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#41938474Thursday, February 03, 2011 12:13 AM GMT

Face: ^_^ Price: 70 thru 80 BUX or something... Desc: You must be very happy at this point. Name: Happeh Face: ^w^ Price: Same as above Desc: A cat can smile? No wonder.... Name: Happeh Cat Face: -.- Price: 20 BUX? 30? Desc: No one could be more unimpressed at the noobs. Name: Not Impressed ---------------------------------- Making things clear/ Possible comments ~~ "No point." Then why are there clothes? Why do we have a catalog? "We have enough hats and stuff." Roblox makes them for more BC members. Without them, Roblox has a possibillity to get bankrupt for people not buying hats. OD'ers. noobs, and other people want, but has no TIX or BUX, so they get Builder's Club. And I do agree, but there's something important to that. "TL;RL" I am laughing at the lack of your reading skills. :3 "SPAMSMSAP" Whut? "ITZS WILFS MAIKS LAGGIEN." Lolwhut? >.> --------------------------- I think I covered everything........>.> So yeah.
#41938647Thursday, February 03, 2011 12:15 AM GMT


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