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#41883089Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

I'm pretty angry now. You admins are so careless, ignorant, hypocrites. I know free speech doesn't exist on the internet anymore, but I really don't care anymore. ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. BC Only is a No-no I'm sorry, I know you hypocrites want NBCers to leave. You want NBCers to leave AND you want to be the biggest hate magnet in the history of games. You're just sad. And of course, I "Blame John" because it was apparently his idea. I am a BCer (I'm Charizard677). It's sad how you undervalue NBCers, who essentially, make more money a month than BCers do. You want to lose potential customers. You guys are just sad. The BC only items was enough. The places was WAY too far. We have enough. More is too much. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Filters You claim to have "filters" for usernames, and everything else. The username filter is not true. You probably let people with inappropriate usernames in so you can have an lol before you ban it (I kinda thank you for that, because I get an lol too), but this is serious. If you have a filter, make. It. Better. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Offsite Advertisements I have seen many inappropriate ads for adult things on this website: IMVU "Diabetes may affect your s** life" "What's your s** position" And many others Take some time out of your busy office chair racing schedule and actually monitor what ads make their way onto this site. Remember how you said this site "is a g-rated site, and it must stay that way" You're banning us, when you're letting bad ads onto this site. Go ban yourselves. You're being bad too. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. The Forum Come on guys. It's where a lot of people spend a lot of their time. Why not give us some good updates and make us happy, instead of brainstorming hats. This forum hasn't changed for as long as I can remember. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Stop the Fail Updates 1. BC only places (Welcome to the Palace of Hate) 2. Loading comments and servers (L-A-G) 3. The new HUD (Ruins a lot of tools and player made GUIs) That's enough. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. New Physics Guys. Let's face it. Our physics are old. 1. An explosion cannot come thorugh a solid wall without breaking it 2. A humanoid cannot derail a train 3. When something is flying, you will not fly out of it when it starts moving. Unless a door is open. 4. Things don't get stuck in the floor randomly ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Reporting (In-Game) Fail. Please pay attention to the reports. In-game reports never seem to do anything as far as I can tell ___________________________________________________________________________
#41883113Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:42 PM GMT

Please reply.
#41883414Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:46 PM GMT

You are correct in what you have said.. But htye don't listen. My thread I posted about this got banned multiple times (Although that might be because I said "Crap" ~13 times in it and used strong critisizims.. :3)
#41883673Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:49 PM GMT

I agree with this except for 1. Roblox made BC Only places so they can give them like a prize, because BC people pay for Roblox, they also made this because most people hate guests ( even though guests are sometimes important ) so people will buy BC and Roblox earn money. Well I 50% agree with #1. Good suggestions btw.
#41883716Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:49 PM GMT

its about time someone posted about this
#41883871Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:51 PM GMT

Um? Brick? I posted about this multiple times before..
#41883997Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:53 PM GMT

You man have just won 21 internets! I can't agree much to #1 "We payed, you didn't" Im not a BCer but they paid to explore more into the ROBLOX enviroment. You didn't really think EVERYTHING would be free, did you? There are always limits.
#41884039Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:53 PM GMT

I have noticed BC only games are very controversial.
#41884525Tuesday, February 01, 2011 11:59 PM GMT

Yes! You, good sir, have won a bag of internetz!
#41884740Wednesday, February 02, 2011 12:02 AM GMT

1. BC only is a no-no This I do have to disagree a bit with you. I could care less about them either way, but hey, that's my opinion. 2. Filters Wait, thier's actually filters!?!?? THOSE AREN'T A MYTH!?!? O_O Nah, I'm just kiding, but they might as well be fake. They do suck, I've seen people easily say the F word on the forums, in game, usernames, and s**. 3. Offsite Advertisements I've only seen the IMVU ads, but I didnt know thier were ads like that..... I doubt roblox cares about kids innocence though. It's like those magazines you see in walmart. The ones right in your face at the check out line that are all s**ual. Like I said, they dont care about kids innocence, they just care about the money that shows up at thier door step everyday. 4. The Forum I dont see what needs to be updated in the forums...... but if you meant that they should actually LISTEN to the forumers, than I agree. 5. Stop the Fail Updates Totally agree. At first, when roblox started mass producing hats and people got angry, I said, "Just wait guys, this is to keep us all busy while the real updates are being made =D" But of course, for about a year, NO REAL BUILDING UPDATES. It seems thier working more on the game now, but they still dont seem to just LISTEN. Thier coming up with updates I'm pretty sure no one asked for, and ignoring the ones we all suggest. 6. New Physics Couldnt agree more. I hate how when I'm on an epic boat, feeling ontop of the world, and then all of a sudden..... I FALL OFF BECAUSE MY CHARACTER DOESNT SEEM TO WANT TO STAY IN ONE SPOT ON THE DANG BOAT. Also happens on trains.... and just about everything else that doesnt have a seat on it. 7. Reporting (In-game) Thier reporting system is horrible...... thier's not much I can say about it though. All in all, amazing speach man. Of course thier going to look at this (If they'll even look at it.) and say, "...... LETS MAKE MORE HATS AND GEAR =D"
#41884968Wednesday, February 02, 2011 12:05 AM GMT

