#4548284Friday, December 26, 2008 7:26 AM GMT

Summon from death: Adark~ adark Noobley~ snooper1999 Noobs: 1~ BananaMario 2~ 9volt 3~ harpielad 4~ Sandra 5~ Escaped Prisoners: 1~ auggie2007 2~ brandnio227 3~ Alekio Demons: 1~ austin2345 2~ legalman 3~ Destin715 4~ NOTEs: Noobley in at very end, Noobs never die out untill last movie, Prisoners last about halfway through until they are killed(1) or taken in by the resistance(2), Demons Don't last long at all and will be noobs after their scene.
#4548375Friday, December 26, 2008 7:35 AM GMT

I wanna be a demon.Ps Do we get paid?If not its ok.
#4548525Friday, December 26, 2008 7:54 AM GMT

no pay... all actors are told in credits though... using this chart.. :P Summon from death: Adark~ adark Noobley~ snooper1999 Noobs: 1~ BananaMario 2~ 9volt 3~ harpielad 4~ Sandra 5~ Escaped Prisoners: 1~ auggie2007 2~ brandnio227 3~ Alekio Demons: 1~ austin2345 2~ legalman 3~ Destin715 4~ julio745
#4549535Friday, December 26, 2008 12:24 PM GMT

cool i cant wait but when? i cant do it today
#4549974Friday, December 26, 2008 1:45 PM GMT

i will join
#4563448Saturday, December 27, 2008 12:38 AM GMT

#4567347Saturday, December 27, 2008 3:26 AM GMT

Count me in if I can be a Demon.
#4567950Saturday, December 27, 2008 3:47 AM GMT

O_O I WANTED TO BE A PRISINER >_< nevermind.....
#4569996Saturday, December 27, 2008 5:15 AM GMT

THIS IS ADARK HERE I got a 1 day ban and will be back on tomorrow. Summon from death: Adark~ adark ???/Resistance watchman~ burp68 Noobley~ snooper1999 Noobs: 1~ legalman 2~ 9volt 3~ harpielad 4~ Sandra 5~ Alekio Escaped Prisoners: 1~ auggie2007 2~ brandnio227 3~ BananaMario Demons: 1~ austin2345 2~ nogonuget 3~ Destin715 4~ julio745 I jumbled the actors around a little so that Banana gets wat he wants. NEW ROLE LOCKED, NO MORE ACTORS NEEDED YET. We will start filming each scene when their set/sets are complete. The first set is the underworld, the only place that the demons ever see. The next set will be a plain that ??? sends Adark to before she is pushed into the underworld by Noobley, whom she accidentally releases. The third forth and fith sets are a Mountain path That lead past a small noob outpost and to a resistance encampment. The sixth seventh eighth and ninth sets will be Noobley's fortress. The final tenth set is Noobley's throne room. Next post will have the story.
#4570582Saturday, December 27, 2008 5:43 AM GMT

When adark dies in the first movie, he is sent to the underworld to live out his eternity. Noobley is also sent there but had a punishment, he was just a normal Robloxian but they changed him into a rabid. Adark and Noobley are being escourted through the underworld when all of a sudden, a light appears out of nowher and stuns the demons. Adark hears a voice teling him to run into the light. He does and is turned into light and starts to rise up out of the underworld. Noobley also ran into the light as it started shrinking at the bottom knowing that it was his way out and he would be normal again, but he reached it and started rising before he could pull his entire body into the light and therefore became a rabid permanently(this is not actually seen in the movie). Adark finds himself in a foggy landscape when he awakes and ??? comes out and starts talking to him. he says that Adark was chosen to lead the Resistance in the Final battle against all noobs and that she must sacrifice herself to spare his life. At the moment that she was about to say who she was, Noobley comes charging through the fog and pushes ??? into the underworld which closes the second she falls in screaming "SELSIAMSA VICTORNEO..." And before she could finish Noobley shouts "THE NOOB PLAINS!!!!!!" and faints. Adark faints also and finds himself in a flat Plain. He can see mountains a ways behind him and a fortress not a mile in front of him. Just then a squad of escaped Prisoners comes running past folowed by a group of noobs shooting at them with slingshots. (Continued in next post)
#4570900Saturday, December 27, 2008 5:58 AM GMT

