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#43606387Monday, March 07, 2011 3:00 AM GMT

~~Story~~ After the fall of Neo Arcadia and the death of Dr. Weil humans and reploids have grown together. They were equals. No more wars. No more prejudice. Just peace. But it couldn't stay that way. Mavericks, reploids infected with the Sigma Virus that have a hate for humans, started attacking again. Humans and reploids fought together against this threat. In the past, it was the reploids that were the hereos. This time, it will be the humans. Humans have devoloped a new form of technology called "Biometals". They allow humans to harness the power of the reploids. Diffeent kinds of biometals have been made. Ones that mimic the hereos of the past like X and Zero. The Mavericks don't have a chance this time. ~~Rules~~ No ubering Please use correct grammar if you can Listen to admins Only admins can be reploids. Wait to be accepted ~~Admins~~ Aceblock Megasuperior Invisikid Dragonaxe17 ~~Biometals~~ Model X: Looks like X. Gives the user the power of the "X-Buster". Model Z: Looks like Zero. Gives the user the power of the Z-Saber. Model ZX: Looks like Zero. Gives the user the power of the ZX-Saber and the ZX-Buster. Model H: Looks like Harpuia. Gives the user the power to fly and the Double Sabers. Has electric element. Model F: Looks like Fefnir. Gives the user the power of the buster knuckles and the ability to create shockwaves. Has fire element. Model L: Looks like Leviathan. Gives the user the power of the Halberd and the power to swim. Has ice element. Model P: Looks like Phantom. Gives the user the power of Kunias and Skurikens and the power to cling to ceilings and walls. (Model O and W (Or V) are not avalible) ~~Character Sheet~~ Human Name: @ge: Gender: Appearance: Biometal: Weapons: Items: Bio: Reploid Name: @ge: Gender: Appearance: Battle Chips (Give certain abilities or special attacks): Weapons: Items: Bio:
#43606711Monday, March 07, 2011 3:07 AM GMT

(Can't make my CS right now. I'll do it tomorrow.)
#43607033Monday, March 07, 2011 3:13 AM GMT

Name: Gregar Frost @ge: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall (6'2"), very light blonde hair, white hoodie, black shirt with white flame design, icy blue eyes, caucasion, jeans, white sneakers. Biometal: Model Z excpet white armor, not red. Weapons: Pocket knife. Items: Driver's lisence, car keys, wallet, ID, $17. Bio: Is a biometal tester.
#43625054Monday, March 07, 2011 8:43 PM GMT

Name: Matt Torque @ge: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Jet black hair, black jacket with baby blue lightning bolt design, blue undershirt, emerald green eyes, jeans, yellow sneakers Biometal: Dark blue Model H Weapons: None Items: ID, wallet, $14, digital camera Bio: TBR in RP
#43635313Monday, March 07, 2011 11:44 PM GMT

(Accepted. I have a new bio for my character: To be explained in RP. Yeah I know, not really a new bio, but it cancles out the old one.)
#43635626Monday, March 07, 2011 11:49 PM GMT

(Bring back my old character.) Name: Saber @ge: 21 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall (6'10"), silver armor with black trimming, blue visor, long silver hair, blue eyes, caucasian, skinny but muscled. Battle Chips : Ice elemental, super speed, super jump, invisibility, ice beam (shoots out laser that frezzes enemies), energy sheild, misslesx10. Weapons: dual blue sabers, Ak47 buster. Items: ID, wallet, $117. Bio: One of the reploids that helped in the falling of Neo Arcadia and the death of Dr. Weil. (He is still 21 because reploids don't @ge.)
#43638809Tuesday, March 08, 2011 12:38 AM GMT

(Really? An Ak47 buster? What kind of buster is that?)
#43639323Tuesday, March 08, 2011 12:46 AM GMT

(It's a buster shaped like an Ak47, it also has rapid fire.)
#43639807Tuesday, March 08, 2011 12:53 AM GMT

(...Right. I think I'll change my Biometal to a Model S.)
#43640189Tuesday, March 08, 2011 12:59 AM GMT

