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#43820922Saturday, March 12, 2011 12:17 AM GMT

It is the year 199X, in Onett, Eagleland, a boy named Ness is awoken by a metorite in the night, he decides to investigate. (Sorry for the short thingy here! I want to keep the rest for the actual Roleplay!) Good Guy CS: Name: A.ge: Favorite Thing?: Favorite Food?: Appearance: Other: Chosen Four CS: Name: A.ge: Favorite Thing?L Favorite Food?: Which of the Chosen four are you?: Other: Bad Guy CS: Name: Which one?: (First one to do this gets to be Giygas!) Other:
#43821002Saturday, March 12, 2011 12:17 AM GMT

Name: Ness A.ge: 13 Favorite Thing?: Rockin Favorite Food?: Steak Which of the Chosen four are you?: Ness Other: Is the main character
#43933207Sunday, March 13, 2011 4:05 PM GMT

Ness woke up, he climbed out of his bed and stepped downstairs...He rememered his Sister, Tracy, has a Cracked Bat and a cookie, he grabbed them without her looking and went outside

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