Guys! I found a way around ROBLOX ads!! What you need: Internet Explorer 9 Beta (Haven't tested it on anything else) WinSCP Jailbroken iPod Touch with openSSH installed Apperently whenever I have WinSCP running in the foreground (I have two monitors. I'm sure it'll still work minimized), and I have ti connected to my iPod Touch and idle, after about 2 mintues every ad gets removed from every ROBLOX page I visit. It blocks all offsite and some player made ^_^ Whenever I clsoe my session, the ads return. Anyone know why this may be? I don't have AdBlock by the way..
#41885149Wednesday, February 02, 2011 12:08 AM GMT

@colbat lol? :3 I wonder if roblox still gets the money for the ads even though they arent thier XD -Bump since the creator won alot of internets?-
#41885343Wednesday, February 02, 2011 12:10 AM GMT

I always have WinSCP open. Mainly because I like to edit the core .PLIST files frequently. I figured out that WinSCP blocks ads because of htat. And I wonder if they get money form that too. Maybe I'm the reason they seem to be broke? :3
#41888410Wednesday, February 02, 2011 12:50 AM GMT

#41889637Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:06 AM GMT

I'm pretty angry now. You admins are so careless, ignorant, hypocrites. I know free speech doesn't exist on the internet anymore, but I really don't care anymore. ___________________________________________________________________________ 1. BC Only is a No-no I'm sorry, I know you hypocrites want NBCers to leave. You want NBCers to leave AND you want to be the biggest hate magnet in the history of games. You're just sad. And of course, I "Blame John" because it was apparently his idea. I am a BCer (I'm Charizard677). It's sad how you undervalue NBCers, who essentially, make more money a month than BCers do. You want to lose potential customers. You guys are just sad. The BC only items was enough. The places was WAY too far. We have enough. More is too much. ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Filters You claim to have "filters" for usernames, and everything else. The username filter is not true. You probably let people with inappropriate usernames in so you can have an lol before you ban it (I kinda thank you for that, because I get an lol too), but this is serious. If you have a filter, make. It. Better. ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. Offsite Advertisements I have seen many inappropriate ads for adult things on this website: IMVU "Diabetes may affect your s** life" "What's your s** position" And many others Take some time out of your busy office chair racing schedule and actually monitor what ads make their way onto this site. Remember how you said this site "is a g-rated site, and it must stay that way" You're banning us, when you're letting bad ads onto this site. Go ban yourselves. You're being bad too. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. The Forum Come on guys. It's where a lot of people spend a lot of their time. Why not give us some good updates and make us happy, instead of brainstorming hats. This forum hasn't changed for as long as I can remember. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. Stop the Fail Updates 1. BC only places (Welcome to the Palace of Hate) 2. Loading comments and servers (L-A-G) 3. The new HUD (Ruins a lot of tools and player made GUIs) That's enough. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. New Physics Guys. Let's face it. Our physics are old. 1. An explosion cannot come thorugh a solid wall without breaking it 2. A humanoid cannot derail a train 3. When something is flying, you will not fly out of it when it starts moving. Unless a door is open. 4. Things don't get stuck in the floor randomly ___________________________________________________________________________ 7. Reporting (In-Game) Fail. Please pay attention to the reports. In-game reports never seem to do anything as far as I can tell ___________________________________________________________________________ 1.) "I'm sorry, I know you hypocrites want NBCers to leave. You want NBCers to leave AND you want to be the biggest hate magnet in the history of games. You're just sad. And of course, I "Blame John" because it was apparently his idea. I am a BCer (I'm Charizard677). It's sad how you undervalue NBCers, who essentially, make more money a month than BCers do. You want to lose potential customers. You guys are just sad. The BC only items was enough. The places was WAY too far. We have enough. More is too much. " Ahem, but, I know they went just a TAD to far with the BC places, but ROBLOX has to make money. Don't say they make millions of dollars a year. They give out more then half of it to keep ROBLOX up and run Ads, etc. Then they gotta get some money them selfs. Next they gotta pay there workers! So really, they don't have much money left over. So