The prisoners yell to adark to "HELP US" and Adark finds a rock nearby and throwas it at a noob who gets knocked out amd drops his slingshot. Adark goes over, takes it, and kills all of the noobs off. The prisoners tell adark that they had been prisoners to Noobley, the self-proclamed high king of the land. hey also say that they found a map that leads to a resistance outpost that they were headed to. Adark agrees to help them through the Mountains to get to the resistance. on they path through the mountains they are ambushed and one of the prisoners is killed. they make it to the watchman who allows the prisoners into the Resistance outpost but before adark could reach the gate the noobs chasing him caused a rockslide and blocked off the path. In the Chrasing of the boulders adark hears the prisoners shout "BENEATH THE BRIDGE!!!". Adark kills off the noobs and barely escapes with his life. He decides to go find the castle and destroy noobley. (Next post)
#4570968Saturday, December 27, 2008 6:02 AM GMT

After fighting his way through the castle, Adark arrives in Noobley's throne room where he just about kills Noobley, but before he could take the last blow, Noobley opens a portal by saying "OPNSEALSA ORPTALNAY HECTONEOSS" and destroys his castle before running in. To Be Continued...
#4574080Saturday, December 27, 2008 1:45 PM GMT

Cool Plot!
#4581336Saturday, December 27, 2008 8:23 PM GMT

i wanna do escaped prisoner
#4585676Saturday, December 27, 2008 10:51 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#4586900Saturday, December 27, 2008 11:33 PM GMT

Did any1 even read the thing under the final actors list? I'm not accepting any new actors ATM.
#4597784Sunday, December 28, 2008 3:35 PM GMT

lets do this movie soon
#4605347Sunday, December 28, 2008 9:16 PM GMT

The first set isn't even done... Besides another person needs actors and wants to use u guys. O and the guy playing ???, be sure you are wearing no closthes and all white body colors
#4621800Monday, December 29, 2008 2:47 PM GMT

Escaped Prisoners: 1~ Jesserocks101 Report Abuse
#4621831Monday, December 29, 2008 2:49 PM GMT

When adark dies in the first movie, he is sent to the underworld to live out his eternity. Noobley is also sent there but had a punishment, he was just a normal Robloxian but they changed him into a rabid. Adark and Noobley are being escourted through the underworld when all of a sudden, a light appears out of nowher and stuns the demons. Adark hears a voice teling him to run into the light. He does and is turned into light and starts to rise up out of the underworld. Noobley also ran into the light as it started shrinking at the bottom knowing that it was his way out and he would be normal again, but he reached it and started rising before he could pull his entire body into the light and therefore became a rabid permanently(this is not actually seen in the movie). Adark finds himself in a foggy landscape when he awakes and ??? comes out and starts talking to him. he says that Adark was chosen to lead the Resistance in the Final battle against all noobs and that she must sacrifice herself to spare his life. At the moment that she was about to say who she was, Noobley comes charging through the fog and pushes ??? into the underworld which closes the second she falls in screaming "SELSIAMSA VICTORNEO..." And before she could finish Noobley shouts "THE NOOB PLAINS!!!!!!" and faints. Adark faints also and finds himself in a flat Plain. He can see mountains a ways behind him and a fortress not a mile in front of him. Just then a squad of escaped Prisoners comes running past folowed by a group of noobs shooting at them with slingshots. (Continued in next post)
#4625136Monday, December 29, 2008 5:21 PM GMT

ill join ill be a demon
#4636361Tuesday, December 30, 2008 12:08 AM GMT

can i be a noob? (lol, i just want to act in something, so dont think of he actual me as a noob)
#4646431Tuesday, December 30, 2008 6:14 AM GMT

Heres proof that i can do a perfect noob.. 0mg! L13k H44444x! l0l0ll0l0l0! Y0uR a nOoB! lpl0l0l0l0l0ll0l0l0lzored! thats it.. for now! DUMDUMDUM DUUMMMM
#4759079Saturday, January 03, 2009 1:26 AM GMT

Summon from death: Adark~ adark Noobley~ snooper1999 Noobs: 1~ BananaMario 2~ 9volt 3~ harpielad 4~ Sandra 5~ Escaped Prisoners: 1~ auggie2007 2~ brandnio227 3~ Alekio Demons: 1~ austin2345 2~ legalman 3~ 4~
#4759102Saturday, January 03, 2009 1:26 AM GMT

srry idk how that happened....