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#42788719Sunday, February 20, 2011 2:00 PM GMT

Its the one where Dimitri kidnapps Roman I can do the warehouse part but when I get to the part where the guy is holding the gun up to Romans head if you use your scope he shoot Roman, if I use freem aim if you dont get a head shot: 1. He gets scared and shoot Roman. 2. You shoot Roman PLEASE HELP
#42789079Sunday, February 20, 2011 2:13 PM GMT

Take a couple of seconds in free aim to line up a shot to Dimitri's leg. Dimitri flinches and you can end him. That's what I did.
#42802167Sunday, February 20, 2011 6:37 PM GMT

No it's a diff one its the one where Dimitri can't make it but I beat it, so thanks anyways.
#43043052Thursday, February 24, 2011 10:41 PM GMT

Good, Now that its broke you can stop playing this adult CRAP and start Playing something more dunno Appropriate,fun and/or Addictive WHAT IS SOOOO FUN ABOUT THIS? OH MAH GAWD I SHAWT SHUM GUYZ HEAD OFF LOLOLLOLOL I R DA UBA PWNAGE@!!!!!
#43051441Friday, February 25, 2011 12:31 AM GMT

@Sep Agreed, GTA IV is overrated

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