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#42443228Sunday, February 13, 2011 2:01 AM GMT

October 31, 2010- It was a dark night at the ERA Fort Kebre. A thick cloud of dense fog covered the grounds where you could only see maybe 8 feet in front of you. A man in a hooded sweatshirt stands up against one of the statues next to the bridge. He was a tall man with a stocky athletic style build. A bandit bandana mask and a pair of Aviator sunglasses concealed his face. As the clock struck 11:50 p.m. another shadowy figure emerged from the darkness of the fog. This man didn’t have his face concealed; although he still had his hood up. As the man walked closer the figure that was leaning up against the statue stood up straight and walked over: the two men met each other at the middle of the bridge. They then looked around for anyone watching them even though the fog prevented anyone that wasn’t with in 8 feet of them from seeing the two. They then exchanged looks: then the first man put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a huge wad of cash and handed it to the other man. After this happened they started to walk away, but all of a sudden a shot from what sounded like a Dragonuv SVD-RFI Ind. Edition rang out in the cold October night. Will have chapter 2 up soon. Not taking any suggestions from anyone right now. I have already had the next 4 chapters finished and I am working on the fifth. Thank you for reading and please tell your friends about this story.
#42742494Saturday, February 19, 2011 6:15 PM GMT

Its an Ok story
#42742741Saturday, February 19, 2011 6:20 PM GMT

More is coming.
#42746260Saturday, February 19, 2011 7:26 PM GMT

why so descriptive with the gun just drakonuv is good enuf
#42750791Saturday, February 19, 2011 8:42 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#42750907Saturday, February 19, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

That's a pretty petty thing to get hung up over, guys. I think it's OK as long as he doesn't go on to describe stuff like the ammo in detail.
#42753587Saturday, February 19, 2011 9:21 PM GMT

Lol just to make you annoyed I will xD jk I will never do that crap. I did it before; HUGE turn off for the story lol
#42759424Saturday, February 19, 2011 11:03 PM GMT

Chapter 2 October 17-2 weeks before the ERA Fort Kebre incident. An ERA high rank meeting is being held at ERA Fort Bravo. “Now what are we going to do about this1?” asked Redfart who was sitting over in the far corner of the table with a heavy Under Armour sweatshirt and a pair of heavy duty black cargo pants on. Evelio95 answered “Does anyone have any suggestions on what we are going to do on this invasion from TRA coming to out doorstep in at the latest of 10 days?” “I have a suggestion.” Said Zetzima73 standing up at the same time. “What is it Zet?” asked Evelio95 who was now walking over to where his coffee was sitting on the table. Zet said, “Why don’t we set up a counter attack force up at ERA Fort Kebre?” “There we can have scouts set up defenses positions and snipe out the higher ranked commanders and hopefully halt the invasion for the time that we need to escape.” Zet continued. “That sounds all fine and dandy, but you still have to figure out how we are going to get that many scouts that fast there in time. Fort Kebre is a 5 day flight over there and at the pace the invasion is moving they will be there already by the time we get there.” Said Annually. “That’s where the Artillery will come into place.” Said Zet “Dx are your artillery units ready?” “Yeah we are still working on how to fix the heat systems for the 50. Cals, but everything is okay” answered Dx1895 who was in a heavy leather jacket, baggy black jeans, a bandana tied around his neck, and a newer style of shades. “Ok, then we have our plan; Dx1895 will be leading the counter attack and will serve as a sniper as well.” Said Evelio95 who was now staring into his coffee cup and realizing it was empty now. “So, now that we have that all figured out; this meeting is adjourned.”

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