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#45646660Saturday, April 16, 2011 5:23 PM GMT

BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING AT ALL CLICK "EMAIL ME WHEN SOMEONE REPLIES TO THIS THREAD". No, it will not email you when someone relpies. It will place the thread in your tracked threads so you can come back to it any time you want to. [===READ ME===] First thing I want to clear up right away is that I will NOT build you ANYTHING. No exceptions. Thats final. Second of all don't be a jerk. If other people don't know something don't put them down for not knowing it. Don't start flame wars either. They have the right to ask questions. Last but not least don't complain. No "TL;DR" or "I DUN UNDERSTAND". Also no complaining about these 'rules'. If you don't like them deal with it. No, I'm not being mean, I'm being strict. ___________________________________________________________________________ [===CHAPTER ONE===] The basics... [#1] If you dont know anything about building... Read the ROBLOX Wiki. There are TONS of things to lead you in the right direction. If you still don't know what you are doing, go to Builderman's profile page and click 'send message'. You will be brought to a screen called 'Roblox Help'. There is a search bar in the middle of your screen. Type in 'building' and it will come up with about everything you can do to make your place fun for others to play in. If you absoloutly can't find anything to help you ask a vetran. Vetrans have been on roblox for a year or more so they will know a lot more than your average beginer. If that fails then maybe building isn't your thing...but keep trying! Roblox is all about building. ___________________________________________________________________________ [#2] The tools of building... First, if you dont have ROBLOX Studios then go here: http://www.roblox.com/Install/default.aspx After you have downloaded it click start. In the search bar type "Roblox Studio". Open it and you are brought to the Roblox Game page. Click my Roblox>Places. When you get to your places there should be a third button, "Edit". Click it and you are brought into the game. There is a bar of tools at the top. They may not be in this order but you'll figure it out sooner or later. From Left to Right: New (Ctrl + N): Opens a new, empty place. Open (Ctrl + O): Gives you a window to open a saved place from your computer. Save (Ctrl + S): Lets you save your current place to your computer. Cut (Ctrl + X): This removes the object selected. You can place this item back down again if you select paste. Copy (Ctrl + C): Clones the item selected. You can paste this duplicate clone down by using paste. Paste (Ctrl + V): Pastes either a copied or cut item into selected model/Workspace. Undo (Ctrl + Z): Undoes your last cut, paste, group, ungroup, or delete. Redo (Ctrl + Y): Undoes the Undo. Group (Ctrl + G): Groups selected bricks/models together into one model. Model's default name is 'Model'. You can rename this by clicking on the name a few times. Ungroup (Ctrl + U): Ungroups selected Model. Move Parts Tool: Moves selected brick or model by the selected stud grid. Rotate Parts Tool: Rotates parts by selected stud grid. Resize Parts Tool: Resizes bricks by selected stud grid. One Stud Grid: Changes the grid for resize, rotate, and move to one stud. 1/5 Stud Grid: Chages the grid for resize, rotate, and move to 1/5 of a stud. Grid off: Grid is not shown for any resize, rotate, or move of bricks. Manual Joints: (Don't mess with this dont even LOOK at it) Toolbox: Open this to insert bricks and pretty much anything you can imagine, into your place. BE CAREFUL THOUGH, some people add viruses to Free Models. BE CAREFUL! Don't say I didn't warn you. Drag: Drag models or bricks around the base. Move On Axis: Moves a brick to the place you want it. Less precise than Rotate parts. Resize: Resizes your brick to be bigger or smaller. Drag the blue dots that appear. to resize it. Lock: Prevents you from selecting an object while in Build Solo or Edit mode. Anchor: Freezes the object in air and take away physics. (i.e brick will float in air.) Paint: Fills the brick with color. Pick Color: Select a brick with this and then use the paint tool to paint that brick the same color. Change Material: Changes the look of the brick from plastic to grass, stone, etc. Surface tools: Use these to change the surface of a brick to connect unanchored bricks together. Play, Pause, Rewind: Plays the scripts in server, pauses the scripts in server, and rewinds back before the script started. Pan Left: Rotates the camera 45 degrees to the left. Pan Right: Rotates the camera 45 degrees to the right. Tilt Up: Rotates the camera 45 degrees up. Tilt Down: Rotates the camera 45 degrees down. Zoom In: Gets closer to the selected brick Zoom Out: Gets farther away from the selected brick Center onto Object: Centers the camera on the selected object. Zoom to Extents: Locks the screen onto the object being veiwed. Those are the tools. Use them. Every good builder does. _______________________________________________________________________ [#3] Explorer, Properties, and Output... These are always needed when building. If you don't see them go up to view. Open ony Explorer and Properties unless you are planning on scripting. If so open Output only. Here is what they are and what they are used for: Explorer: This is the game. It holds many folders. They are: Workspace, Players, Lighting, StarterGui, StarterPack, Debris, Teams, and SoundService. Here is what they are and what they do:(More information about these to come) Workspace - This is where all bricks are stored. Players - This is where you can change the max number of players for a server. Lighting - Skyboxes and ambient can be changed here. StarterGui - This is where all Guis' are stored. (I'll explain in more detail later) StarterPack - Put all the tools you want players to have in the game here. Debris - I'll explain this later. Its kind of complicated. Teams - This is where teams are stored. You use this when making team spawns. SoundSystem - This is also complicated and will be explained in a future update. Properties: This is where you configure the brick's properties. As in changing the brick material, changing the color of the brick, renaming the brick, etc. You can change models or meshes here, too. Output: This is more for scripting than it is building. This is where you see a script being used. It will say something like "Script1 active (then the date and time goes here)" It will also show you if there is a problam in the script or not, like "(Script1 Line # (then something in the script that needs fixing. i.e erron in line 20. Could not findfirstchild, or something like that) The command bar is under Output. I'll explaind that later. _______________________________________________________________________ [#4] Your first Model... To make a model is simple. After you have created something you want to share with other Robloxians, click and drag over the bricks with the move tool. Group your model and name it whatever you want. Go up to File>Publish selection to roblox. Name it whatever you want and give it a description.( i.e Cool hat. (disc.) Look at what I made! ) Click done and go to your models. From there you can choose if ou want it public or not. ________________________________________________________________________ [#5] Meshes... (I will put more here) Sorry but I still need to type 95% of this. I've been lazy and havent done much with this. The new version might come out in 2 days to a week... Sorry but I'm lazy XD
#45670818Sunday, April 17, 2011 12:43 AM GMT

Bump the helping thread... :3
#45672790Sunday, April 17, 2011 1:20 AM GMT

or remove the viruses when edit mode is off.
#45672822Sunday, April 17, 2011 1:21 AM GMT

Or remove the viruses when edit mode is on. Sorry for the typo
#45731134Monday, April 18, 2011 1:10 AM GMT

You could but I am trying to tell people that if they want to insert a model they can but If its infected then its not my fault.
#45737128Monday, April 18, 2011 2:51 AM GMT

Bump please?
#45737489Monday, April 18, 2011 2:58 AM GMT

if you need help i will build what ever u need
#45753411Monday, April 18, 2011 4:38 PM GMT

#45754397Monday, April 18, 2011 5:10 PM GMT

I'll build anything, look at my models. -Alex592 P.S. Add me!
#45783807Tuesday, April 19, 2011 2:11 AM GMT

@ alex and nconnor Did you read what I wrote above? I'm not asking for something built guys XD
#45972349Friday, April 22, 2011 6:46 PM GMT

Bump Haven't been on recently due to Portal 2 coming out.
#47734747Sunday, May 29, 2011 5:50 PM GMT

well if any one want me to make u a modle or a game i will make it for u

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