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#44583926Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:01 AM GMT

Jillian ran into Madison on accident. "S-sorry! I mean.. about everything.." she murmured her apology. Jillian scratched the behind of her ears nervously, wondering if she'll get a snappy Madison or a forgiving Madison.
#44584237Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:07 AM GMT

"Look, Jillian, sorry doesn't fix anything. Sorry doesn't fix that I'm a PURRLOIN now, and sorry doesn't fix me finding you!" She snapped.
#44584427Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:10 AM GMT

Jillian sighed. This is what she expected.. "Look, Im just really stressed from having this blindfold on me. We could change you back, if we went all the way to talk to Xatu." she reasoned. Jillian held out her paw, it shaking in fear.
#44584475Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:11 AM GMT

Madison stared at the shaking paw. "No, Jillian. I can't travel with you right now."
#44584532Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:12 AM GMT

Jillian's ears twitched. "Why?"
#44584607Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:13 AM GMT

Name: Sage Pokemon: Lucario Partner:Noone. Gender:Male Team name: Wisdom. History: Has lived alone most of life. Came here through accidental teleportation.
#44584647Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:13 AM GMT

"Because," She started, "Not now. I'm not feeling good." Madison glanced ahead and padded inside.
#44584649Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:13 AM GMT

ummm can i have no partner?
#44584748Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:15 AM GMT

[Its fine :O] Jillian followed, easily walking upstairs now. "I learned how to "see" with this blindfold while I.. disappeared." she shrugged.
#44584855Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:17 AM GMT

"Good for you." Madison sat on her bed, picking at the oran berries.
#44584912Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:18 AM GMT

*falls down from the sky* WHOAAAA OOF! *sits up* Where am i? *Sees jillian* Oh hello there. Umm... What is this place?
#44584960Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:18 AM GMT

Name: Dante Pokemon: Axew Partner: Dratini Gender: Boy Team Name: Team Dragon Summarization of history so far: We are the nicest and the strongest pokemon team Shiny/Normal Normal (optional) Picture link -either decals or Deviantart-: Opitional
#44585000Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:19 AM GMT

(oh em gee pika, 878 posts?)
#44585027Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:19 AM GMT

[Gtg x.x] Jillian sighed. Helplessly, she plopped down on her hay bed and fell asleep.
#44585089Saturday, March 26, 2011 12:20 AM GMT

[Aw bye D:]
#44916178Friday, April 01, 2011 8:04 AM GMT

Im changeing to Umbreon. Im a male and my partner is a female Espeon... (Yes i do know that umbreon and espeon are genderless.
#44929440Friday, April 01, 2011 7:08 PM GMT

Name: Kent Pokemon: Eevee Partner: None Gender: Male Team Name: None Summarization of history so far: As a child, he was abandoned from his parents. He now spends his time walking through the forest, wondering what will become of him.... Shiny/Normal: Normal
#44959418Saturday, April 02, 2011 3:48 AM GMT

Sage: Espeon, i think we are lost. Espeon: No Duh. Lets see if we can find a place to stay. Sage: good idea. *Umbreon and espeon find a place to stay the night.*
#45094257Monday, April 04, 2011 8:28 PM GMT

Kent I ran through extremely fast on the main road of the town. Suddenly, I found a small inn. 'Yes,' I thought, 'A safe place.'
#45142800Tuesday, April 05, 2011 9:58 PM GMT

... am i accepted?
#46143592Monday, April 25, 2011 3:29 AM GMT

"this is a public roleplay, Anyone is allowed"
#52615350Friday, August 12, 2011 2:40 AM GMT

bump >:o

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