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#153455985Wednesday, January 07, 2015 4:26 PM GMT

No...Just NO!!!! Too many kids could "SCREAM" or "SHOUT" and then their parents could EVEN Ground them or suspend them from using computer man! No Support.
#153456262Wednesday, January 07, 2015 4:34 PM GMT

No Support. Reasons why: 1. Moderating will be very close to impossible; even if moderators can hear playbacks, that doesn't stop people to saying innapropriate things to other people. At the end of the day, The person saying the innapropriate things will get banned and probally will make an alt, and the person hearing the things will learn some nasty things. 2. We have a program which does this easily, Skype. It's free and it gets the job done. 3. ROBLOX would have to pay more to the moderators, investing into this, and servers. That concludes, I hope this doesn't become a feature.
#154089421Saturday, January 17, 2015 11:50 AM GMT

Someone email roblox like the people who want the doom sekker hat to have flames.
#154165154Sunday, January 18, 2015 11:33 AM GMT

I see the guys point. But some people dont want a skype account and maybe everyone but one person in a group has a skype account,mor maybe their parents wont let them use skype. So I think I support 50/50
#158160904Thursday, March 19, 2015 12:42 AM GMT

What I always thought it would be cool if ROBLOX had is a text to speech option. You could change in the settings/menu the pitch of your character's voice. (Etc, you type in something and a speech reads it outloud, it'd be funny as hell if you typed in inappropriate things. cx
#158162875Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:07 AM GMT

I'm sorry sir but I can't support this Why? I got 5 reasons 1.I don't wanna go deaf because of screaming or shouting 6 or 7 year olds all because I kill them or they're arguing with me. 2.People will start swear, there is nothing that can censor it if you say the "Beeping censor sound" that's not a good idea since that will make me and other people go deaf to. 3.You basically suggesting voice chat but just in a microphone way. 4.There's a thing called "Skype" and "Chat room" you can chat in. Don't give this person a cookie!
#158175948Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:18 AM GMT

Support and no support, What if a kid like 8 years oldtries to o it but hioer mom says no andthey do it .. You should have said for a certain age group, the age group should be 13+
#158176247Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:26 AM GMT

"Yes, this would change ROBLOX. Having microphones on ROBLOX games... It wouldn't replace the normal text on games, defently not. It would imporve many players' gaming experence." We have teamspeak and ventrilo. "[1] Everytime someone would chat, where text would pop up it would have the player's name whos talking with a simbol with a microphone. This way, you can tell whos talking. Say I'm talking directly to someone, I want them to know I'm Bilhill, right? At least I think most people would want that..." Garry's Mod much? "[2] Mute option. I think the mute option should also also apply to text. The person who got muted from another person would have a bar saying, "You have been muted by Bilhill" Or anyone who muted them. If 80% or more of the people want to mute the person, the persons microphone is disabled. Same with the text, if 80% of the people in the server mute the person the abilitly to text in that sever would be disabled. And it dosen't have to be the whole time the person is in the server. The first time it happens the person is muted for 1 minute, the next 5, the next 10, the next 30, the next 45, and fianlly kick from server." We have teamspeak and ventrilo. [2] "[3] Say builderman and telamon were chatting, and this is like a very good idea for a game that they don't want anyone elese to copy. There would be a private chat option that wouldn't just apply to microphone chat, but also the texting. That doesn't mean that no one would be able to listen to it, they could invite people into their mini-chatroom. The chatroom could be for microphone only, text only, or both." We have teamspeak and ventrilo. [3] "[4] Team chatting. This would allow players to talk to eachother on the same team regardless if he/she is microphone or text. A bar at the bottom of the screen would have a private chatting tab, public chatting tab, team chatting tab, and about/help tab. More than one tab could be open at the same time, but when you want to change what station your talking to you would type: Group chat, Public chat, Team chat. This way no confusion is made, or at least less confusion." TeAmSpEaK aNd VeNtRiLo "[5] Filters. The microphone system could have a filter. This would be a extreme beta, though. The system would memorise bad words and give a excat playback to what ever admin on duty thats looking at reports. So the system doesn't get confused and ban someone for saying the f-bomb when they really said Fire truck. It would also detect music patterns, and loud/screaming noises. I see the music detecting and annoying sound detections happening, just harder to make sware word filters. The filters would be pretty nice though." Would appreciate. "[6] Microphone only servers. The admins have been greety enough to make BC only games... It should be simple to make these. Same thing, the creator could also choose text only servers. The system would detect any microphone divice hooked up, if none found a person couldn't join a microphone only server. But text only servers would let anyone in, just remove the bar with tabs. Enough for now?" TeAmSpEaK aNd VeNtRiLo TeAmSpEaK aNd VeNtRiLo TeAmSpEaK aNd VeNtRiLo TeAmSpEaK aNd VeNtRiLo TeAmSpEaK aNd VeNtRiLo TeAmSpEaK aNd VeNtRiLo TeAmSpEaK aNd VeNtRiLo ------------------------------------FAQs------------------------------------------------ Q: What if a big group keeps muting someone to ban them? A: Well the system can't really do anything about that. Although, in the case of anything like a ban from that, the system would see if any connection is made inbetween the person who muted. If it doesn't ceach something, it would add it into the report. This way the mod on duty would have a better backround on what was happening. "Q: ZOMG WHY DID j0000000 refuest dis? dis its a horibl idea! A: Go away troll..." I'm not a troll. I'm telling you that we have TeamSpeak and Ventrilo incase you wanted to talk to ROBLOX players. Q: I under stand how the system itself would work, but would a sertain microphone requirement be needed? A: No. Q: Wouldn't this allow guest to talk? A: No, games would disable a guest's micrphone. "Q: Do chu liek pie? A: No, I love it." Unnecessary. "Q: WAVJIO$NGO56732582TGHAIO%UYGB)(!_F_$#@%*TJFGVSOIAFNJVAOI$JAF TURKEY!G JUAP$UTJ(VU$(TG!!!!!!! A: ..." Unnecessary. "Q: What about people without any mircophone? A: Web cam's microphone would also work, if they don't have that eather... Well he/shes out of luck." We have ManyCam, so this doesn't really matter. P.S. : We already have TeamSpeak and Ventrilo. We don't need this. In short, no support. BAZINGA
#191634141Monday, June 20, 2016 8:58 PM GMT

Is the a certain script needed to enable voice chat?
#191635284Monday, June 20, 2016 9:12 PM GMT

support it may be a good idea
#191635611Monday, June 20, 2016 9:16 PM GMT

i can already heard all the "AND HIS NAME IS: JOHN CENA!!!!!!" Verrryryyryryryrry loud... anyway no support and yes ik der is a mute function... i just like roblox how it is... Assassins's lenny brotherhood-- ( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°) --R$1,033

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