#5640621Sunday, February 15, 2009 1:19 AM GMT

((Alright, Jeri... that's it. -_- When you get on, reply to this if I'm on or not!! )) Darin seemed to think a moment while he looked at his captive, Jeri. "Do you not even care about how this... 'stranger' was handled? Oh well." He shrugged again, leaned back in his chair, put his finger tips together, and continued. "Honoo suddenly looked at him, made him jump, and barred her teeth. He backed up, looked at the knife in his hand, then back at her with a smirk. But he found she wasn’t there. Honoo was running down the hall. She skidded into the kitchen. The man waited a moment before walking after her. Once he entered the room, he looked around. Honoo was standing by the garage door. When he smirked at her again, she opened the door and went in. He followed slowly. Once in THERE, he looked around, blinking in the dark. Suddenly the lights flashed on. Honoo was standing in the corner, her face blank, and in her hand… a lighter. He looked down, at her feet, and saw a gasoline tank. The girl flicked the lighter open. The man reached out with a gasp… she raised her hand up high… and dropped it, flame going and all. As soon as it left her hand, she bolted. She ducked under his legs, sprinted across the shotgun-hall house, into her mother’s room, and into the corner before it exploded. She was now on the floor, knocked down by the burst. The gas can had only been half filled. Her head swung around and she stared over her shoulder at the flames licking the charred door she had recently flung open to get in. "She heard her brother scream at the noise. Her eyes looked to the body on the floor. Then her eyes looked back to the flames. She… smiled.” His smile faded and he looked un-concerned. "That epidemic is what set her off, first. That, and her dad was a psychopath and she practically inherited it. There where a few things that happened after that, but none of them are as important. Well... Except six years later when she was staying with her Aunt. Her brother had his own house, then. “Her aunt had a big dog… a… an Australian shepherd, I think? According to a very confused and worried aunt, a burglar broke in at night fall; Honoo had taken the pistol from her aunt’s closet and came to find it had to bullets; the burglar raised his gun; Honoo looked at the dog; the dog suddenly turned blood-thirsty; the dog began to maul the man. We even tested the woman later to see if she had just made it up by investigating the house. We found the man’s body covered in dog bites and claw marks. We questioned Honoo… but she told us the dog just attacked. “But the weird thing was…” he smirked and leaned forwards, “after the dog did that, with the girl, with what we came to understand, was smirking slightly, it padded up to her. Blood stained and all. Then -you know what- the dog started licking her and wagging its tail! The aunt was terrified, and after it all got settled, she put the dog down. She ended up giving Honoo to her brother and disappearing.” Darin let his words sink in for a minute.
#5640827Sunday, February 15, 2009 1:27 AM GMT

itudia are you bored THEN LET ME JOIN IF SO
#5642753Sunday, February 15, 2009 2:43 AM GMT

(( NO. -_- To the latter demand.))
#5646853Sunday, February 15, 2009 5:43 AM GMT

(( *Sigh* If you don't remember Sasukeworld's question then go look at it. It says we are into the RPG too far so sorry.))
#5795281Saturday, February 21, 2009 2:25 PM GMT

(( ah. i am back, and it feels good. )) I take in the story. I find myself thinking about this person i have been traveling with. then i think of my own story, and remember that there are worse things in this world. I sigh, trying to make myself sound bored and lazily flip my gaze to his eyes. "There are worse things in this world. I have read of them, heard of them, and most importantly lived them. your story means nothing."
#5875239Tuesday, February 24, 2009 5:38 AM GMT

((I don't know why but I just want to kill you for no reason....seriously.......)) I walk in then kill you! THE END!!!! No, just kidding........although that thought gave me about 3 hours rethinking to do.... Mike walks in. ((sorry don't know wahts going on -_- ))
#5927588Thursday, February 26, 2009 10:20 PM GMT

#5964863Saturday, February 28, 2009 8:35 AM GMT

(( Hey Itaudia is jeri still getting interrogated in a room?))
#5981328Saturday, February 28, 2009 9:45 PM GMT

(( Yea, and they're done with Honoo's story. -__- ))
#5995925Sunday, March 01, 2009 5:03 AM GMT

