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#43808928Friday, March 11, 2011 10:01 PM GMT

"You don't know much about programming, let me tell you you that much." -- I told you I just started. Thanks for pointing out the obvious.. ~~ "A+ isn't java. I'm sure it's just a lazy programming language to make non-programmers feel special." -- It's actually hardware not software. I'm not sure why I put that in there right now.. Maybe it was for emphasis.. I actually don't know why I do half the things I do.. Doesn't change hte fact that I do, indeed, know how long it takes to create a game. And I do know that after this many years of ROBLOX being up, they should have created at least ONE worthwhile feature.. "What about it being a sandbox game!!" Sandboxes are everwhere. Not special nor worthwhile. I'm tlaking about dynamic lights. Advanced physics. Things like that. I know it's possible. And I know that in the time that ROBLOX has been up, at least ONE of those worthwhile features should have been made. ~~ "long time. I can tell you that because ROBLOX is still in development, right now." -- ROBLOX is an MMO. To my understanding, MMOs are never quite done developing. And I also see no reference to this game being in alpha nor beta. So I treated it as such. And it wasn't. By the way. Maybe ROBLOX just thought it was. Or maybe I just didn't know. Either way, doesn't matter. I don't care it's only one day and if I ever get bored of this webstie (Like I know I will. I never visit any games anymore), I still have the Crysis 2 pre-release demo. At least they created everything worthwhile. Even if it does require a pretty powerfull PC (And I have that powerfull of a PC :D). But I'm not asking ROBLOX to become the next Crysis (Although it would be awesome if they did). All I'm saying is give me at least ONE reason to stay, other than the 4 VERY good freinds I have here that have NO other way of communicating with me.
#43809229Friday, March 11, 2011 10:05 PM GMT

"Oh, and I can spell your intelligence by the big mistake you just made.. "My main". You have just said you made a ban-alt, which is against the rules. BUH-BYE. " -- The lat time I checked there was no rule against this. And I never denied it was a ban-alt. It actually was created as a way of having a back-up of a place of mine in case I lost the model file I saved on my PC. But that's besides the point. And spell my intelligence? By one instance? Hardly. You know nothing about me past the few minutes you've spent reading my posts. And as I've said in my last one, I don't care of whatever administrative what-ever-you-want-to-call-it's. The only reason I'm still here is because of the few people that I have no other way of communicating with. If I get banned from here, I'll just go back to Crysis or Far Cry.
#43809532Friday, March 11, 2011 10:11 PM GMT

If you know the length of making games, then why don't you make a roblox-clone, and tell me the time spent. In fact, tell me. Have you created one game, or at least a program, with the complexity of ROCLOX? No, no. Wait, don't tell me. Your gonna say "YUS", and quote and quote "NOT BE ABLE TO LINK TO IT" because of the no offsite-links rule. I see people with your ignorance and arrogance everyday. The worst part is, they don't stop argueing. They say unrelated things to prove their points, even though they know they agree. I bet you are a smart person, and I know that if you are you will agree with this: Lets just stop argueing. We will assume nobody won, and never cross paths.
#43809610Friday, March 11, 2011 10:12 PM GMT

Oh, and ban-alts are against the rules. BeepBoopBop even got IP'ed because he made one.
#43809847Friday, March 11, 2011 10:16 PM GMT

"In fact, tell me. Have you created one game, or at least a program, with the complexity of ROCLOX? No, no. Wait, don't tell me. Your gonna say "YUS", and quote and quote "NOT BE ABLE TO LINK TO IT" because of the no offsite-links rule. I see people with your ignorance and arrogance everyday." -- I never was going to quote the offsite link thing. That shows how little you know about me. I was actually going to quote the thing I said about.. What was it again? Oh yea! I JUST STARTED LEARNING! ~~ "If you know the length of making games, then why don't you make a roblox-clone, and tell me the time spent." -- Knowing the length of time it takes doesn't make you a better programer.. And I'm one person. Not a whole company. I can't do it. But if they were doing things right they could. But clearly they aren't. So they haven't. ~~ "Lets just stop argueing. We will assume nobody won, and never cross paths." -- Fine. Just don't go into the threads I want to post on >:U Which shouldn't be that hard. The only places on ROBLOX I'm at are my inbox and S&I. Now you know how to avoid me..
#43809962Friday, March 11, 2011 10:18 PM GMT

Damn it! Fine. Last post.. "BeepBoopBop even got IP'ed because he made one." -- *Calls ISP* *Asks for new DNS* *I'm baaaaaaacccckkkk!* Now I shuddap. (Sorry. Overcompulsive need to always make sure I clarify points like that.)
#43862458Saturday, March 12, 2011 4:27 PM GMT

Guys this is seriously going off topic'get back on track and stop using my forum for a social fight area.
#43868515Saturday, March 12, 2011 5:59 PM GMT

Why is this CD'ed? It was such a good idea!
#43874530Saturday, March 12, 2011 7:18 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#43874961Saturday, March 12, 2011 7:23 PM GMT

Stuff like this gets [ Content Deleted ] For numbers of various reasons. Reasons that I don't know of.
#43878040Saturday, March 12, 2011 8:05 PM GMT

#43878219Saturday, March 12, 2011 8:08 PM GMT

#43881311Saturday, March 12, 2011 8:51 PM GMT

Really the bit bout free BC for 3 days should have been deleted.

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