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#41582129Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:48 PM GMT

A Narnia thread! x3 *IMPORTANT* Read bottom before you fill out the sheet. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A world lays hidden behind our's. A world of magic and wonder, it's name is Narnia. Recently, it became corrupt by a magic so strong, Aslan himself gave up. The only known way to destroy this magic, is to bring the Kings and Queens of Narnia back. But know one knows where they are, or how to contact them. For all they know, they could be dead. So, Narnians called new Kings and Queens, using the legendary horn. 100 years later, and still no answer. Will YOU answer the call? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rules [:D] -No Spamming -No Advertising -No Trolling (Even though you will anyway.) -No Ubering -No Godmodding -No more than 3 characters -No vampires -No werewolves -No magic -Romance allowed, but don't go to far. -"It's not on the list!" Isn't an excuse. -Three strikes, and your out. -Put "For Narnia" on the bottom of your sheet. -SEND YOUR SHEET TO ME IN A PM! IF YOU POST IT HERE, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PARTICIPATE. Read below for more information. -Only 10 people can be human. Anyone after has to be a Narnian. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Sheet: N.ame: A.ge: Race: G.ender: A.ppearance: Years at camp: Side: Items: (5 max) Weapon: Bio: (Optional) Best Friend: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Character Sheet Send-In Information: Send your sheet to me in a PM. If your accepted, start roleplaying. If you post it here, you will not be accepted. If you start posting anyway, you will be banned. No excuses, No exceptions.
#41641589Friday, January 28, 2011 2:58 AM GMT

N.ame: Blythe Alden A.ge: 17 Race: Human G.ender: Female A.ppearance: Blythe has an inverted-triangle-shaped face with dark green eyes.She is pretty short for her age considering she is only 5'0,but it helps her run faster. Blythe has dark brown, (most people mistake it for black hair) unkempt hair that passes about an inch past her shoulders along with choppy bangs that swoop to the side of her face. She has light,peach colored skin. Side: She's not so sure who is the bad guy or the good guy so she is kind of on her own side until she knows what side she should be on. Items: Her small Ipod (she could never live without music),a small but thick journal,a black-ink pen. Weapon: Bow and Arrow (LIKE A BOSS.) Bio:A quiet girl.Most people think she's mute but she isn't. She just has a few trust issues and she is very independent. Blythe gets angry/annoyed easily and she is guaranteed to at least punch someone in the face if they bother her. But even though she may come off as cold at first,she is a very caring person if you know her very well. And although she may not show it often, Blythe is kind of a shy and awkward girl. Blythe is also kind of an over-reactor at times... Best Friend: No one,yet. For Narnia!

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