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#43069638Friday, February 25, 2011 5:33 AM GMT

Hello. I was a rabid roblox player-until I discovered how much better Google Chrome is than Internet Explorer. I use it for most of my browsing now, as it seems much sleeker and faster than IE. The only problem is that i can't access games from it. To do that, I have to pull up IE, log in to Roblox, and find the game again. Obviously, this is a hassle. Who else uses another browser other than IE for browsing and is mad at this inconvienence?
#43069670Friday, February 25, 2011 5:34 AM GMT

You could use the Roblox Browser, but I concur.
#43069709Friday, February 25, 2011 5:35 AM GMT

I use firefox. I can't believe I ever thought Internet Explorer was good... So instead of using either brosers, I use the ROBLOX browser. It keeps things simple.
#43069794Friday, February 25, 2011 5:39 AM GMT

@fghik and pugzy: Yes, but I want the speed and convienence. I'll have to switch between a slow browser and a fast browser constantly, and that gives me neither.
#43069805Friday, February 25, 2011 5:40 AM GMT

Listen,they made game browsing faster for a reason.
#43071145Friday, February 25, 2011 6:49 AM GMT

I use Firefox, but there's a plugin (IE Tab) that will emulate the Internet Explorer 7 engine (requires an existing IE7 install, sorry Linux users), and I can launch Roblox games from it just fine. You can even set a rule in it that any URL in the range of "http://*.roblox.com/*" (which would include Gametest) auto-opens in IE Tab. I don't know if there's a Chrome equivalent... Also, the reason Roblox normally only works in IE is because of ActiveX controls, which Microsoft doesn't want to share. IE Tab basically pushes all requests from a page to IE (which is why it takes a lot longer to load a page using it, if it's the first time this browsing session, it's basically having to load the IE framework), so you're essentially viewing it in IE, but within the Firefox interface, kind of a virtual machine type system. Further proof of this: other Firefox plugins, like AdBlock, don't work on IE Tabbed pages.
#43071676Friday, February 25, 2011 7:54 AM GMT

ok let's make it in firefox,google chrome,ie is already but i don't know more

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