#44762596Tuesday, March 29, 2011 12:38 AM GMT

(yea i know right by the way 100th post)
#44763013Tuesday, March 29, 2011 12:44 AM GMT

(Of this thread? o.o I wouldn't bother keeping track. Too lazy to do that. :3) {Alice I. Reid} The bell begins to shrill in its usual tone- a high C. I think. Nearly every school that I had been to that had a bell was tuned so that their bells were C's. Sometimes they were ear-bleeding, high-pitched, average, or low-pitched, being loud yet not deafening.
#44764622Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

Ross I leaded back farther in my chair but this time I was bound to stay awake but I again feel asleep
#44765429Tuesday, March 29, 2011 1:18 AM GMT

(ok ive looked through all the CSs and nobody had period 5 with me so that will be my lunch break)
#44808347Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:40 AM GMT

{Alice I. Reid} "Good morning class. As you all know, I teach Literacy. My name is Mrs.Sharpe. I do not wish to be called 'Mrs.S,'" Mrs. Sharpe rises out of her chair and writes her name on the board. She turns around and smiles, watching everyone. When her gaze rests on me, it lingers for a couple of more seconds. "Maybe it's because I came to class early..." I think. Is she happy for that? I rip away from her stare and lay my head on my elbow. "Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we will be introducing ourselves, and I will explain what you should have and expect tomorrow," the teacher says, sauntering across the room.
#44808706Wednesday, March 30, 2011 12:45 AM GMT

Ross I wake up and i see the kids laughing I laugh to its so funny ive fallen asleep 2 times in a row in front of a class I tell them to stop and i say "If you dont tell the principal about this I will let you do whatever you want for the remaining 15 minutes of the period for the rest of school if you dont wake me up" a few kids laugh and then i say "ok kids keep reading for 5 minutes"
#44809909Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:01 AM GMT

{Alice I. Reid} "Say your full name, what you'd like us to call you, and other lovely stuff you'd like to share," Mrs.Sharpe points at the girl in the front row. She stands up shakily, letting out a sigh that said that she wasn't too interested. "Rose Evans... I'm natural at gymnastics, cheerleading, and... a lot of stuff. My power is extreme flexibility," she smiles and turns to look at everyone. Mostly the guys. I have a feeling that she'll be the popular yet mean one. After that, a guy with glasses stands up, and then a girl with a lot of freckles, and blah blah blah.
#44810470Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:09 AM GMT

Ross I yawn and say to the class "I'm bored go play while I go get more sleep oh and wake me if the principal comes in" quinnia I drift into a sleep and I awake with kids screaming at me I finally heard what one of them were saying and it was that the principal was coming "get to your sets and look in your books " I yell as I go up to the bored and write a few math problems and when the principal comes in I say "ok Jenna go up and do a problem" I pretend like I didn't see the principal and then I turn my head and say "hello Mrs quinine" and she replys "hello everything is going good?" and I say "yes fine thank you" and then she walks out of the room and we all let out a sigh of releaf and I say "you can all get back to playing now"
#44813856Wednesday, March 30, 2011 1:59 AM GMT

(o.o) {Alice I. Reid} I scribble notes in my notebook as they talk about themselves, most trying to show off and attempting to take a high place on society's totem pole. " Rose Evans- Super flexible freak. Maxwell Darwin - Strong photographic memory. I think... ...BLAHBLAHBLAH..." "Alice..." someone calls my name. I write my own name down, then erase it. Why do I need a biography about myself? "-ice... Ms. Reid? ... Ms. Reid!" Mrs. Sharpe taps her finger on my desk. I flip my notebook over and stand up. "Sorry... Mrs. Sharpe," I say, smiling innocently. She shakes her head and smiles gently, then walks back to her desk.
#44814670Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:12 AM GMT

Rosx I felt hungry but my lunch break wasnt till period 5 so I tell the kid I'll be right back and I go out and go to the teachers room I go into the fridge they have there an I take out the batch of brownies I had baked this morning I toke it back to the class and started eating I ate them all in 15 minutes flat I laugh once I'm done and say "wow I am not a normal teacher," and the kids started laughing there heads off once I said that and I chipped in
#44906417Friday, April 01, 2011 1:50 AM GMT

{Alice I. Reid} I stand up and lean on my desk, placing my hands on it. "As mentioned, I'm Alice... Yea..." I sit back down and turn my gaze away from everyone else's. I feel so pathetic. But hey, if they want to know about me, they'll have to be around me. I'm not giving myself away like that.
#44906841Friday, April 01, 2011 1:57 AM GMT

