#45565293Thursday, April 14, 2011 9:46 PM GMT

Sergio: *Cool backflip*
#45601658Friday, April 15, 2011 8:53 PM GMT

Cyclops: You will never defeat me! *fires eye laser*
#45632342Saturday, April 16, 2011 10:50 AM GMT

Sergio: Whoa!
#45676943Sunday, April 17, 2011 2:35 AM GMT

Cyclops: *produces a shockwave*
#45694420Sunday, April 17, 2011 1:57 PM GMT

Jorge: *Jumps over the shockwave, performs a wall jump and backstabs the Cyclops*
#45697332Sunday, April 17, 2011 3:07 PM GMT

Cyclops: GAH!
#45703793Sunday, April 17, 2011 5:13 PM GMT

Sergio: C'mon! He won't hold back much longer! *Attacks with boomerang*
#45705089Sunday, April 17, 2011 5:37 PM GMT

Komodo: *breathes fire on the cyclops* Lugnut: *fires heavy artillery* Starshower: *fires magic* Serena: *pouts* Cyclops: AARGH!!! *falls to the ground, dead*
#45706799Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:10 PM GMT

Sergio: *Sighs in relief* Finally... *A thunderbolt strikes the statue and the girl returns back to normal* ??????: Thank you, I've been praying for someone who would come here to save me. My name is Martha Belnades. Sergio: Belnades? Why is that name familiar to me? Martha: I guess that you're the Belmont who was sent here. Sergio: Yes, my name is Sergio. *Points at Jorge* This is Jorge, we've met before. *Points to Komodo's crew* And those are... Martha: Ah yes, I remember meeting them. Well, I was also sent to defeat Count Koopa but as you could see, one of the cyclops' minions uses the Statue Orb to turn me into stone. Now that the Cyclops is dead, my curse was lifted and now I'm right as rain. Since you guys are so strong, I'd like to go on with you, as a member of the Belnades' bloodline, I'm an expert in magic. Jorge: Actually, a sorceress would help us in our journey. Sergio: *Nods* Welcome to the crew, Martha! *He and Martha do a handshake* Martha: There is a swamp on the way to the castle, we have to be careful with the fishmen living there. *The group heads to the swamp*
#45707921Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:31 PM GMT

Starshower: Funny you should mention, that I can use magic too... Serena: So can I...although we tend to specialize in different magic...
#45708368Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:38 PM GMT

Martha: *Adjusts scarf* Well, it seems I'm not the only sorceress then...
#45708555Sunday, April 17, 2011 6:41 PM GMT

Serena: Nope.... Martha: It's pretty filthy here, you should probably get some shoes on... Serena: I don't need shoes! I'm a halfling! Martha: You're a what? Serena: *sigh*
#45709719Sunday, April 17, 2011 7:01 PM GMT

Sergio: *Takes a look at the swamp* Seems like the water is so dirty that you sink slowly.
#45713840Sunday, April 17, 2011 8:08 PM GMT

Lugnut: That doesn't sound good...
#45717697Sunday, April 17, 2011 9:18 PM GMT

Sergio: Well, better avoid falling on it, right? Luckily, there are small platforms over the water.
#45721118Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:23 PM GMT

Komodo: How awfully convenient...
#45722440Sunday, April 17, 2011 10:49 PM GMT

Sergio: Yeah, but don't get confident...
#45927732Friday, April 22, 2011 12:28 AM GMT

Martha: Well, I can use my magic to float... *Leaps forward* *Her feet glow and she stays in the air for a small time*
#45983051Friday, April 22, 2011 9:26 PM GMT

Serena: *jumps between the rocks*
#45983793Friday, April 22, 2011 9:37 PM GMT

*The party begins to head further in the swamp* Martha: Yuck!! What's that smell? *Sludge monsters come out of the swamp*
#45983961Friday, April 22, 2011 9:39 PM GMT

Starshower: Oh dear... Mud Monster A monster made out of mud....fortunately this seems to make it vulnerable to fire and especially water...
#45984107Friday, April 22, 2011 9:41 PM GMT

Marta: (!) *Whacks a candle with her staff* *A red spell book comes out, Marta takes the book and reads it* Flamius Ignitus!! *A fire dart is fired from her free hand at the Mud Monster*
#45984194Friday, April 22, 2011 9:42 PM GMT

Mud Monster: *starts hardening up* BLARGH!
#45984406Friday, April 22, 2011 9:45 PM GMT

Sergio: *Hits it with his whip (CRITICAL HIT)* Jorge: *Slices another one, but the sword passes through its body with no harm* Uh oh...
#45984689Friday, April 22, 2011 9:48 PM GMT

Mud Monster: *creeps up the sword and starts consuming Jorge* Jorge: HELLLPPP!!!!!!