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#45001711Saturday, April 02, 2011 11:26 PM GMT

Afgahnistan 2015: Enemy has been spotted with nuclear missiles outside of a large mountain and minutes later had disapeared. Washington D.C. White House Hours Later: The president declares a Defcon 3 because of the battles leading up to this had brought down the peace and the president gets the pentagon on the incident immediatly. Pentagon Minutes After Getting The Call From The President: Alright we need the best to save this world... we need the Delta Force! ___________________________________________________________________________ And so it begins... List of requirments for your character: A.ge: Gender: Apperance: Weaponary: Skill: (Must Be Something That Makes Sense Like: Hacker Or Vetran) Rank: (Must Be From Private To Captain But Only 2 Spots For Captain) Style: (For Example: Aggresive,Sniper,Passive etc.) Tools/Accsesories: (Max. Amount Of Accsesories Is 3 Also Has To Be Real Things) ___________________________________________________________________________ Rules: 1. Don't Take Complete Control 2. No Spamming 3. No Flamming 4. Don't Get Mad If Something You Don't Like Happens That's How It Makes It Fun. 5. No Talking About Things That Are Innapropriate ___________________________________________________________________________ Let The Story Begin!
#45002171Saturday, April 02, 2011 11:34 PM GMT

My Character: Name:Harrison Francis A.ge: 24 Gender: Male Apperance: 5'7 And Thin With A Scared Chin And Ripped Left Sleeve Weaponary: M16 w/ ACOG Sight And CZ75 Rapid Fire Skill: Sprinter Rank: Captain Style: Passive Tools/Accsesories: Notepad,Map Of The Local Area EXTRA: Bio: Harrison (Harry) as they called him was always the smarter person in the class and liked drawing and writing about his experiences and the other students thought that he was a bit of a nerd sometimes but he never cared because he knew that he was going to finish school and get a great job but the military picked him up first.
#45002616Saturday, April 02, 2011 11:42 PM GMT

#45003597Sunday, April 03, 2011 12:00 AM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#45024547Sunday, April 03, 2011 9:52 AM GMT

#45024957Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:26 AM GMT

someone else?
#45025693Sunday, April 03, 2011 11:32 AM GMT

Name: Derek "Ninja" Jakkit A.ge: 30 Gender: M Apperance: Tall, good-built, short brown hair, serious look, brown eyes, uniform Weaponary: An AK74u w/ suppressor, M911 Rapid Fire w/ suppressor, knife Skill: Defusing/Hacking(Hacking mainly but defusing some) Rank: Captain Style: Stealth, a few shots then hide, then again Tools/Accsesories: Computer supplies, spy camera, a scope
#45054660Sunday, April 03, 2011 9:37 PM GMT

#45057608Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:23 PM GMT

Name: Woods,Cullen pearson A.ge:19 Gender:male Apperance:Dark short Brown Hair,Hazel eyes,Camo leather jacket and pants,badge on helmet. Weaponary:AK-47,Duel weild pistols,knife,Flashbangs,Frag Grenades Skill:Reloading,Fast shooting,Quick knifing. Rank:Sargeant Style:Agressive,Working hard,Move Silently. Tools/Accsesories: Wrench,wirecutter,Rope.
#45057783Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:26 PM GMT

#45057980Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:29 PM GMT

We shall now start role-playing :P
#45058700Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:40 PM GMT

Harrison (Harry) as they called himwas unaware about why he had been called back to the Pentagon after the Delta Force had been decommisioned because of peace for the last few years. When he turned the corner into the meeting room he first saw the president whom was known as Richard Gremblan he greeted the president and the president just said "sit down" and so Harrison did. The president continued his sentence " we have had warnings of the enemy in Afgahnistan having nuclear weapons." Harry said " I see sir but are we getting back all of Delta Force?" " Whta do you think?" the president said "of course we are and Derek should be here any moment." Right then Derek walked into the room and the meeting was officially started. The two captains of the newly recommisioned Delta Force were given all the info about what they were needed to do. They were given a highly classified map and inteligence from there spies in Afgahnistan. The intel said: "Our spies have managed to find enemy weapons of mass destruction and we need you the Delta Force to sneak into enemy caves and look for these weapons and disable them before they can be used on all of America. There is a suspected 2000 troops in and around the nuclear missiles so it will be a tough mission but we know you can do it for you are the Delta Force." It concluded with the method of transport to the mission. Helis.
#45080660Monday, April 04, 2011 10:03 AM GMT

#45080703Monday, April 04, 2011 10:11 AM GMT

I'm guessing thisforce is American. American spec op troops are not the best in the world. There's a high chance that the Spetnaz are just as good, or the J-20 might be as good.
#45081025Monday, April 04, 2011 10:51 AM GMT

MeanWhile, In the trench... Sargeant Cullen was in battle "Get over here" Said cullen, "we have a problem the Enemy has 5 machine gun nests we need to take them out" It was raining and all the soldiers were tired most got killed, Then Cullen was captured by the Enemy "Woods" Said the other soldier who got shot, Cullen got put in a chair and was putting a pistol to his head to see witch bullet came out, Cullen Punched the Enemy guy next to him and took his pistol, then he killed every one,Then him and his partner were running and killing every Bad guy that they saw.
#45081360Monday, April 04, 2011 11:38 AM GMT

Delta force aren't the best, they're just like the rest. Go S.A.S
#45083000Monday, April 04, 2011 1:29 PM GMT

Spetsnaz :| The training is illegal in every country but Russia.
#45083198Monday, April 04, 2011 1:40 PM GMT

Derek After the meeting, I said, "Well, okay. I'll do it. Good retiring job. Most likely dead, but I might stay alive to see that movie about to come out." I said the words my mentor said, when he accepted his final mission.
#45140924Tuesday, April 05, 2011 9:26 PM GMT

If your not going to join in the rp then please don't make random comments. It's not helpful to the rest who are trying to role play :I
#45141445Tuesday, April 05, 2011 9:34 PM GMT

Then when cullin and his partner made it out of the enemy territory they immedialty called to the base nearby to get them picked up. The heli came in and brought them to the Colonel at the base and the Colonel said "Cullen Stewart (Cullen's partner) we need you back in America they are bringing back the Delta Force so you must report to the Captains as said in these reports." When Cullen and Stewart made it back to thier temporary quarters they read over the reports. It said that the enemy is increasing thier activity around the mountains and a that 22 hours ago they were seen with WMDs (Weapons Of Mass Destruction). Cullen said after reading the report " Stewart we're getting the old Force back together" Stewart said " I know sir this is going to be good unless we get killed but it does'nt matter because after this I'm thinking of retiring from the spec ops buisness" And then they had a rest from there last failed mission.
#45146797Tuesday, April 05, 2011 11:00 PM GMT

What's up with AMERICA having the best squad in the world? You can't even mesure if they areunless you put all squads in a deathmatch but then in the end you would be left with only one squad anyways.
#45177565Wednesday, April 06, 2011 7:20 PM GMT

And by the way typhoon I am not American and I am not saying they are the best I am only trying to start a role playing game :I
#45180813Wednesday, April 06, 2011 8:32 PM GMT

I'm not saying you are American. If you want a roleplay to succed, don't put one country over another.
#45222842Thursday, April 07, 2011 8:32 PM GMT

I did not nub I am just trying to start a story and I decided to make it about Afgahnistan and so since the USA are in Afgahnistan I choose them... nub
#45235072Thursday, April 07, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

You call me a, 'nub' yet you have no idea how to use grammar and only have 128 posts. Have you also noticed that Canadians are in Afgahanistan to?

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