Ross I look out the door to see if the principal was close she wasn't so I yelled "DANCE PARTY" and turned ke$ha blah blah blah up on my phone. I laughed as I saw everyone dancing and playing around I love my job I thought
#44947600Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:28 AM GMT

(Rug, your a teacher. Teach, for crying out loud, or your going to get fired.)
#44948517Saturday, April 02, 2011 12:42 AM GMT

-Student CS- Name: Silvia 4ge: 12 Gender: Female Physical Appearance:Green eyes,Long red hair to her hips braided, Tall about 5' 10', She has long skinny white wings Clothing:Uniform: Green blazer, navy skirt, navy tie. Out of school: Silver dress tall boots and a oval locket Power: Uses music to change peoples feelings Dorm: G Schedule: (choose a random class for each period, always add required!) Period 1: Math Period 2: Angelic History Period 3: Gym Period 4: Literacy Period 5: Writing/English Period 6: Band Period 7: Health Period 8: Science Period 9: Art Period 10: Cooking Sewing and Family Skills Period 11: Technology and Mechanics -Got it? Put pickle jar blues under your character sheet. I don't got it 0.o (you should have put wood shop as a class) (also you do know that Literacy Writing/English are all the same thing right?)
#44956595Saturday, April 02, 2011 2:58 AM GMT

( sOrry I haven't been on in awhile everyone!) [Drew] A few periods of classes have passed, but this one has the most A's and B's out of all! Good day class! Let's start the day off with simple geography...
#44957680Saturday, April 02, 2011 3:16 AM GMT

Ross "PARTYNESS" I yell as I keep on dancing with the kids we are to caught up in the dancing and music not to notice the principal come in once a kids saw her the stopped the music and we all saw the principal and she said "What is the meaning of this! Ross come to my office NOW! and kids go study tour books NOW!"
#44992245Saturday, April 02, 2011 8:16 PM GMT

~Drew I unexpectingly get a call in the middle of teaching The Law Of Conservation. I mumble loud enough for everyone to hear "I coulda sworn I turned it off..." He picked up his Android and answered it "Hello?.....Helloooo? Hellooooooo?.....Hmm, wrong number." I go back to teaching, and I use my far-hearing power and hear two girls whispering in the back...Without turning around, and I continue to write on the chalk board, I say "Trudy, May...Pay attention." They whisper again "How did he hear us, he didnt even look at us!" I hear them again and say "I mean it, I don't like to give detentions, but I will if I must..." They astonishly looked at me, and stopped. I get another call "Ok, I'm getting tired of this... "Hello?.....HELLO??? Still no answer eh? Is this some joke?..." I hang up....5 minutes later I get another call. I pick up the phone "LISTEN YOU JERK"--"Hello? IS this Drew Forst? This is the hostpital...."
#44992963Saturday, April 02, 2011 8:28 PM GMT

Ross I look at the principal for a second and then quickly use my power on her I tell the kids to go back to there desks while the principal is still forgeting then i run to my desk and the principal gets back and says "how is the class going" and i say "perfectly fine ill tell you if something is wrong so you can stop coming in" and she says "Ok goodbye" and then she walks out of the room and i say to the class "That was a even closer one" and then i say "PARTY" and turn the music up and everyone starts dancing again
#45013058Sunday, April 03, 2011 2:48 AM GMT

~Drew I say "Oh, yes, hostpital, I'm very sorry...What is it that you need?" I listen to the hostpital, and then drop the phone to the ground...
#45014220Sunday, April 03, 2011 3:09 AM GMT

#45014372Sunday, April 03, 2011 3:12 AM GMT

(I don't think sun is gonna ever post on this again but because we probably need more people to make this rp survive I guess your accepted)
#45014413Sunday, April 03, 2011 3:13 AM GMT

(thanks. Can you help me start, I'm out of ideas)
#45014931Sunday, April 03, 2011 3:22 AM GMT

(well your at gym and today they are playing dogeball you could get hurt or be really good at it you chose)
#45015135Sunday, April 03, 2011 3:26 AM GMT

(ok) I was about to start dogeball mmm fun, not
#45015653Sunday, April 03, 2011 3:36 AM GMT

Rosx I laugh and laugh with my students. While they were dancing I sneked out of the room into the hall I thought about how much fun I had this is the most fun I've had in year of teaching period three will always get special treatment meaning we party everyday but I would always try and teach my other classes stuff I promised it to my self and then went back into the class room I put on Selena Gomez intuition any partied away