(Model S?)
#43640812Tuesday, March 08, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

(Naw, I'm just kidding.)
#43643303Tuesday, March 08, 2011 1:45 AM GMT

(Start.) ~~Gregar~~ I was driving my car down the street. I didn't really no what kind of car it was. If you asked me I'd just say, "It's white." I turned on the radio. They were talking about the Maverick problem increasing. "-As we speak the hereos that brought down Neo Arcadia are fighting the Mavericks. Hereos like the reploid Saber." ~~Saber~~ The humans soldiers had their guns aimed at the Mechaloidsbelow us. I stared down at them from the edge of the cliff. It was our job to stop them, or they'd reach the human city New York that was behind us. These mechaloids were armed with extremly deadly weapons, how the Mavericks had gotten ahold of them I had no idea. It was funny, a few years ago I'd been fighting against the humans' beacon of peace, Neo Arcadia. Now I was fighting for them, of course, these humans were good and didn't deserve to die. But still... No mater how many times I told myself that I still had doubts who's side I was really on... Having an evil human like Dr. Weil trying to kill you will do that to you.
#43644454Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:02 AM GMT

I was walking down the sidewalk, bored. I saw a white car pass by. It didn't look interesting, but I gotta take a picture of something, right? I pulled out my camera and shot the car.
#43645932Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:22 AM GMT

(Yes, very exciting.)
#43646060Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:23 AM GMT

(Oh, shut up.)
#43647643Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:49 AM GMT

(Is Mega coming?) ~~Saber~~ The mechaloids advanced. My identity crisis could wait. If we didn't do something then countless innocent humans and reploids would die. "Okay," I said. " Each of these meachloids have a specific weakness. I suggest that we send out a skilled reploid and or humans for each meachloid. I'll take one on myself, any questions?" No one said anything. "I'll take that as a no. Let's go!" I depoyed my buster and jumped down from the cliff. Neing a reploid the fall didn't affect me. Other reploids and some humans followed me. I charged at a mechloid armed with many giant guns. They all fired at me, but I activated my extreme speed battle chip and easily dodged the bullets. I activated my high jump battle chip and then landed on top of it. The hatch door was made of stell, but the tank itself was made of a weaker metal. I cut a hole to the left of the hatch with my saber and fell through. There was no driver in the mechloid, just a computer. No doubt that a Maverick was remotly control that tank from some safe haven. I put away my weapons and went to the computer. There was a conviently placed "override" button, but it required a code. So I just blasted the computer instead. Just like the good 'ol days. The days without robots that have identity crisis'.
#43647761Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:51 AM GMT

Human Name:Hollow @ge:20 Gender:Male Appearance:A blue/black version of Model P. with Scarlet Red hair. Biometal: Model P. Weapons:Kunai and shurikens? Oh and A katana. Items:None I guess. Bio: He doesn't have one. He got his amnesia after having his biometal installed, mysteriously.
#43647841Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:52 AM GMT

#43647849Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:52 AM GMT

(Uhh, that a yes?)
#43647946Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:54 AM GMT

I sit down on the couch of my bed, watching TV.
#43648382Tuesday, March 08, 2011 3:02 AM GMT

I passed by a television shop, then stopped. I walked backward and looked at the televisions. They viewed a commercial about a brand new product they called "Biometal". Seriously, though, who buys that stuff? I don't get how it's so special (yet). I continued my walk.
#43648509Tuesday, March 08, 2011 3:04 AM GMT

~~Gregar~~ The rado came back on. "As we speak Saber and a group of highly trained soldiersare fighting enemy meachloids." "Meachaliods?" I said to myself. "Maybe they could do with some help..." I started driving towards the city limits.
#43648656Tuesday, March 08, 2011 3:07 AM GMT

(Mechanaloids*.) "Sure could use some excitement around here."
#43648981Tuesday, March 08, 2011 3:14 AM GMT

#43649081Tuesday, March 08, 2011 3:16 AM GMT


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