#41623060Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:40 PM GMT

Ooc; Ok.. Just don't make it too Gary-Lou and kill us XD (Joking)
#41623102Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:41 PM GMT

Name: Lilian Moore Ag.e: 11 Gender: Female Appearance: Tall and slender, dark brown hair, light brown eyes. Light blue sweatshirt, jeans, and white sneakers Robes: [Umm... I don't really understand what you mean by this. Doesn't it depend on the House? If you could explain, I'll fill it out. Thanks] Wand: 11 inches, holly, dragon heartstring core School: [She's 11] Personally: A bit of a know-it-all and smart aleck, but very intelligent. Not particularly fierce, but loyal to the end. Money: 20 Sickles, 100 Knuts Inventory: Schoolbooks, wand, potions kit, other necessary school supplies Pets: Small barn owl named Ariadne Broomstick: N/A Spells you already know: Stupify, Expelliarmus, Protego [She's studied her books] Bio: Her maternal family is pure-blood, but her mother's a Squib. Her paternal family is all Muggles. The witches and wizards she is related to avoid her because of her mother. Prophecy: Yes
#41623225Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:43 PM GMT

Name: Avandra Heartbrew Ag.e: 15 (Fifth Year) Prohesy?: No Gender: F Appearance: A beautifal young woman, with piecing green eyes made brighter by the red locks that frame her face. This beauty is supernatual, of course, a product of her Veela heritage. When not in school, she often wears colours bright enough to attract attention but calm enough to not be garish. Robes: Umm, regular Ravenclaw robes... Wand: Her father crafted her wand a year and a day after her birth, using wood from the Cherry Tree in her yard, and a lock her mothers (Who was a Veela) hair. Blood Purity: Half Wizard, Half Veela (If allowed)) School: Ravenclaw Personally: Flirty, well read, keeps a delicate balance between her social life and her studios one. Money: Several hundred Galleons in Gringotts, but has 20 Galleons, 13 Sickles, and 21 Knuts on her person. Inventory: Pets: She used to have a cat, but then her father developed alergies to them. Broomstick: A Silver Arrow (The equivilant to a vintage car, outdated but incredibly cool) Spells you already know: Any spells that are in the curriculum until fifth year. Bio: A half Veela, she's never tried to hide the fact. The slytherin who mock her for her blood, end up either flung across the room with a spell, or charmed. She comes from a wealthy family, a fact which she advertises with her vintage Silver Arrow broomstick worth thousands of galleons.
#41623266Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

((Forgot inventroy, fixing))
#41623316Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:45 PM GMT

Ooc; Accepted Ice :3
#41623372Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:47 PM GMT

Inventory: Schoolbooks, several romance novels she bought in France (She can read french), high quality alchemy (Potions) equipment.
#41623538Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:51 PM GMT

Ooc; The potions equiptment wouldn't be given to her until much much later. 3=
#41623575Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:51 PM GMT

((She's not new to the school))
#41623678Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:54 PM GMT

Ooc; Ack, I am sorry DX I misread. 3=
#41623720Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:54 PM GMT

((So, it's OK that I'm a half veela?))
#41623740Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:55 PM GMT

(When do we start the roleplay? As in, on the train, at the Sorting, or at home?)
#41623837Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:57 PM GMT

Ooc; Ok, reading your cs..
#41623889Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:58 PM GMT

Ooc; Probably at home packing, you will leave then and go straight to the train station.
#41623920Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:58 PM GMT

Ooc; Ok.. Um.. Pie.... That was... REALLY REALLY Mary-sue... ._. Could you please tweak her a bit?
#41624010Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:00 PM GMT

((Most my charicters come off that way while on the sheet, because most thier flaws come up during RP. Give her a chance, pl0x?))
#41624124Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:03 PM GMT

Ooc; Ok, but no flinging people across the room.. T_T
#41624166Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:04 PM GMT

#41624172Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:04 PM GMT

(Can we start now, or should we wait for more people?)
#41624228Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:05 PM GMT

