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#4153567Sunday, December 07, 2008 10:14 PM GMT

Example: Once apon a time everyone died. If you want to you can rate other peoples storys!
#4153580Sunday, December 07, 2008 10:15 PM GMT

i made pie
#4153706Sunday, December 07, 2008 10:19 PM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#4153762Sunday, December 07, 2008 10:21 PM GMT

once there was a evil and sad peanut he conqered all the other nuts in the land even the walnuts bowed down to him then came a elephant it ate the peanut and crushed all the other nuts it was a sad day the end
#4153921Sunday, December 07, 2008 10:26 PM GMT

#4154880Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:04 PM GMT

ounce was a man who fell of a cliff a peed his pants and broke his back then we drownd and died then a heli crashd into his drownd body lol
#4154936Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:07 PM GMT

5/10 In a world of robloxians.. ROBLOX: AAH! Shifter: Hyeh Hyeh. *Smash* ROBLOX: HELP! Hero: Halt, Shifter! *Slice boom smash* Shifter: I'll getcha! GAH!
#4154944Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:07 PM GMT

There was a man so powerfull he could never remove his cap, and when he did ramove his cap in sunlight evreone DIED! One day on the most baloved TV show someone tackeld him and ramoved his cao, then evreone waching the show went blines becuse of the power. Do you want to know thats under the cap? I cant tell you, but i kinow what It is. If you really want to know take off his hat and feel his head in totale darkness then you will feel nothing just a head with no hair and then you realive, hes bald compleatly and if he ramoves his cap in sunlight you will go blind.
#4155057Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:11 PM GMT

0/10 for not rating mine AAH ERROR
#4155089Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:12 PM GMT

DUDE XD fine give me my rateing after i rate yours Its.. 4/10
#4155316Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:21 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#4155407Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:25 PM GMT

#4155415Sunday, December 07, 2008 11:26 PM GMT

Someone rate mine...XD
#4161098Monday, December 08, 2008 3:17 AM GMT

Connolly's rating: 5/10 And now, my story: Once there was a Robloxian who decided to go to a Build Your Village place or something like that. He was doing fine until...oh no! It's Super n00b and his delete tool of DEATH! He started deleting people's houses. When they told him to stop he said something like "LOLOLOLOL I SMASH U!!!!!" and used a move tool to put a brick on their head. It crushed them. (It was a heavy brick okay?) At first, people thought they could defeat Super n00b, but then...he deleted the PIES! *screams of terror* "OMG, how can we stop it?" asked some random person. Then, out of the skybox wall, it's Builderman and Telemon! ("YAY!" said a slightly noobish person.) They started to build a box to enclose Super n00b. However, his evil delete tool deleted the blocks AND all of the building blocks! Telemon responded with REGEN SCRIPT POWER! At first, all everyone could see was a gray screen that said "Regenerating place", but then the blocks were back! Super n00b went insane and pulled out a gray rectangular brick. "I HAVE TEH DELETE LAZER!!!!1!!1!!" he shouted (or whatever counts as shouting in textspeak). He deleted everyone's head, right arm, left leg, and even the baseplate! At first, everyone was just falling over and over and over, but then Builderman used the SuperJump tool to float and stand on Super n00b's head (he left a brick to stand on). Then, Telemon's regen script kicked in and everything was back! Before Super n00b could do anything, Builderman removed all of his tools with a RemoveTools script and held him in place with an anchored brick. "NNOOO U CANT TRAP ME I QUIT!!!1!!1!" This would've been possible, but his delete tool took revenge on him and deleted his mouse cursor! As this happened, Telemon began counting down "3...2...1...". Everyone lifted off of the ground on 1, and he summoned the most powerful admin weapon ever! "BAN HAMMER!" When it struck Super n00b, the entire place shook. (Actually, that was probably just the Earthquake script the owner of the place put in. Nice effect, though.) Super n00b began to disentigrate and fall into the Void. Telemon then declared to the falling particles, "You've just been banned." Everyone cheered behind their computer monitors. It later inspired six new threads and a really long story posted by...um...me! TEH END Plz rate it
#4161130Monday, December 08, 2008 3:19 AM GMT

