#44892965Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:28 PM GMT

Dante ~ "Fine..." I say,worried. I run up next to her. "Please,PLEASE Stay back!" I beg.
#44893378Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:34 PM GMT

Reagan I shook my head. "I shouldnt of kept going in the first place. I should've stopped and gone after him," I said determinedly (?).
#44893464Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:36 PM GMT

(I really have no clue on how to spell that word,either.) Dante ~ "But you did,And now you're hurt!" I snap,I knew that was harsh,But it needed to be said.
#44894103Thursday, March 31, 2011 10:48 PM GMT

Reagan I winced. I slowed somewhat but didn't stop walking. "He's done so much for me, I can't not return the favor," I whispered.
#44897025Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:33 PM GMT

(Are you headed to Anhk-Morpork?) ~Steve~ After duely greetings, i was lead into the flying room. It had been a while since i had streched my wings. I pulled them out. all the way out. 2 6ft purple wings, which are the love of my life. I flap. WHUMP.
#44897202Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:36 PM GMT

(Not really...)
#44897533Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

(No,We're headed to the Hidden Spirit Mountains.) Dante ~ "I'm sorry..." I return. Mika ~ He slams me against a tree,I force him back and fall. I reach for my staff. "Umph!" I grunt,kicked in the stomache. I grab the staff and Legsweep the Phantom Warrior,I hop up,blocking out the pain. "I WILL KILL YOU ALL!!!!" I promise. I step foward,Slamming down on his face over and over. Three of Six Phantoms had been taken down,The Head stood there and watched.
#44897551Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:41 PM GMT

(Mm. you can.) ~Steve~ It was wonderful to fly again. To be free again. Curving around in the sky-dome.
#44897735Thursday, March 31, 2011 11:44 PM GMT

Reagan I turn and hug him abruptly. "No, I'm sorry, it's your birthday. I promise, we'll celebrate later," I whispered.
#44899331Friday, April 01, 2011 12:03 AM GMT

Dante ~ "It's fine." I say. "Killing the Phantom will be my celebration." I explain.
#44899733Friday, April 01, 2011 12:09 AM GMT

Reagan "Then let's go," I said, standing up and continuing to walk towards where I though Mika was.
#44900099Friday, April 01, 2011 12:14 AM GMT

~Steve~ Later: "Really? For how long?" "A couple of hours." "Poor steve.." "Its ok." "The fursia have been terrorizing towns for months. I say we take a stand." said Tom. "Really? us 5 V.S the fursia ARMY?!" says billy. "Yah." "I like the sounds of that," Says Eve. "Yah." "Me too!" So it was decided. The Wings V.S the fursia army.
#44900170Friday, April 01, 2011 12:15 AM GMT

Dante ~ "Shut up!" I hiss,Grabbing her arm and pulling her around a tree. I peak out the side. "Over there..." I whisper,Seeing MikaTaking out the last two Warriors. Mika ~ I let the last two warriors drop to the ground. "I told you...I would...Kill... you....All..." I Pant.
#44900590Friday, April 01, 2011 12:22 AM GMT

~Steve~ So off we flew. In completly the wrong direction. To the spirit mountains.
#44900974Friday, April 01, 2011 12:28 AM GMT

Reagan I approach him as the last two fall, pressing my hand into my still bleeding side. "Mika!" I call, upping my pace.
#44901654Friday, April 01, 2011 12:38 AM GMT

(You wouldn't have a clue where the spirit mountains is.) Mika ~ "No! Go Back!" I say,turning back to face the Phantom,only to meet his blade into my side. "Umph." I say,blacking out,falling to the ground. Dante ~ "No!" I say,charging past her,Raising the staff. Head Phantom ~ "Ahh,Yes! The Boy!" I say."It's all looking up for me!" I laugh. I watch as he runs at me with the staff. "" I chuckle. "Vinus Sionthus!" I roar,Letting Lightning fly from my fingertips into the boy.
#44901722Friday, April 01, 2011 12:39 AM GMT

~Steve~ We flew low to the ground. We were armed. I had my stick. Eve, a bow. Tom, his fists. Billy, a sword. Jordan, his Ax. We moved faster than carrage, skyship or Yaryew.
#44901879Friday, April 01, 2011 12:41 AM GMT

(*Yarhew. You always get these words mixed. And It would actually be a Gerhan,Resemblance,a Horse. Yarhew Resembles a Wolf. You couldn't ride those.)
#44901994Friday, April 01, 2011 12:43 AM GMT

Reagan "Dante!" I shouted, rushing forward.
#44902033Friday, April 01, 2011 12:43 AM GMT

Jack- I slowly lifted off the bed placing the sunglasses back on, and placing the sword into the scabbard. I skillfully tie the scabbard around my waist, and I walked out of my room. When I reach the downstairs people point to the bar where a note had been laid. "I don't care" I growl. "If I heard another word, I know most of you would be gone" I threaten them, as I walk out of the inn.
#44902225Friday, April 01, 2011 12:46 AM GMT

~Steve~ At the bar.. "Wiseacher." A guy in the bar says.
#44902495Friday, April 01, 2011 12:50 AM GMT

Dante ~ "Leave me," I say,tearing my arm from her grasp. I make my way onto my Hands and knees. Phantom ~ "Brave,but stupid." I comment,watching the boy get up. "You should seriously stay down before I get mad." I laugh. Dante ~ "aaarrrgggGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!" "YOU KILLED MY DADDY!" I scream,standing tall,grabbing my staff. "Vinus Sinothus!!!!!" I scream,letting a huge lighting ball emerge from the Staff's Crystal into his face, Head Phantom ~ I frown as I watch the ball fly towards me. "Crap..." I mutter,seconds before the lightning connects. I fall next to Mika Leth,Subject 25's Unconcious body,Dead.
#44903480Friday, April 01, 2011 1:04 AM GMT

Reagan I took another step and faltered. I coughed horribly and fell to my knees. "Crap," I growl, holding my side.
#44903787Friday, April 01, 2011 1:08 AM GMT

Dante I Slap him awake. "Up!Up!Up!" I repeat. Mika "What?!" I snap. "Man,Just when I thought I died...It was beautiful." I cough,Wiping the blood and dirt from my wounds as I get up. "Reagan...You alright?" I ask,Walking towards her,Ignoring the pain.
#44903972Friday, April 01, 2011 1:11 AM GMT

[Just gonna throw a curve ball and call it Night.] Jack- I silently walk along the streets walking back to the docks to hijack someone's boat.