#43572504Sunday, March 06, 2011 6:32 PM GMT

Bump, can I get more support for this idea please?
#43572553Sunday, March 06, 2011 6:33 PM GMT

It's called Building it. ~Noobs are noobs~ No wonder every person wants one~ Join my campiagn aganist Spam~.
#43572590Sunday, March 06, 2011 6:34 PM GMT

Also just for those who aren't going to read the first post. This is an idea about creating a forum board for builders underneath Club Houses. It will be similar to what the scripters have but for building discussion. This will be different to LWIM and BH as this will involve all topics about building but help will only be offered not asked for.
#43572692Sunday, March 06, 2011 6:35 PM GMT

@Rescus go back and read the first frikkin' post! I'm sick and tired of the likes of you reading the title and making assumptions of what the thread is about. ABSOLUTELTY SICK OF IT! Read the first post of suggestion threads, LEARN from it. At least know what the idea is before you reply. Why the [ content deleted ] would anybody suggest a house for BC members anyway?
#43572940Sunday, March 06, 2011 6:39 PM GMT

#43573198Sunday, March 06, 2011 6:43 PM GMT

Thanks buggzie. --3D Support this thread please read the first post.
#43574251Sunday, March 06, 2011 6:58 PM GMT

bump, also sorry for the rage post. I needed to vent. --3D Support this thread please read the first post.
#43574675Sunday, March 06, 2011 7:03 PM GMT

#43578379Sunday, March 06, 2011 7:53 PM GMT

Cool idea but im not BC,D:
#43578419Sunday, March 06, 2011 7:54 PM GMT

@Brianester did you read the first post? This is a board under club houses for builders. Nothing to do with builders club.
#43578431Sunday, March 06, 2011 7:54 PM GMT

It's not BC it's Builders Club House. As in builder, building places?
#43578631Sunday, March 06, 2011 7:57 PM GMT

He's not talking about Builder's CLUB club house. He's talking about a forum called Builder's Club House. I support.
#43582592Sunday, March 06, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

Bump again, please remember to read the first post before replying. --3D Support this thread please read the first post.
#43583232Sunday, March 06, 2011 9:02 PM GMT

@RoyalMega Yeah. That is what he's talking about. It seems like a good idea to me. I'd love to have a forum to talk to other people who know how to build. IronMaidenRocks
#43585523Sunday, March 06, 2011 9:33 PM GMT

This thread has pauljkl's seal of approval, just means 1 more forum to lurk about it
#43588360Sunday, March 06, 2011 10:11 PM GMT

Bumping agian, can anyone who supports this also spread the word to help find more supporters?
#43591287Sunday, March 06, 2011 10:57 PM GMT

If you decide to make a new thread, title it 'Builders Clubhouse', with no space. Less confusion ftw ._. And moar supportz.
#43591709Sunday, March 06, 2011 11:03 PM GMT

No need to create a new thread, when this becomes a long chain thread of support people will take more interest in it. Thanks for the support.
#43592298Sunday, March 06, 2011 11:12 PM GMT

He ment the club house forums, not BC lol
#43612594Monday, March 07, 2011 7:44 AM GMT

#43612738Monday, March 07, 2011 8:03 AM GMT

Yes bc stuff if you dont like it go get BC
#43618054Monday, March 07, 2011 4:27 PM GMT

This is NOT BC stuff, this is a request for a public forum to be added under Club Houses that goes by the name of Builders, for builders to use and converse their techniques, ideas and even exchange polite conversation about the interest of building. Help requests would not be allowed to be made, trade requests would not be allowed to be made and anything other than talk of building would be a reportable offense. Again this is NOT an idea to create houses just for BC members. Whoever even thinks of that is ridiculously pathetic to say the least.
#43619284Monday, March 07, 2011 5:22 PM GMT

I support.
#43621349Monday, March 07, 2011 6:49 PM GMT

We should start to call ourselves architects instead of builders... Oh, and, Bump + moar supportz! And to the TL;DR's: Click the large ROBLOX logo at the top and nevar come back! :D
#43621568Monday, March 07, 2011 6:57 PM GMT

@Lime yea, maybe that would make more sense, however architects primarily work on large structures. Builders can involve everyone from modern architect to abstract sculptor.