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#45130744Tuesday, April 05, 2011 5:47 PM GMT

»Plot You have a life that's more or less normal. You go to school in the morning, you play games, you have friends and family. Until one night. On a cold, quiet night, you're sitting at home and you hear a knock on your front door. Your mother goes to get it. You hear her scream and you sprint over, ready to protect her with your life. You see her on the floor, bleeding, a man standing over her. You feel a sharp crack at the back of your head and everything goes dark. ¤¤¤ You wake up an a cold room. The room is vivid white, a white bed, white floor, white everything. There's a white bathroom, with a bit of privacy and, luckily, a shower. There is a large, thick glass panel and outside of it is a hallway. On the other side you can see rooms just like yours, with other kids just that appeared to be kidnapped as well, and scientists taking even more kids to different areas of the building. »Rules 1. Grammar is a must, or you will be kicked 2. Put "Gotta get down on Friday" at the bottom of your CS to be accepted. 3. Don't be overpowered, for the love of God. 4. Minimalize your romance. 5. Standard Roblox rules apply. 6. May not be in the rules, but it could still be wrong. 7. PM your power to me, do not tell others what it is unless your character is doing it. Character Sheet: Name: A­ge: Appearance: Personality (Optional): Bio (Optional): Other:
#45130852Tuesday, April 05, 2011 5:51 PM GMT

Name: Brandy 'J' Layer A­ge: Four? Appearance: Brandy's feet are small they become the inner of the Toes. Her Toe-nails are quite long just beneath the Pinky is a small scar when she stabbed her Toe with a pin. The heals have Dead skin, It itches sometimes and it gets annoying. Her legs are long, Just one big Cut around the knee to the Waist (Hips) Her knee caps are sore, She has had been roughed up by her Brothers somehow. Her hips are big as in Wide...Along with her waist. She has two scars on either side. She hurt herself on the Round-a-bout when she was little. Her arms are long. They are dead pale with no slight Bruises on them at all. Her fingers are short quite skinny as well. Her fingernails are long to, She never cuts them! She say's it hurts her. She has had Pen poison before, She was weird then, She just kept writing on herself. She has a few lines on her hands, The wrinkles and all. Her neck is short, Quiet smooth, But the back is rough after the fall. (Long story!) Her head is in short of a V shape. You know, when the chin makes a little V shape. Her nose are little, A little twitchy to. Her lips are Red...Sort of pink to. Kind of perky. Her eyes are sort of big. Brown eyes. (Tut, Tut Tut!) They have slits through the middle, She had been cut there a while ago...She was curious. Her forehead is a slight Largeness. Smooth to. She has a little spot just at the corner but no one can spot it! Her fringe covers both sides of her hair. Her cow-lick is in the way. Her hair is a Murky brown, Usually worn on top of her hair in a bun. Her endings are never Trimmed. She say's "It's better if it's not!" (Don't ask me! Ask the character) She wears a long sweater, Knee length. She also wears Bright brown leggings and white trainers. Personality (Optional): Quite Formal for a young girl, Sarcastic...Loves to back-chat Bio (Optional): Nope, Can't Remember anything Other: No Cred'it Phone, Messenger bag and a Pink Star Diary
#45130878Tuesday, April 05, 2011 5:52 PM GMT

Name: Parker Jones A­ge: 15 Appearance: longish Auburn red hair that stops just past her chest with a side swept bang that covers her whole forehead. Almond shape hazel eyes, round face, small perky lips, and a small shaply nose. Slinder body shape and stands at about 5'5-5'6. She has light freckles that go over her cheeks and nose. today she wears a black Abbey Road Beatles shirt with light wash skinny jeans and black skater converse. She has a big black bow in her hair. Personality (Optional): Sarcastic, arrogant bold. Bio (Optional): N/a Other: Gotta get down on Friday
#45131219Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:03 PM GMT

Ooc; Accepted. Remember, no one has their powers yet. I'll be posting my character soon. Amber, PM me what you want your power to be.
#45131272Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:05 PM GMT

Ooc; your messaging is disabled, so I sent it my fr
#45131423Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:11 PM GMT

Character Sheet: Name: Cindy Song A.ge: 8 Appearance: black short straight hair, dark blue eyes, tanned skin, black handbag, inside a book and a little silver knife, looks mean and cold...(I guess they're taken away...right...? *sigh*) Personality (Optional): silent, smart, mean, cold, sarcastic, moody, Bio (Optional): I'm worried about my mother and my brother, since they're very close to me... Other: Gotta get down on Friday
#45131527Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:15 PM GMT

Ooc; Amber, accepted. We'll start in a little bit.
#45131574Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:16 PM GMT

Name: Solus A­ge: 16 Appearance: Light blue hair, blue eyes, and a blue tattoo on the left side of his face. He is slender and tall, and slightly pale. He is given the same white uniform as all the others. Personality: Bubbly and happy, always trying to lift others up. Bio: Other: Gotta get down on Friday :P
#45131633Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:19 PM GMT

Ooc; Everyone's doing children o.O Anyway, one more person can join and then we can start.
#45131690Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:21 PM GMT

Ooc; I nearly forgot: Everyone can have roommates. Pick who ya want.
#45131708Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:22 PM GMT

@Lord Can you be my roommate xD
#45131739Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:23 PM GMT

Ooc; Sure :P I'm going to be unbanned tomorrow. Unless the mods screw me over again o.e
#45131842Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:27 PM GMT

((LucyAqua can you be my Roommate? x3))
#45131883Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:28 PM GMT

#45132110Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:34 PM GMT

Ooc; Alright, wanna start now?
#45132196Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:36 PM GMT

#45132244Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:37 PM GMT

I was lying down on my bed when some girl was dragged into my room by the guards. "Hey," I said. Ooc; That's you, Amber.
#45132357Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:40 PM GMT

Name: Liz Hadreen A­ge: 17 Appearance: Short and straight, dark red hair that falls to her chin, pale-ish skin, dark green eyes, stands about 5'7 with a tall build. She wears the white uniform and has plastic nerd style glasses so she can see.... Personality (Optional): Coy, protective, quiet and very much a con artist... Bio : N/A Other: N/A "Gotta get down on Friday" at the bottom of your CS to be accepted.
#45132370Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:40 PM GMT

Parker I stood up as they left out the room. I turned around to a voice "Hey" I say sadly
#45132441Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:43 PM GMT

"Sooo... HOW YA DOING?" I asked. Ooc; Amber, accepted. My character is a little on the less-than-sane side.
#45132486Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:44 PM GMT

Ooc; I see Parker I shoot a glaring eye at him "Your happy?"
#45132537Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:46 PM GMT

"Meh. A little; I can finally talk to someone." Ooc; Mew, not Amber xD
#45132561Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:46 PM GMT

Parker "how long have you been here?" I ask him.
#45132601Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:48 PM GMT

"A couple months. I've been counting. They gave me a book because I was getting kind of bored." I started scratching at the wall a bit. Ooc; Actually... Scratch what I said earlier. Everyone BUT Solus has their powers. You'll see why soon.
#45132639Tuesday, April 05, 2011 6:49 PM GMT

Ooc; Err... Damn. I can't think straight today. Solus has his powers, but everyone else doesn't. I need to get my head right =P

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