#4161958Monday, December 08, 2008 4:40 AM GMT

Onetimeyouwereatmcdonaldsandyouwantedtoenjoysomefrenchfrieswithketchupbutyoucouldn'topentheketchuppacketssoyouwenttothestoretobuysomescissorstoopenyourketchuppacketstoenjoyyourfrenchfriesmorefullyjustthenyourantoyourfriendshousetogetmoneybutwhenyougottohisfrontdoorapianofellonyourhead Story 2 - The Ugly Barnacle Once, there was an ugly barnacle. It was so ugly that everyone died. Thee end.
#4161990Monday, December 08, 2008 4:45 AM GMT

Nospacesmeansyougeta3/10 Story 1 - Battle Joker against Bat-man. Face to face. Bat-man: HAH! *Throws bat-arang* Moddin: MMMRRMMRMMRMRMR! Bat-man: HAH! *Chop* Joker: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! *Bzzzzzzzzzzzzt* Bat-man: Gah.. *Slice* Joker: NOHOHOH!!!!! *Boom* Story 2 - Penguin Bat-man was throwing the bat-arang at the pengbirds running the machine. *BOOM BOOM BOOM* Penguin: Arg.. *Uses power* Bat-man: No! *Throws bat-arang at that* Bat-man: HYAH! *Slices machine in bits* Penguin: NOOO!!! MY BEAUTY!!! Catwoman: >:-( Penguin: Uuuuhhhh.... *Click* NO!
#4164149Monday, December 08, 2008 1:09 PM GMT

#4164175Monday, December 08, 2008 1:17 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
Top 100 Poster
#4164321Monday, December 08, 2008 1:57 PM GMT

#4164824Monday, December 08, 2008 3:38 PM GMT

Two painters were at a party. One of them decided to ask the other a funny riddle. - Do you know how many surrealist painters are needed to screw in a light bulb? - Um... no, the other painter said. - Fish! said the first. (If you understood the joke in this story I'm impressed)
Top 100 Poster
#4165569Monday, December 08, 2008 5:47 PM GMT

0/0 My story...1/0
#4170620Monday, December 08, 2008 10:40 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#4174339Tuesday, December 09, 2008 12:55 AM GMT

So far: 7/10 And now, another story by me: Everyone was still cheering for Builderman and Telemon after the Super n00b incident (read the last story if unclear). Little did anyone know that, in the depths of the Internet, something horrible was happening! Super n00b created an alt account! (It was called Super n00b1. What a n00b.) Apparently, no one noticed because Builderman and Telemon were eating pie at the moment and everyone else was at some other place. Super n00b started causing trouble by false reporting anyone who said "AAHHH! It's Super n00b!", deleting building bricks, and even figured out how to delete people's heads! OMG! Meanwhile, after they've finished their pie, Builderman and Telemon went out to find the false-reporting brick-deleting head-removing n00b. They finally found him at Dued1's Be Anything You Click On place. They used the power of awesome scripting and uber weapons to finally corner the Super n00b. That was when, out of nowhere, Super n00b used the Shape-Shift tool on Builderman! It was horribleness. He now had access to Builderman's scripting potential! Meanwhile, Clockwork entered the place and saw the situation. Without anyone knowing he was there, he used an All-Player-Reset script to turn everybody back to normal. Then, with the awesome power of the Copy and Paste tools (found in the Tools tab when you are building a place), Clockwork rebuilt Mt. Roblox on Super n00b's head! (Of course, there were lots of anti-lag scripts.) This was followed by Builderman saying "Wow. I did not see that coming.", tunneling through the mountain, and allowing Telemon to use the almighty BanHammer once again. "5...4...3...2..." Everyone rose off of the ground. "1...*click*" With that single, powerful *click*, the Super n00b's head exploded polygon by polygon. However, this was taking a long time, and Clockwork had pie to eat, so he just kicked Super n00b into the void. Lol. All was well in ROBLOX once more. TEH END Plz rate it
#4181206Tuesday, December 09, 2008 1:32 PM GMT


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