leave it alone OK? ___________________________________________________________________________ 2.) "You claim to have "filters" for usernames, and everything else. The username filter is not true. You probably let people with inappropriate usernames in so you can have an lol before you ban it (I kinda thank you for that, because I get an lol too), but this is serious. If you have a filter, make. It. Better." Do you have any proof whatsoever of them saying they have username filters? I don't think so, if you do, tell me? ___________________________________________________________________________ 3.) "I have seen many inappropriate ads for adult things on this website: IMVU "Diabetes may affect your s** life" "What's your s** position" And many others Take some time out of your busy office chair racing schedule and actually monitor what ads make their way onto this site. Remember how you said this site is a g-rated site, and it must stay that way You're banning us, when you're letting bad ads onto this site. Go ban yourselves. You're being bad too." OK, I know some of the offsite Ads are a bit inappropriate. I think they could make check to see what kind of Ads they're letting on there website. But allowing more Ads will get ROBLOX more money. ___________________________________________________________________________ 4.) "Come on guys. It's where a lot of people spend a lot of their time. Why not give us some good updates and make us happy, instead of brainstorming hats. This forum hasn't changed for as long as I can remember. " This forum template was free. ROBLOX didn't make it, it was given to them, so don't be expecting updates here on the forum for a while. ___________________________________________________________________________ 5.) "Stop the Fail Updates 1. BC only places (Welcome to the Palace of Hate) 2. Loading comments and servers (L-A-G) 3. The new HUD (Ruins a lot of tools and player made GUIs) That's enough." OK, so 1. BC only places were a bit overboard, but every place visit gives you 2 Tix instead of one. Which will get more people to buy BC. 2. I didn't really see the point in this either, but it's most likely for a good cause. 3. Tell the people to make a new GUI, or new tools. Unless they're to lazy. ___________________________________________________________________________ 6.) "Guys. Let's face it. Our physics are old. 1. An explosion cannot come thorugh a solid wall without breaking it 2. A humanoid cannot derail a train 3. When something is flying, you will not fly out of it when it starts moving. Unless a door is open. 4. Things don't get stuck in the floor randomly." If you didn't know, they're currently working on this. Go to the test site OK? ___________________________________________________________________________ 7.) "Fail. Please pay attention to the reports. In-game reports never seem to do anything as far as I can tell." They work, "as far as I can tell." It's just that most of them are pointless. ___________________________________________________________________________ Meh win :D
#41889696Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

@Classic lol? :3
#41889839Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:09 AM GMT

#41890155Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:13 AM GMT

@Classic, Ok. I see your points. However, it's facing the public here. Not just me and you.
#41890360Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:16 AM GMT

I don't get the "it's facing the public here. Not just me and you." part ...
#41890449Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:17 AM GMT

I don't feel like I have to explain that.
#41890573Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:19 AM GMT

Mk, Ima search on google. x3
#41890883Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:23 AM GMT

Besides. I don't say that they make millions of dollars a year. And why do they want NBCers to leave. NBCers have the potential to make more money a month than BCers. Each ad is about 1 cent. 1 NBCer has the chance to make $30 for ROBLOX and the average BCer only pays about $6.00 per month. So, I have no clue why NBCers aren't valued at all.
#41891063Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:25 AM GMT

Ahem, 1. I never said that you said they make millions of dollars a year, I said "let's say they make millions of dollars a year" or something. 2. They don't want NBC'ers to leave, and yes, NBC'ers do have that potential, the fact is, only about 1/20 NBC'ers do so. Possibly not even that.
#41891155Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:27 AM GMT

:| I wish I could say something logical here DX Right nao I'm just being the med team for this forum L=
#41891197Wednesday, February 02, 2011 1:27 AM GMT

a 1x1x1 (size) humanoid can still derail a train?

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