#43653137Tuesday, March 08, 2011 4:58 AM GMT

I walk back inside and start training some st00f.
#43653236Tuesday, March 08, 2011 5:02 AM GMT

(Hmm, Sidan wasn't it?) Sidan I was walking through the Temple when I see somebody training, and I couldn't see how well they were doing, so I look at him, and I lift my hand a bit, then push out very quickly, a good burst of wind hits him, which should knock him off his balance and knock him down. (That was directed towards you Logan.)
#43653489Tuesday, March 08, 2011 5:14 AM GMT

I hear the wind coming and turn my head to see some wind coming, I push it back at him but only hard enough to have a slight breeze hit him. "Heh."
#43653533Tuesday, March 08, 2011 5:15 AM GMT

Sidan Before it hits me I spin to my left and it wraps around, I was quick on my feet, and stopped face him swooping my arms down and to the left of me. The airs flys to the side, and I get in fighting stance. "Wanna do a quick duel? You seemed to be more skilled then most I've fought." I say.
#43654699Tuesday, March 08, 2011 6:21 AM GMT

"Why not?" I say as I get in fighting stance.
#43654785Tuesday, March 08, 2011 6:30 AM GMT

Sidan I quickly start to move my hands back and forth, the wind starting to spiral in the room. Some items start to slowly move with the winds as it spirals. I then starts to move faster, and the winds get stronger, I then pull my hands towards me, along with the wind, and thrust outwards, pushing the winds strongly. I start to spiral my left hand, making a small tornado emerge, but then I start to mold it with my other hand.
#43654951Tuesday, March 08, 2011 6:57 AM GMT

I see the wind coming and make a sheild of air to some-what block the blow I still get hit though and I get knocked back. I shoot little balls of air at him and jump on the wall and back to the cloor circling around to the back. I swirl my hands and create a larger ball and shoot him in the back.
#43654967Tuesday, March 08, 2011 7:00 AM GMT

Sidan "Expected." I say releasing the ball, as it was finally shaped into, of wind, and it expands when I throw it behind me, blocking the one he threw at me. I then turn and redirect the little balls of wind around me, seeing as I couldn't shoot them at him, I wasn't strong enough.
#43655016Tuesday, March 08, 2011 7:08 AM GMT

I run around again to the side shooting very small little balls like a machine gun running around him in a circle making all of the pellets swirl into a tornado, after I let it get so thick I can't see in it I add 5 bigger ones. I then with one movement of my hands I make all of them come in very fast.
#43655161Tuesday, March 08, 2011 7:33 AM GMT

Sidan "Incredible!" I mutter to myself, but it wasn't heard even by me with the sound that was going. All of a sudden I hit a quick adrenaline burst, and everything seems slow to me. I pull everything even closer with wind, and I also make it wrap around me and start to swirl around me, as soon as I get encircled by a 3 meter ball of wind it everything outside of those 3 meters goes back to normal, I see the ball loosen, and I know that means it was just hit by him. I then stop what I was doing, and thrust out my arms to the side of me and I drop to 1 knee. The ball explodes, sending a strong enough force to knock everything down except for anything built into the ground or above 1 ton.
#43655233Tuesday, March 08, 2011 7:43 AM GMT

(You just blew my mind, WHAT JUST HAPPENED!?!?) I get blown back into the wall across the room. Everything goes dark for a minute, when I wake up the whole room is almost destroyed. "Uggh" I mutter as I stand up. "I think we are both very strong.."
#43655264Tuesday, March 08, 2011 7:45 AM GMT

(( Excuse me, I would join but it's early morning for me and I'm going to school in half an hour, but what do you mean by "Has the tattoos" on your character? If you meant like the arrow tattoos that Aang has, those are for master airbenders. Unless your character is already a master of the elements, then disregard this post. ))
#43655274Tuesday, March 08, 2011 7:47 AM GMT

I just saw it, I dunno.
#43655758Tuesday, March 08, 2011 8:55 AM GMT

(For my character which is the avatar, I made a mistake. I hadn't remembered that part until after I posted. I also meant that instead he has a tattoo of a blue serpent on his left arm.)
#43655763Tuesday, March 08, 2011 8:56 AM GMT

Sidan "I think we had help." I say look up, my master was floating a good distance up. "Giving us some power boosts master?" I ask him, and he smiles. "Just helping you cause havoc. If you're going to get in trouble you might as well have something worth to be in trouble for." says my master.
#43657108Tuesday, March 08, 2011 12:38 PM GMT

(I see I'm not acccepted. What do I have to change?)
#43658549Tuesday, March 08, 2011 2:45 PM GMT