Name: Alex Sileha Ag.e: 11 Gender: Female Appearance: She has extremely short, but layered walnut brown hair which is naturally hinted with a bit of black and very dark roots. It is in a very short, boyish cut, and it stands up a bit in leafy layers, the bangs fold over to the left side of her face, partly covering her left eye. She has semi-large, rounded almond shaped eyes, her iris' are a deep mud brown, being lightest around the edges, and darkest near her pupil, they are rimmed ever so slightly with a blackish color. Her eyelashes are a brownish-black color, and while they are a bit long, they are very thin, so they aren't 'full and lustrous' like most people like. Her eyebrows are a tad thin, they are still a bit shapely, however she does have a bit of a unibrow which she does her best to keep shaved, as it embarrasses her greatly. Her nose is small, thin, and pointed, it's in a bit of a ski-slope' shape, but Eren personally that if someone ever skied down her face and off her nose, the would most likely just fall straight off her nose without gaining much air, and then die. Her lips are very thin and pale, and they have a bit of a natural frown to them, the paleness contradicts her otherwise semi-tan face in a bit of an odd way, it's nothing huge, but she still doesn't like it, though other than that, her mouth is still a bit small. Her face is overall a bit rounded, no it's not 'a perfect circle' not by any means, but her chin doesn't stick out as much, adding to her boyish appearance. Her teeth are a bit yellowish, but in a normal way, not obnoxiously. So they are white, but a bit dull at the same time. They aren't the straightest teeth in the world, but they are still overall fine, nothing that requires braces, but still not perfect. She doesn't have much natural blush on her face, as it is only noticeable when she actually blushes, but what IS noticeable on her face is a decent amount of blackheads around her hairline and cheeks. Her ears are a bit abnormally rounded, and while they are pierced, she doesn't usually wear earrings. Overall, Eren is fair skinned, so she burns easily, but she has slightly tanned skin, it's hardly noticeable, but upon closer inspection, you can notice that she has a semi darker hue to her skin that you would originally notice. She is rather thin, but very lean, so while she is athletic, she isn't very muscular; making her one of the last people you want to call when you need to lift something, since she would most likely end up stuck underneath whatever it is. She is a bit petite, but not horribly so, just a bit. She is about 4'6", and she has a very boyish figure, not a lot of curves, barely any. Her boyish figure isn't kind to her, making her a bit flat, and she doesn't have much to her h.ips ether. Her knees and elbows are a bit bony and scraped up, and her arms and legs both equally share the tan the rest of her has. Her hands are proportionate to the rest of her, but very dry, so in the winter they tend to crack and bleed. Her feet are a bit better, also proportionate to her, but they are heavily callused. Eren is wearing a well-fitting white cotton tank top, quite basic, though on the back it has in large letters; "POW!". She is wearing loose fitting dark blue worn out denim jeans which reach down to her ankles. She is wearing white ankle socks, black and white checkered sneakers, and around her wrists are a number of red blue and black rubber bands, four on the right wrist, and six on the left wrist. Finally, around her neck she wears a basic silver-chain necklace which, at the end, has a basic golden-colored key which, at the top, has four petal-shaped crystals pointing inward in a four-leaf clover pattern, it's honestly not as expensive as it looks, but it's her dearest possesion. Robes: Her robes are basic, though hers are a bit more formfitting and are a bit too long for her, they are hinted at the hood with (Red, Yellow, Green, Blue. Depending on where she was sorted.), as are the edges of her oh-so large sleeves and the hem of the robe, however she leaves the hood down almost all the time. Wand: Twelve inch, black cedar wood, unicorn hair, black opal handle. School: N/A Personally: Quite brash, Eren is a bit hard to get along with at first due to her quirky and sometimes downright weird personality. She has a quick tongue, and is at times a bit more quick to violence than others. She is a friendly person despite this, and while she likes learning, she can be quite dense at times. Money: Fifteen Galleons, nothing else. Inventory: A book on charms, three books on care of magical creatures, and a book on herbology. Pets: She has a Lesser Sooty Owl named Shannon. Shannon is a small lesser Sooty Owl, so she is about the size of a barn owl. She is covered in grey and black feathers, though she is specked all over with white. She has very large, dark eyes, a sharp beak, and large, mucular feet with sharp talons. Broomstick: N/A Spells you already know: Stupify, Expelliamus. Bio: Eren is a half-blood, and she considers herself lucky because of this, as she has been able to get a taste of both muggle and wizard living. She for a while was almost thought to be a Squib, but fortunately a bit before her sixth birthday, she finally showed some signs of magical ability. Eren has been saving for her wizard items for a while, explanining how she was able to afford the books she has. She lives above the Vivinancy shop that her parents run. (Well, her Mother does, her father mainly keeps things clean since he is a muggle.) This will most likely come off quite badly...
#41624268Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:06 PM GMT

Ooc; Choco is still typing out her cs.
#41624443Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:09 PM GMT

Name:Toby Jenkins Ag.e: (11 If you want to be in the prophecy...) 11 Gender:M Appearance:Shirt with pic of Wands,Blonde Hair,Brown Eyes (Robes:None yet Wand:(..)Wand Made from oak and contains a single scale of a dragon School:(Only if you are 12 or older, anyone else will be sorted.)Needs sorted Personally:Very kind and likes to explore and has a normal IQ Money:(Wizard money...) Few sickles cuz family is poor Inventory:(Books.. Potions.. Etc.) History of magic book, Potion set,A quill and some parchment Pets:(You need at least one.) A Brown Barn owl Broomstick:(Not required, and unless you come from a rich family, you aren't gonna have one of these starting out.) Spells you already know:Simple Spells like Accio And Wingardium Leviosa Bio:A Boy Who Is Kind to Everyone,but he is bullied
#41624555Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:11 PM GMT

Name: Monica Zri Ag.e: 11 Gender: female Appearance: Clean black hair that is to her shoulders but most of the time her hair is in a pony tail and she has brown eyes and on her nose she has light freckles she is part Asian and wears jean shorts under her robes and wears black tennis shoes she also has a metal anklet Robes: Normal school robes but she all ways adds her flower broach. Wand: Seven inch chestnut dragon heart string and has the word live engraved into it. Personally: Monica is painfully shy but under stands wrong from right so she knows when she needs to step in. She spends most of her time studying. Money: 15 galleons Inventory: Three books on defense against the dark arts and transfiguration she also has a key chain that she got from her farther that says your number 1 on it Pets: She has a small toad named Jon Broomstick: N/A Spells stupify and expeliamus Bio: Monica is a half blood but her father (who is the muggle) died when he was working in a wood mill her mother was shunned a bit by her family for being a blood traitor.
#41624674Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:14 PM GMT

Ooc; You can't fit a dragon scale into a wand.... They are huge.. ._.
#41624707Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:15 PM GMT

Ooc; ACK! NAME GOOF! My characters name is Eren Amergin... Not Alex Sileha.. T_T
#41624736Thursday, January 27, 2011 9:15 PM GMT

Occ:ok then a hair of a banshee