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#45789763Tuesday, April 19, 2011 4:27 AM GMT

This is a made up world that I designed, join if you want. The world name is Renneguard and there are five masters of its ten continents that has survived the major earthquake. Try to read as much of this thread as you can. Here is the list: Continent one: Travial Continent two: Favomare Continent three: Darklash Continent four: Henofice Continent five: Sletherguard Continent six: Rennefor Continent seven: Rezenovous Continent eight: Zenuroke Continent nine: Orcalo Continent 10 Drethono You can choose where to start here, there used to be 10 rulers for these continents but only five survived the huge earthquake. Monsters started appearing out of nowhere. Either survive for them or await your leader’s orders here are the names of them and what continent they rule. Hevoruth-Henofice Serraffocine-Sletherguard Orackle-Orcalo Zenus-Zenuroke Cecelius- Rennefor. Survive, start your own alliance. The technology is pretty advanced with flying cars and auto talking computers. But most technology has been wiped out. The world, Renneguard has suffered a lot of damage so finding resources will be hard, unless you travel through the continents above. Here are classes you can be in as the planet has a variety classes Android Warrior Princess Prince Soldier Citizen Rogue Survivor (you survived the earthquake on the continents that have lost their leader) CS Name: Gender: Personality: Age: Appearance: What continent do you start at: Class: Items: Normal forum and thread rules apply. First 5 to join will become one of the continents’ surviving leaders (basically admin) as for me im better of not wanting to be a leader. Oh and 2 leaders have to be girls cuz 2 of the names above are girl names (Cecelius and Serraffocine)
#45789921Tuesday, April 19, 2011 4:32 AM GMT

CS Name:Damius Herofulod Gender:Male Personality: Cheerful, Brave @ge:22 Appearance:Halo-like armor, helmet im 5 foot 6 What continent do you start at: Drethono Class:Survivor Items: Food for a week Weapons: Assault rifle, 2 glowing daggers REMEMBER THAT THIS IS THE FUTURE MAKE ANY WEAPON UP AND I FORGOT TO PUT WEAPON SO PUT WEAPON SORRY! and change the @ge thing

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