*Character Sheet* Name: Ryhe A.ge: 17 Element: Earth Bio(Optional): Lived in peace as a child laerning how to bend. Than jonied the fight to the fire willing to train a person is a master of earth. Appearance: Dark black hair, pale skin, Earth miltary armor, green Robe under armor 6 Ft 8", muscular Personality: Focused but outside battle a bit happy Weapons: two knifes and rock gloves Location: Walls of capital of earth kingdom Gender: Male
#43660750Tuesday, March 08, 2011 4:57 PM GMT

(Everybody is auto-accepted unless I say something otherwise. I was just asking for you not to talk about the series much.)
Top 25 Poster
#43661070Tuesday, March 08, 2011 5:15 PM GMT

Name: Kin Soratori A.ge: Eleven Element: Earth Bio(Optional): Kin was born mute, with little to no vocal chords. He can speak by a few measly phrases like "yes" and "no", but sentences put too much strain on it and can lead to his death. As such, he talks with sign language. He was born to a middle class family that lives in Toriyama, a village just outside the thick walls of Ba Seng Sei. He grew up with his sister, Toki, and his mother. His father was killed when he was five by an unknown suspect who is still loose. Appearance: Kin has black hair that it usually in a flare-like style. It it about ten inches long. His eyes are large and green, and his skin is a bit darker than fair. He has multiple scorch marks since he likes to experiment with fire, like his father did before he died. He has a small nose, and freckles. He wears a gi in which the long-sleeved shirt is green and the sleeveless shirt over that is cream. He wears a black sash to hold his baggy cream pants up. His pants tighten on the ankles. He rarely wears shoes - However, when he does, they are casual flip-flops. Personality: Kin is usually a person who is quiet. He likes to play pranks, and owns a pet Bay Monkey-Owl named Checker. Checker often helps him send secret messages to people he knows in Ba Seng Sei. He often is portrayed as shy and quiet around his mother - However, he is a fun-loving child who loves conversations and talks much more than is needed. Weapons: N/A Location: His home in Toriyama. Gender: Male
#43661165Tuesday, March 08, 2011 5:19 PM GMT

(( I'm gonna join soon. My character is going to be a non-bender, but she's going to be like Ty Lee. Or a Kyoshi Warrior. ))
Top 25 Poster
#43661182Tuesday, March 08, 2011 5:21 PM GMT

((Dangit, I gotta go. Kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin.)
#43661411Tuesday, March 08, 2011 5:31 PM GMT

Top 100 Poster
#43662324Tuesday, March 08, 2011 6:11 PM GMT

When i read "Avatar" i thought you meant the James Camoran movie, not some cheesey anime.
#43662683Tuesday, March 08, 2011 6:26 PM GMT

(Avatar isn't some "Cheesey" anime. If you don't like something, you don't have to insult it, it's only your opinion, but don't disrespect others opinions.)
#43663085Tuesday, March 08, 2011 6:41 PM GMT

Name: Mei-Li Yung A.ge: Fourteen. Element: None. Bio(Optional): Mei-Li was born in the Fire Nation, and doesn't really mind the war. She is independant, and travels a lot with nobody else. She likes having company though, but she fears the embarrassment and wouldn't know what to say if she went back to her family. She likes painting and doing caligraphy, which is why she stays at Shu Jing a lot, because of the scenery. Appearance: Mei-Li has pale skin, like most people in the Fire Nation and has moderately sized amber eyes with long eyelashes. Her hair is a pure black, and is in a style like Ty Lee's except instead of a braid she wears a small top knot/bun. She has a round face, with a small 'piggy' nose and pouty lips. She has an hourglass figure, which is you see from the side, simply looks flat on the front. Mei-Li wears red shorts to her knees, black shoes and a loose fitting, dull red shirt with gold trims. She wears a red necklace, with a fake gold gem in the middle of it and two smaller ones on either side of it and a plain, fake gold band to keep her top knot up. Personality: Mei-Li is very clumsy, often tripping over herself. In plain old situations where she's meeting to people, she is shy and timid. In situations where people are bullying her, around her ag.e and are weaker than her, she, for some reason feels she shouldn't do anything and gets over emotional. In actual, violent attacks she is braver and goes back to her normal self immediately after. She's charismatic around people she knows and when she's around strangers and friends/enemies they both take action, making her very embarrassed as one second she gets happy and loud talking to someone, and the next she gets quieter, agreeing with whatever the other person says. Weapons: She either uses chi-blocking, like Ty Lee with her fists or she will use her dual hook swords. The hook for tripping, the blade like a regular sword, the end of the hilt like a dagger and sometimes joining her two hook swords by the hooks and uses the dagger on the far end of one of them. Location: Shu Jing (The place where Piandao lives), but she travels a lot. Gender: Female. (( I had to go offline for a while so I stopped writing it, and I got a bit caught up in the personality. When people make fun of her for tripping, she trips them with her hook swords! ^_^ ))