#44108020Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:01 PM GMT

Reagan I thought for a moment....then it hit me. Angelica Well...would you like to be my ambassador? If everything works out? And no one will disobey my rule, they're terrified of me. Reagan
Top 25 Poster
#44108247Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:05 PM GMT

Angelica I stared at him before stepping backwards slowly. "and...?" i said. Reagan NOT everyone is terrified of you. Heck I'm not. ok kinda sometimes... ambassador? I thought we were going back to being royal... Angelica
#44108403Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:07 PM GMT

I tap Vulture on the shoulder ~What's your real name anyways Vulture?"
#44108473Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:08 PM GMT

~Steve~ I lean against the wall. Creepo.
#44108550Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:10 PM GMT

Cragus: "And it felt weird." I looked down "As a demon I should love killing just felt so...wrong. I haven't taken a life ever since that day even in battle. I've injured plenty but killing is something I'll never do again." I looked at her tossing another rock skipping across the water.
#44108677Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:11 PM GMT

Elizabeth -Elizabeth- I said. (hold on, are you royalty to Angelica? If so, ignore this post...) Reagan I bit my lip. Angelica I need an ambassador. One who can carry messages and represent me for the angels. Usually I would assign a demon...but I'd rather have you. Reagan
Top 25 Poster
#44108681Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:12 PM GMT

Angelica I was actually silent for once as I skipped another rock. "just a question out of the blue, what will happen if I die?" i ask.
Top 25 Poster
#44108820Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:14 PM GMT

Angelica I looked at the note. Reagan But didn't you say that at the end, the 2 races will mix or something? Angelica
#44108884Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:15 PM GMT

~Vulture's easier.~ I take off my scarf and I sit back down.
#44108988Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:17 PM GMT

Cragus: I looked at her shocked thne realized what she was talking about. "Well if you were killed I'd hunt the creature that did it and give him a fate worse than death. If you were to die of natural causes..." It got really quiet with me and her skipping rocksk in scilence. "I can't exactly say what I would do."
#44109002Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:17 PM GMT

~Steve~ However, it was aparent that the girl could read my thoughts.. He IS kind of a jerk, right?, i ask her mentaly.
#44109068Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:18 PM GMT

Reagan I smirked. Angelica I said I wished...even if this war ends, there will still be a huge hostility and hate factor between angels and demons. The end of a war doesn't just ed it. For some maybe, but not all. Reagan (brb for 30 minutes) Elizabeth I rolled my eyes. -Whatever-
Top 25 Poster
#44109093Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:18 PM GMT

(wait, killer about your ooc previously. What do you mmean royalty to ANgelica?) Angelica I looked thoughtful at what he said. "hmm." i said, chuckling.
#44109604Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:26 PM GMT

Cragus: I lent over and kissed her cheek then moved back saying "I know this though. I'd never forgive myself if you died by something other than age."
Top 25 Poster
#44109815Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:29 PM GMT

Angelica I half rolled my eyes and checked my pockets. Sigh. I blushed then. Reagan I can stop the war and the hostility...But it would cost a life though. A life that I'm willingly to give up for the sake for you and your rule. Angelica
#44110056Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:33 PM GMT

Cragus: This time I actually read the note and gave Angelica a hudge glare. I said "You better not do what I think your going to do, Angelica." I grabbed her hand gentally "I don't want you to die, even if its to end this war. You're the most important thing to me right now and...and.." I teared up a little "I don't want to lose you that way."
Top 25 Poster
#44110246Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:36 PM GMT

Angelica I sighed as I look at him. "it's for her sake when she rule later. I owe a lot to her." i said, sighing. "and also stay in your own business." i teased and elbowed him.
#44110364Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:38 PM GMT

Cragus: I was not laughing "I'm serious Angelica. I finally had the nerve to tell you how I feel and..and" I stopped their not wanting to finish.
Top 25 Poster
#44110579Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

Angelica I sighed as I sat down. "I mean I can end the war easily. it's just the hostility that happens later. and heck she's my best friend. If she rules, then it had be best over a peaceful population than a hostile one..."
#44110822Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:45 PM GMT

Cragus: "I know that but do you really have to...die?" I said tryng very hard not to burst out crying.
Top 25 Poster
#44111010Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:47 PM GMT

Angelica "it depends on how bad the hostility really..." i said slowly.
#44111235Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:51 PM GMT

Cragus: I said a little hopeful at that statement "Actually truth be told, ever since you took charge not alot of demons attack angels on a regular basis." Okay that was because if they did they would have to awnser to Reagan and like myself, they are terrified of Reagan.
Top 25 Poster
#44111610Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

ANgelica "it's Reagan really. she's just going to give me 2 months. After that, its a full scale war. And only I can stop that from happening. no one else." i said, lying down down.
#44111612Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

Reagan I read the note four times in shock. "Oh hell no," I growled. In place of a note I sent a shadow form of myself. I appeared in a beautiful meadow (?). "Angeli--" I cut off my rant midsentence as I notice she's with Cragus. "Crap..." I say, and my fury dies.
Top 25 Poster
#44111689Wednesday, March 16, 2011 11:58 PM GMT

(ignore that other post...) Angelica "reagan...10 mins. from now." i said.