Top 25 Poster
#4795432Sunday, January 04, 2009 3:05 PM GMT

(Thylan. EPIC) Kazi:*Kicks somthing*
#4795556Sunday, January 04, 2009 3:14 PM GMT

Natalia:*turns into a cat* .....Meow...(That's why I kinda remember that I'm not form Thelan....) ?:As far as I know...There's a female member of Restavian Royal Family that could turn into the form you are now. Natalia:Meow???T_T(T_T????Say what?) ?:Nothing! Natalia:Meow...(Don't lie to me.) ?:I ain't no lying! Natalia:*turns back into a Restavian human* Ugh...Lyod,stop joking around. ?(Lyod):Okay,okay!I'm sorry for that!
Top 25 Poster
#4795640Sunday, January 04, 2009 3:18 PM GMT

Kazi leaves the planet hes on,His ship gets shot down and lands in the area Natalia and Lyod are in. Kazi:Ugh.
#4797713Sunday, January 04, 2009 4:55 PM GMT

Lieutanent: Must Kill Kazi!
#4798122Sunday, January 04, 2009 5:11 PM GMT

RAAM: ok guys u ready 3...2...1... Machinegunners: ITS PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!
#4807990Sunday, January 04, 2009 11:05 PM GMT

ConMan: Fire Trident Ray at that hut on that plant's surface. I'm not posting 4 a while.
Top 25 Poster
#4808008Sunday, January 04, 2009 11:06 PM GMT

Kazi:*Flys back to the planet after fixing his ship,Hides in the mineshaft burrow**
#4816884Monday, January 05, 2009 6:59 AM GMT

-Hawk Private Space Ship- Natalia:O_o....Hey,Lyod.I guess I felt a Thylan life force just now. Lyod:Ugh....I wonder if Kazi is okay.He is carrying out a mission. Natalia:Anyways,I'm worried that he might be hunted by the enemy space force. *shows the print of a reward for killing Kazi* I printed this from a website <_<....... Lyod:GOSH!He's really in danger.... Natalia:That means we have to do something before he might leave us for good T_T Thylan Pilot Commander:*connects to Hawk Space Ship's communication from Thylan Zentoid headquarters* Good day,Natalia,Lyod! Lyod:...Why don't we just speak Thylan? Thylan Pilot Commander:There's a Restavian in the space ship I connect to its communication >_> A princess,of course... Natalia:What......? *faints* Lyod:HEY!You dare say that in front of the Princess!? She fainted! -.-' Thylan Pilot Commander:Don't worry.She fainted because of an illness XD Lyod:*sigh* That AIN'T not the problem we talk about.... *shows the print of reward for killing Kazi* One of our pilots is in DANGER! Thylan Pilot Commander:Say what....? Lyod:Yeah,Kazi MIGHT started to be hunted,even right now.... Name:Lyod Migan Faction:Thylan Zentoid Weapon:Zentoid Di-Sword Homeworld:Thelan Short Bio:A close friend of Natalia and Kazi.Sometimes,he likes to joke around.He knows Natalia's actual name.Kazi also knows about that.
#4817972Monday, January 05, 2009 12:40 PM GMT

*trident ray is burning the stuff on the planet* ConMan:Send Probe down! *probe is looking for Kazi* NO POSTS 4 WHILE!
Top 25 Poster
#4818087Monday, January 05, 2009 12:55 PM GMT

(Kazis a lone race) Kazi:*Slices the probe in half and uses some of its tech for power*
#4818097Monday, January 05, 2009 12:57 PM GMT

COnman: There he is! Blast him hard! *Trident Ray hits Kazi from orbit*
Top 25 Poster
#4818104Monday, January 05, 2009 12:58 PM GMT

Kazi:Ow. Thank you highly advanced armor! *Walks away*
Top 25 Poster
#4818113Monday, January 05, 2009 1:00 PM GMT

(I remembered I had two kazis...Lol,Im playing as a difrent one) Kazi(Thylan):I dont have a bounty on my head..
#4818114Monday, January 05, 2009 1:00 PM GMT

ConMan: Hes alive? Get me a Ion Bomardment now,all ships! *ion blasts fly down and hit kazi,stunning him and lowering his shields*
#4818128Monday, January 05, 2009 1:02 PM GMT

ConMan: Trident Ray Fire! All GUNS FIRE!
Top 25 Poster
#4818129Monday, January 05, 2009 1:03 PM GMT

(Its not sheilds) Kazi:*Looks at a few crates,Dodges one or two ion blasts but gets hit by one*
#4818140Monday, January 05, 2009 1:05 PM GMT

Trident ray hits kazi,the turbolaser and proton missles follow.
#4818150Monday, January 05, 2009 1:06 PM GMT

*troops land at the planet and surround kazi*
#4818167Monday, January 05, 2009 1:10 PM GMT

GTG to school. Dont involve me or any USC thing till 3 o clock.
#4818180Monday, January 05, 2009 1:12 PM GMT

-Hawk Private Space Ship- The force detector caught a signal of a planet with ally life force and enemy life force. Natalia:*wakes up* Uh...? *hears the detector bleeping and runs to see it* Darn it....They must have found out Kazi and attacked him... Lyod:What!? Natalia:I guess we'll lose our friend....Or I'll risk my life...Lyod,watch over this space ship! *runs to the space ship bay and gets on a space fighter* Lyod:Hey,wait!Oh,fine.... Natalia took off by starting the fighter engine and went out to outer space.
Top 25 Poster
#4818197Monday, January 05, 2009 1:17 PM GMT

Kazi:O_O...Err.*Slashes a few troops and runs into the burrow*
Top 100 Poster
#4818222Monday, January 05, 2009 1:22 PM GMT

Leon:*finally finishes setting fire ti nimbus* have fun with that profet *sticks out his middle finger up and jumps on a astroid* *flys into space*
#4818323Monday, January 05, 2009 1:41 PM GMT

-Outer Space- Natalia:*flies the space fighter* Ugh....I somehow feel some scary presence on the next planet I'll discover... Lyod:*communicating from the Hawk Private Space Ship control room* Natalia?You there? Natalia:Yes.It seems that this space fighter is a bit too fast.It's really not good for me,but I think I should arrive at a planet- *flies away from an asteroid* ...Soon. Lyod:Yeah...You're really good at modifying space fighters,strangely. Natalia:Eh....Is it true? *communication line got cut off for a reason* Lyod:Natalia?Natalia!!!My....I guess she's going to the planet detected.....
Top 25 Poster
#4818396Monday, January 05, 2009 1:50 PM GMT

(Did I make MK4 yet? If i did then its on the planet Natalia is going to)
#4818457Monday, January 05, 2009 1:59 PM GMT

-Outer Space- Natalia:*sigh*.Connection line cut off for no reason!?That stinks.Now I have to- *arrives at the atmosphere of the planet and finds out the destructed lands* ... *facepalm* Ugh....Destroying environments really is WRONG in Thylans main laws...Where should I land...? *space fighter gets hit by a laser on the left wing* Uh oh..... *communication line goes in again* I'm dead,Lyod....Someone shot down my fighter. Lyod:....ZOHNOEZ!!!!(See?He really likes to say that when something bad is happening to Natalia XD) Then just do an emergency land! Natalia:Fine....But If I'm dead,a cat will haunt you until you apologize for giving me WRONG instructions... Lyod:T_T The space fighter crashed down to a land that is still fine,but Natalia didn't get injured.Instead.... Natalia:*gets a headache* Ouch...It's happening...Again. *turns into a cat and faints o_O*