#47092241Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:03 AM GMT

Cragus: "Yes, I know" I said while looking at her "It's just, when he warped me to here, he was more...sad"
Top 25 Poster
#47092307Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:05 AM GMT

Adam "remember what I said Reagan." I said, looking back at her with a small smile. Angelica I was stunned as I momentarily stop writing. "sad?" i echoed after a few minutes.
#47092409Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:08 AM GMT

Cragus: "Like,he was hurt." I got up and said "There must be something else. The only thing I was told was, Reviax was his daughter. Why would he be kind to children, and sound sad mentioning, warping me to a loved one?"
#47092463Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:10 AM GMT

Reagan I smiled sadly. "Protect you sister," I said quietly. I stepped through the portal and disappeared.
Top 25 Poster
#47092540Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:12 AM GMT

Angelica I went back to writing. 'well it looks like he can't bear to watch children being hurt...he probably did this because I guess what he did to Reviax...I guess it reminds him of the pain to what he did to her." I said. Reviax My emotions were everywhere. 'Why did he leave? Why did he killed mom and my brother? Why was he distant from him when I first joine the brotherhood? Wouldn't he be happy to see me or something?' i thought as i walked.
Top 25 Poster
#47092591Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:14 AM GMT

Adam I closed my eyes for a minute and flew off already knowing where my sister would be at this point. (wait when did we timeskip to?)
#47092657Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:16 AM GMT

Cragus: "Its like," I then turned to her "You dont think...he was the one that killed his family,do you?" Griffen: I warped Reviax to me and said "My daughter,I sense you have questions. Please, we have a week, ask away."
#47092708Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:17 AM GMT

Reagan I sat down with a depressed sigh on my throne. All the families were fine and I had locked them away. Now...Now I wait for them. (What about the kids, isn't Adam taking them to his Dad?)
Top 25 Poster
#47092793Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:21 AM GMT

Angelica I sighed and said, "it's obvious. don't you think? i think this is why he wants Reagan's throne..." Reviax 'he has got to stop sneaking up on me when I least expect him to.' i thought grumpily. "what if I take up more than a week?" i said, smiling with a touch of humor.
Top 25 Poster
#47092835Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:22 AM GMT

(oh ignore the one about Adam then.) Adam I soon found the kids easily with a smile. "hey you guys. look I'm sorry but there will be fighting soon and I want you guys to be safe than killed." i said.
#47092842Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:22 AM GMT

Cragus: "I don't understand your logic,sweetie" I said calmly Griffen: I laughed "Then I guess we'd have to wait another year."
#47092893Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:24 AM GMT

NEW CHARACTER! Name:Chuck Norris GEnder:God Weapon:Series of kicks Apperance:You don't see him he sees you. Other:Since Chuck Norris was born roundhouse kick deaths has risen 1337% and he is known to have died years ago, but the reaper hasn't had the courage to tell him that.
#47092956Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:26 AM GMT

(g2g sorry)
#47093014Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:28 AM GMT

*Chuck Norris* *Kills all other creatures* The war is over now get me my coffee fool.
Top 25 Poster
#47093018Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:28 AM GMT

Angelica I continued writing as I said, "he wants to have Reagan's throne so he can make Reviax feel better with a family. he wants to able to bring them back alive because i don't know this but he probably know the pain and grief that Reviax had when he left her." Reviax I thought, 'sooner or later I'm going to have to find a way to stop him from reading my thoughts. Life long goal now.' I chuckled and said, "that's pretty long from now."
Top 25 Poster
#47093059Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:29 AM GMT

(bye. catch you tomorrow or something.)
#47093060Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:29 AM GMT

Robby We looked up. "Where are we going?" I ask.
Top 25 Poster
#47093141Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:31 AM GMT

Adam I picked him up and said, "to my dad where it'll be safe. everywhere else would be fighting and I would be killed by your sister if one of you died."
#47093212Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:34 AM GMT

Ruby I looked up at Adam. "Am I frightening Adam?" I asked quietly. Twins We looked at Ruby strangely. That was random.
Top 25 Poster
#47093273Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:37 AM GMT

Adam Random. very random in this situation. I sighed and said, "no. why would you ask that?" as I looked at her.
#47093315Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:39 AM GMT

Ruby "Elizabeth's new boyfriend thinks so," I mumbled, looking away. Robby "Can we go now Adam?" I asked.
Top 25 Poster
#47093419Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:43 AM GMT

Adam i rolled my eyes at her and said, "yup. just climb up on me and I'll do teleportation. i can't risk having to fly since who knows what will happen."
#47093653Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:53 AM GMT

Robby Adam was already holding me, so Ruby occupied his back and the twins latched onto his legs. "We're ready," I said.
Top 25 Poster
#47093728Sunday, May 15, 2011 5:57 AM GMT

Adam "I still wish I have three hands." i said, chuckling as i teleported easily to our house in the Heavens. jerry I didn't even need to glance up when Adam appeared. "that took longer than expected." I said, while reading. "sorry dad." he said, with a smile.
#47093793Sunday, May 15, 2011 6:00 AM GMT

Ruby/Robby "Uncle Jerry!" we shouted, rushing forward and jump hugging him. The twins stayed behind, unsure. They hadn't met Uncle Jerry yet. Yet.