084Saturday, January 29, 2011 3:39 AM GMT

Godlike! Continue bro!
#41710607Saturday, January 29, 2011 6:18 PM GMT

Tales of the Wasteland Ch8 "We gotta get up to the throne Room and tell Clockwork there might be a chance." Smiley says staring endlessly up at a Stain glass portait of the infamous Bloxxer Badge. " What do you keep talking about chances? Chances against what!" Conner asks, "Like I said before, Clockwork will explain everything" Smiley says before sprinting into the Castle. "Hey wait!" Conner yells before running after Smiley. Smiley led Conner though the crumbling hallways, going higher and higher up the Castle, at one point both Robloxians went up a spiral staircase that led up to an imersive Room, a large ripped carpet spread the length of the room, the Two chandeliers looked as if there wer about to fall, on the walls were stain Glass windows, on one side was the Bloxxer Badge Smiley saw before. on the other was a portrait of Clockwork in his infamous Watercolored Bear outfit, Under that window was a broken Throne. "Welcome to the Throne room, Wastelanders from all over use to come here for partys celebrating famous days and Holidays in Wasteland and Robloxia alike. HEY! Clockwork! You here!?" No awnser. A small breeze flew throgh the crumbled walls and went through the throne, blowing a small piece of paper off of it. "Hey, whats that?" conner asks as he goes over to the paper. "To all who may read this: Beware. My Castle has been overrun by these blasted Spatters, I cannot stay here anylonger, in the castle I mean, I'm still here in Waste-I mean, Xolbor, I've moved to a much safer land of prospect, one where He wont find me so easy, Since Spatters can't read, I suppose I can give who ever reads this a hint: Look out the Window. Sincerly, Your kind Ruler, Clockwork" "Clockwork, He's still alive!" Says Smiley, "But what does where is he now?" "You should read it again, it states it quite clearly" Says Conner who is climbing up to the Portrait of Clockwork, "It says, Look out the window, I can see why" And Sure enough, outside of the Portait, behind the Castle, Was the snow-capped Mt.Gearmore, A mountain where old Hats and Gear are strewn about, over sized, This is where clockwork is (Like it? Hate it? Want me to continue it? Post your opinion below!)
#41734554Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:00 AM GMT

(Up to the top of the forums with you!)
#41773725Sunday, January 30, 2011 8:43 PM GMT

#41797599Monday, January 31, 2011 2:56 AM GMT


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