#4638400Tuesday, December 30, 2008 1:11 AM GMT

Nice Idea!! BTW, you got loads of things wrong: 1. Noobs can make all the shirts they want but just can't sell them. 2. Hair was a failure but they decided to make a head project and forget the hair and make the heads. And 3. The copyright IS true but ROBLOX may copy and not get sued just yet, they must have a bigger company but their still on some sort of bill. I'm not sure about #3 but I think its right. Oh and 17: Do not post bumps alot because posting bumps make lagg because of the extra posts for nothing. It's okay to bump but don't use it by just saying bump and than post it. How about we make this into a petition like this: Good idea vader10 ~Vader10
#4663336Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:24 PM GMT

Vader, I mean Non BC shouldn't make Shirts and Pants, not T-Shirts. They have a right to make T-Shirts, but not Shirts and Pants. And for everyone else, don't believe every letter, every word, every sentence I typed. It might not be accurate. (I know I spelled it wrong).
#4664286Tuesday, December 30, 2008 11:54 PM GMT

well hey. think about that whole copyrighted hats thing. dont we already make copyrighted shirts and pants like mario, luigi, link, zelda, lich king, etc..? i dont think that players should make hats but i wish that roblox would make some world of warcraft hats or a darth vader or whatever.
#4670269Wednesday, December 31, 2008 3:34 AM GMT

Hats like the Darth Vader Hat and stuff will get Roblox sued. And about the shirts/T-Shirts/Pants of game characters, that shows how much they like it.
#4699735Thursday, January 01, 2009 3:33 AM GMT

Bumper sticker.
#4701198Thursday, January 01, 2009 4:20 AM GMT

I put this bumper sticker on the bumper sticker.
#4727563Friday, January 02, 2009 12:16 AM GMT

I got real great new ones: 18. Don't post the stuff to get you banned on purpose like I want a million tix and robux on the forums. 19. Stop asking for the hat mesh glitch back, it's named GLITCH after all so ROBLOX got rid of it. 20.(I think we already put it) Stop asking for a raise in the daily income Robux or tickets, Builderman won't listen because it's high enough. 21. Don't say rude stuff about administrators about the update, it's most likley your computer not ROBLOX's system. 22. Post less stupid ideas like "can we make hats" and start posting more useful ideas like "should there be a roblox time center(which is a preety good idea to me) ". 23. Don't remake posts that already got deleted by a forum moderator, if it did forget the idea because you might get permanatley banned. 24. Do not overlap posts by posting like 5 bumps in a row without saying one thing diffrerent(and yes i'm reffering to you blaster). 25. Check before posting a thread because I have seen millions of get rid of guests etc. but the people that post it never check for other posts that have the same meaning. Well that's all I can think of for now and i'll be back with more ideas!! ~Vader10
#4727663Friday, January 02, 2009 12:19 AM GMT

Sorry for the double post but just replying to your sued thing, how about the helm of the secret flame or the helm of the frozen north?? They have the darth vader hat theme without the lightning thing on it. It's a bit like the copy locked thing on roblox same goes with buisness and so on: they must ask before using it.
#4731274Friday, January 02, 2009 2:32 AM GMT

That doesn't break a copyright. It's good to see at least one other person on the forum with good grammer, spelling, and common sense. The only other person I know of like me or blaster is SonicTheBro.
#4731984Friday, January 02, 2009 2:55 AM GMT

This is so true,we,the intelligent Robloxians,sadly,are the minority group.To the Extreme.Keep this thread on the top!!I agree with the Copyright thing and the rule against hats,so many bad things could be made from this,if people could make hats,couldn't you just see some noob making a hat called "P0op Hat Rofl".
#4733476Friday, January 02, 2009 3:51 AM GMT

Sorry for bumping so much. Most things on here are Vader's. Maybe all of it. O_o 16 - Asking for the daily income to raise is a bad idea. The hat prices will rise, and more threads about donating will appear in my favorite Forum, TEH SUGGESTIONS! 17 - I sometimes see a Thread that's about a place in the Suggestions Forum. I thought it was advertising, so I clicked on it. In it, it said, "Will you make it?" No, we won't make places for you. If we do, you'll have to give out your password and someone could change it, delete all your stuff, and waste your money. We are not responsible for you, you are responsible for yourself. 18 - If you want to swear in Roblox, DON'T EVEN TRY! There are kids here. (Of course there are kids. This is a kid's game. -_-) I'm sure A LOT of people don't want their little brothers/sisters learn a swear word. If you swear in a game with no people, you'll still get a warning/ban, at least, I think so. There's something about the filters, but I forgot. *This might be wrong. 19 - Roblox will never make Hat prices lower or make the Place Visit's Income increase. The Hat prices are high because they're special and it's part of a challenge. The Place Visit's Income is low because it's part of the challenge. I'll now use * when I think it's wrong. Sorry for not having any suggestions for so long and bumping it so much.
#4760355Saturday, January 03, 2009 2:04 AM GMT

My new bump. Blaster901 encounterd a Unpopular! Blaster901 used Bump! Unpopular used Spam! Blaster901 used Bumper Sticker! Unpopular fainted! Blaster901 gains 1930 Exp. Points! Blaster901 levels up to Lv. 50!
#4760864Saturday, January 03, 2009 2:22 AM GMT

Blaster901 encountered a Noob! Noob used No Reply! Blaster901 used Bump Cannon! Noob fainted and got pwned! :P Blaster901 gained 1 Exp. Point!
#4761916Saturday, January 03, 2009 3:09 AM GMT

People hate me now? D:
#4763196Saturday, January 03, 2009 3:56 AM GMT

If we have a lightsaber weapon or something in a game is that copyright? Just asking.
#4764397Saturday, January 03, 2009 4:44 AM GMT

Don't ask for a Roblox president.
#4764536Saturday, January 03, 2009 4:50 AM GMT

#4769471Saturday, January 03, 2009 2:57 PM GMT

Cot, having a Lightsaber Weapon in game isn't copyrighted. It shows how much people like the thingymahjiger.
#4769502Saturday, January 03, 2009 2:59 PM GMT

One from Rio. 20 - You shouldn't ask for Roblox President. Sure, all the Admins and Mods are important, but it wouldn't be right if one important person has all the power, now, is it? * I think this is wrong. More soon, I'll bump when it's dying.
#4769577Saturday, January 03, 2009 3:05 PM GMT

Nevermind, 20 is a fail.
#4770092Saturday, January 03, 2009 3:38 PM GMT

Bumping doesen't work! *Gets face to look like Chuck Norris' face and roundhouse kicks thread* BTW They have to stop making scripts and name them "this makes ur place good!!" and inside the script is actually "game.Workspace.Remove()" And also, you can get robux by paying tix so you dont need to live in America to get robux.
#4783280Saturday, January 03, 2009 11:59 PM GMT

*bumps kieran555 with bumpzilla* oh its not cot , its srana :l
#4790003Sunday, January 04, 2009 5:02 AM GMT

Made a differnt 20. 20 - Don't post things that were already posted. For example, you shouldn't go to the 20 Page and post whatever thing is there. Ribbons are epic. :P
#4797538Sunday, January 04, 2009 4:48 PM GMT

Thread nearly dead. Bump.
Top 100 Poster
#4797906Sunday, January 04, 2009 5:03 PM GMT

Why don't you ask a mod to pin this?