#50045982Wednesday, July 06, 2011 11:21 PM GMT

(You have to wait to be accepted.)
#50049362Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:10 AM GMT

Country CS: Name: Commonwealth of nations (its like the UN but its canada, england scotland ect Founded: 1950 Population: 5 million Capital city: London Capitalist or Communist: Monarchy Leaders na.me:(You) King george XXIII Military CS: Ove.ral strength: 1 million Most consentrated: Navy Primary weapon: SA-80 (to modern?) Primary heli: Westland Lynx Primary fighter jet: Harrier Primary bomber: B-52 Main Battle tank: Challenger II Special weapons:(Balistic missles, Nikes, spy aircraft etc.) Ballistic Missle
#50051681Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:43 AM GMT

(Recon I had destroyers :P) The destroyers use sonar to detect the subs before they sunk the battleships. Helicopters took off and dropped depth charges, destroying the subs. (:D. You forgot to read the destroyer part? One of the roles of modern destroyers is anti-submarine.)
#50052124Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:49 AM GMT

The destroyers had battalistic missile defenses. They had chain guns similar to the Phalanx CIWS that shot down the cruise missiles.
#50052294Thursday, July 07, 2011 12:51 AM GMT

The radar guided missile launchers on Ves'usk detect the chemical missiles. Long range guided missiles were fired at the chemical missiles.
#50053127Thursday, July 07, 2011 1:03 AM GMT

We pull out reservists from our Homeland and invade with nearly 20 million soilders in Florida, a Blitzkrieg and a Naval Assault pound the UAN troops and force them out of Flordia quickly and easily. Submarines use tiny missiles that are specalised for destroying Mines and are not repelled, Cruise Missiles wreak havoc on the UAN Navy. We then ask the US for assistance in Flordia...
#50053323Thursday, July 07, 2011 1:06 AM GMT

A force of 5 million Ves'usk troops invade Hawaii. 1 million invaded Japan. With Ves'usk troops already in Japan, the 1 million reinforcements overtake the Japenese military, and take over Japan.
#50062407Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:28 AM GMT

UAN Submarines counterattack the USS Navy. The units in Northern Florida attack the Allied troops. We ask Ves'usk for help in the U.S.
#50063094Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:40 AM GMT

(halo me ICBMs are in friggin space. There orbital missles. and over 6 million forces is a little on the god modding side.) british naval forces sink the remaining vektus ships and establish a solid beachhead,
#50063677Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:50 AM GMT

(Recon, Could Scotland go like Indipendant and be under my control? I just...Have a Scottish surge in me...If you say no, I understand...) Our troops easily kick out the UAN and force there navy into a Retreat. We send 5 million more onto the beachhead with the British, easily making this the largest amphibious invasion sence the invasion at Omaha Beach in Normandy...
#50064140Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:59 AM GMT

New Frontdvai Fights through the Swamps of South Florida...
#50064378Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:03 AM GMT

(You can have scotland max) Commonwealth of nations forces hit the beaches of Vek'tus. Heavy armor and artillery units are now rolling inland to the vek'tus capital. 10 of the 15 ICBMs hit there targets leaving the capital and several major citys in gas clouds.
#50064566Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:07 AM GMT

(Alright! Thanks man!)
#50064708Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:10 AM GMT

Country CS: Name: Scotland Founded: Between 700-900 AD Population: 5.2 million Capital city: Edinburogh Capitalist or Communist: Capitalist Leaders na.me: Edward Salmond National Anthem: Flower of Scotland Military CS: Ove.ral strength: 200,000 Troops Most consentrated: Naval Primary weapon: M16A2 Primary heli: Same as USS Primary fighter jet: Same as USS Primary bomber: Same as USS Main Battle tank: Same as USS Special weapons: Spy Aircraft... Note: This is not a copy of Make and Rule a Country Other Note: I am operating that you can only have 3 countries at a time, so, this will be #2 right now...Out of a total of 5 I have made and broken so far...
#50064821Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:12 AM GMT

New Frontdavia Takes Back South Florida in the Name of the U.S
#50064915Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:14 AM GMT

USS We begin to pull out of Florida and put our troops into Texas, and use the same ruthless efficency to take it back also...
#50066043Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:41 AM GMT

(Recon, the Ves'usk have a military of 30 million soldiers. Military accepted their CS. Oh, and the missile launchers could have fired on the chemical missiles on reentry into the atmosphere.)
#50066166Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:44 AM GMT

(Oh and there were interlocking MG nests and AT guns at the beaches >_<. With the Ves'usk airforce protecting them.)
#50066302Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:48 AM GMT

(The anti-missile launchers have a 3 stage defense. Long range, medium range, and short range launchers. There is 15 of each protecting the island.)
#50066363Thursday, July 07, 2011 4:49 AM GMT

(Heres my CS. I remember Military accepting it. Country CS: Name: Ves'usk Founded: 1620 Population: 500 million Capital city: Os'arde Capitalist or Communist: Capitalist Leaders na.me:(You) Tristan [last name classified] Military CS: Ove.ral strength: 30 million. Most consentrated: Uhh, what do I put here? Primary weapon: UI-58A assault rifle. Primary heli: Ves'usk light gunship. Primary fighter jet: I'atir-60 (I-60) Primary bomber: Ad'Tai-9 heavy bomber. Main Battle tank: Os'arde-5-B (O5B) Special weapons:(Balistic missles, Nikes, spy aircraft etc.) Ballistic missiles. Note: This is not a copy of Make and Rule a Country. )
#50078357Thursday, July 07, 2011 2:06 PM GMT

(I'm on the U.S's side, and the C.A.A stands for Central American Alliance. Also guys you should should get some over sea territory in Africa.) The C.A.A goes to Boston to assist American and USS forces. The C.A.A forces invades Ves'uk held territory on the U.S homeland. The C.A.A capture East Africa (Somailia, Eithopia and Derg.) And creates the Central American East Africa,
#50079039Thursday, July 07, 2011 2:21 PM GMT

Country CS: Name: Central American Coloinal States Founded: 1970 (That's the year) Population: Currently 6.1 million, but grows Capital city: Max city (a large city near a bay about 6 hours away on the tip of North Somalia.) Capitalist or Communist: Communist Leaders na.me: Mark Hyde Military CS: Ove.ral strength: 1.2 million (a bit of the Central American military) Most consentrated: Infantry Primary weapon: AK-47 Primary heli: Same as C.A.A Primary fighter jet: Same as C.A.A Primary bomber: Same as C.A.A Main Battle tank: Same as C.A.A Special weapons: Nukes Note: This is not a copy of Make and Rule a Country
#50082842Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:36 PM GMT

The Ves'usk recruit more troops. 200,000 thousand soldiers are trained.
#50082920Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:37 PM GMT

(The USS, when we were formed, took the African Union. That consists of all states below the middle of the Congo Dem. Republic...)
#50083409Thursday, July 07, 2011 3:46 PM GMT

The Ves'usk take a few captured M60 tanks. They test the M60 against their own Os'arde-5-B tank. It is discovered the Os'arde has a bigger gun, and thicker armor.