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#45050443Sunday, April 03, 2011 8:34 PM GMT

Hello, I am TeacherOfRoblox. I run an account on Youtube Showing People how to make, Script, and Do stuff on roblox. I am Helping the new Accounts on roblox to fit in. But I have many Ideas for roblox. One of them is the level of clearance for every Step of BC there is. Here is what I mean: Non-BC Get: 1. One Place 2. 10 Tix a day (Plus 5 Tix for every Site they Advertise on) 2. 5 Groups. 3. Can own 3 Groups, Cost to make it: 2,000 Tix (For active Non-Bcers.) 4. 7 chances,(Bans) 1 warning, 1 One day ban, 1 Three Day ban, 1 Week ban, 1 Two Week Ban, 1 Month Ban, then a final Perm Ban/Delete account. 5. Able to make Shirts and Pants, but can only set price to 5 and below tix, not abloe to sell for R$ 6. (This is a Privelage i think some members should have) 5R$ a day, they have to be a clean Account though. Like the ones that: Help Roblox, Build Tutorial Places, Have no Ban Records, Etc. BC Get: 1. 10 Places 2. 20 tix a day and 20R$ a day 3. 15 Groups 4. Can Own 10 groups max, Cost to make it: 100R$, or 1500 Tix 5. 8 chances,(Bans) 1 warning, 1 One day ban, 1 Three Day ban, 1 Week ban, 1 Two Week Ban, 1 Month Ban, BC stripped for One Week, then a final Perm Ban/Delete account. TBC Get: 1. 30 Places 2. 30 tix a day and 40R$ a day 3. 35 Groups 4. Can Own 25 groups max, Cost to make it: 100R$, or 1,250 Tix 5. 9 chances,(Bans) 1 warning, 1 One day ban, 1 Three Day ban, 1 Week ban, 1 Two Week Ban, 1 Month Ban, BC stripped for One Week, BC Strippened for 2 weeks, then a final Perm Ban/Delete account. OBC Get: 1. 100 Places 2. 50 tix a day and 75R$ a day 3. 100 Groups 4. Can Own 75 groups max, Cost to make it: 100R$, or 1,000 Tix 5. 10 chances,(Bans) 1 warning, 1 One day ban, 1 Three Day ban, 1 Week ban, 1 Two Week Ban, 1 Month Ban, BC stripped for One Week, BC strippened for 3 Days, BC Strippened for 2 weeks, then a final Perm Ban/Delete account. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Why I picked what I did~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, on my reg account I am OBC, Was TBC, and Before that I was BC. I know how much you have to pay for it. And I know the Ups and Downs of Every BC. I have customized all of these Allowances to fit: What level of BC you are, How Much you pay every month, and if you ane an active roblox Member. I think that the Tickets that BCers get depends on the Level of BC they have, like the R$ allowance. It is something that you pay for. But Non-BC members should get 5R$ a day if they do outstanding and thoughtful things on Roblox. The Active, Outstanding members should have the right to get 5R$ a day for there effort in Roblox. And it is not for everyone. It is a privelage that is earned. Like being a forum moderator. I hope this is Read, Understood, and Put into act by the Admins of Roblox. Post what you think of the Idea, and READ IT THOROUGHLY to see what would happen to you if your BC, TBC or OBC. Oh, and the reason I put a max limit onto how many groups a player can have is because: You dont need 15 groups! It is hard egnough with 1, how many can you maintain without giving some away. Dont be mad I made it this way. I dont think any OBC member is stupid egnough to make 75 groups. That would be about 6 months of: No spending, No donating, No group relations, anything. If you can handle that much, then you have proved me wrong. And No BC member wants to have more than 5 clans at most. So dont complain about that. Thanks, TeacherOf Roblox.
#45052245Sunday, April 03, 2011 9:04 PM GMT

No people shouldn't get out of trouble because they have bc. A ban is a ban no matter who it is.
#45058807Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:42 PM GMT

Support, we pay alot of money for this bc, we dont get enough pleasures... This is a great idea :D
#45058919Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:44 PM GMT

You get ENOUGH pleaseures. Chances? No, mi amigo.
#45059135Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:47 PM GMT

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#45059227Sunday, April 03, 2011 10:48 PM GMT

#45102850Monday, April 04, 2011 10:51 PM GMT

Shadow, be qeuit. BC members actually have to PAY REAL MONEY for their rights. If you want this stuff, buy it. Anyways, I think it's great. But a ban is a ban no matter what. It's suppose to teach a lesson.
#45133863Tuesday, April 05, 2011 7:18 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#45134523Tuesday, April 05, 2011 7:34 PM GMT

@Shadow You need to get your life sorted out, kid Not getting features doesn't mean you're going to die. And learn to quote- Noone actualy said those except you, which means you're quoting you're own stupidity.
#45135018Tuesday, April 05, 2011 7:43 PM GMT

@shadow WHA WHA SHADOWS A BABY! Prety much what you alredy said.
#45136777Tuesday, April 05, 2011 8:17 PM GMT

The chances thing I'm not sure of. I don't think ROBLOX wants to treat BC's like they're perfect, because no one is, but I would be sad if I got banned enough to lose my BC account.
#45201164Thursday, April 07, 2011 2:05 AM GMT

Guys, really? Theres only one addition to the chance. Its not that much, but BC should get mroe then the ordinary robloxian. This is my AA, I am banned right now for 2 weeks :/. And it was my 3rd offence :/!!! I got a warning, 3 day ban, now a 2 week ban, I dont think i can handle that fast of a Perm Delete of my account. And the suspension is a good idea for the BC members. Because it shows what regular members are like. They dont get anything for those days accept 10 tix. BC and up members are used to spending alot of money. Without money they will be punished. Its like taking money away from the rich.
#45341703Sunday, April 10, 2011 12:29 AM GMT

@hat guy "olololo u has logic u need life lol i r kool" "OGM UNFAIR BC OLO NO NBCZ GEIMZ TROLOLO WE NAT GET ENUFF"

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