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#44756941Monday, March 28, 2011 11:15 PM GMT

the forum is kinda bare, so, i thought it would be better for these: DELETE: Be able to delete your posts, this includes locking your own posts, and deleting any unwanted posts. (THIS WILL AFFECT THE LOCATION OF THE FORUM YOU POSTED IN, WHICH MEANS IF YOU DELETE A POST YOU BUMPED IT WILL TURN UNBUMPED) The problem with delete is, 'Ghost Bumping'. Thats when you bump a thread and delete while someone else gets blamed for it. EDIT: Be able to EDIT your posts, to fix spelling mistakes. You will have a "Last Edited' poriton on your forum so people know you did so. BOLD: Make your print darker. This will be important for things like important words. Ex: The "CAT" in the "HAT" ("" is bold) UNDERLINE: This feature goes with bolding, and helps you realize what is important in a post. SIGGY (SIGNATURE): You have a little spot to put your signatures.
#44757243Monday, March 28, 2011 11:20 PM GMT

support,and also you should be able to do italics,emoticons,and colored text
#44757325Monday, March 28, 2011 11:21 PM GMT

Emotions are ok if they arent animated
#44784351Tuesday, March 29, 2011 5:12 PM GMT

good,because i don't realy like the animated ones except the eye rolling one
#44784853Tuesday, March 29, 2011 5:31 PM GMT

Are you daft? ROBLOX is FAR TOO IMMATURE FOR THESE. Editing posts would be a monstrosity on ROBLOX should it be implemented due to the fact that people will post "Post here if you are epic" or similar threads, wait until alot of people post on it, and then change the title to "Post here if you are a retard" and thus everybody will be qqing and raging at ROBLOX even more so than they did with the BC games update. Boldfaced text would be used for, really, nothing worth your thoughts. Underlining is plain ugly and would be a menace on posts whose message is comprised entirely of spam, over 500 characters for example and we all know how long it takes to process a page with such spam on it... we don't want to boost the processing time and power required with underlined text now do we?
#44815290Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:22 AM GMT

@Fa No. ROBLOX isnt. Editing is a good idea, even if they changed the title no one would qq/rage. It would be the SAME as just saying "Post if youre retarted" at the start. And the only reason people protested agasint the BC games is because they were pessured with other BC things. Besides, not EVERYONE who is NBC fourms. Boldfacing could make words that are important eaiser to read. It could make you look more pordfessional, and make your thread a piece of cake. But i agree, underlining has little point.
#44815424Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:24 AM GMT

Deleteing is a bad idea, people could delete people that have a conflicting veiw, thats common on Forum, here, and elsewhere.
#44815643Wednesday, March 30, 2011 2:27 AM GMT

Hm? Conflicting view? You should get feedback on your posts to see if they agree on them or not, so then you could be SURE it isnt an expressed idea, and you can delete it.

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