(( Ok whats going on now? I don't get it. Oh and something happened. ))
#6023492Monday, March 02, 2009 12:42 AM GMT

(( Jeri got captured and a dude is trying to get it out of him that he is plotting against the 'Evil dictator, Lyle' by telling him about Honoo's past. He already knows Honoo's in on it, but they have to prove it for Jeri. So, ya get it now? o_O ))
#6048602Monday, March 02, 2009 11:28 PM GMT

(( I wouldn't say plotting.... I woul say..... running away and in progress of making a moderate plan. ))
#6243330Monday, March 09, 2009 7:18 PM GMT

(( Jeri claims it won't be much longer untill he will come back. :3 By much longer, I think he means a week? I have no clue... but he will. This roleplay isn't dead yet! ))
#6264042Tuesday, March 10, 2009 5:32 AM GMT

(( Hey listen I think I'm going to stop checking up on this thread ok? This is going to die alright? Which means I quit if jeri doesn't come back. ))
#6407827Sunday, March 15, 2009 1:51 AM GMT

(( Alright... but Jeri will come back. I took his word for it. He might be having some tough times back home. I know what it's like, to not be able to reply to something you tried really hard on, then it dies, and you feel really bad. I'm going to keep on waiting. ))
#6568052Friday, March 20, 2009 2:14 AM GMT

(( oh lucy, im hoooome! )) ((or in this case itaudia, but thats not important ))
#6568146Friday, March 20, 2009 2:18 AM GMT

(( You are refering to the old show 'Lucy' and you are playing as the husband. :3 Yes, I know the show. YAY!! *Another tackle hug for Jeri* NOW LET''S BEGIN BEFORE I HAVE TO LEAVE AND YOU NOT BE BACK TOMAROW!! :] ))
#6568283Friday, March 20, 2009 2:22 AM GMT

(( your turn ))
#6568422Friday, March 20, 2009 2:27 AM GMT

The man raised his eyebrow again at Jeri and sighed, also. 'Even most people would worry about this girl they don't know... either he's faking or he’s-' His thoughts where cut off as the door into the room got opened. Darin turned around and shot daggers at the burly man standing in the doorway. "She's entered the building. Four men down. All of the cameras are out on the first floor. She's working her way up." The man was out of breath. Darin's eyes widened and he stood up. "Jeri, our conversation will continue in a little while. I have some busyness to attend to at the moment." With that, the usually cool man stormed out of the room and slammed the door behind him.
#6568461Friday, March 20, 2009 2:28 AM GMT

the second he left i lept up and paced, feeling the walls, searching the door, looking for SOMETHING! something to help, something to free me. something at all. but no. the room was tight. nothing.
#6568613Friday, March 20, 2009 2:33 AM GMT

(( You where bolted down... but oke... e.e )) Darin was quickly escorted to the floor containing the safe room, the one that was the hardest to find.... the camera room. He looked at each of the hundreds of screens carefully, finding that now twenty where fuzzy. The girl was moving fast.... "Who's down with her?" He asked, turning to the main camera guard. The middle-aged man looked up at him with a bored look, his mustache droopy. "Well!?" "Four where just sent after her. Six are now gone. Ether she scared the crap out of them and they ran, or she killed them. I think the last one's the best guess." he turned to the screens. "She just finds her way up to the camera, smiles at it... weird-like, too.... and then hits it with her knuckles. They break pretty dang easily, you know." The man seemed scared of Darin or something, that's why his words came out so easily. The business man uttered a curse and looked at the screens again, searching for her.
#6568667Friday, March 20, 2009 2:36 AM GMT

glass. the glass on the door. not a real window, so no reaching out, but a sharp shard of glass..... that would work just like a dagger.... my favorite. i punch ant the useless pane and shatter it. i sweep the glass away with my foot and find a good piece. Now i wait.
#6568735Friday, March 20, 2009 2:38 AM GMT

(YAYZ!!!! THIS IS BACK!!!! WHERE WERE YOU!?) Mike stepped into the room Jeri was in.
#6568778Friday, March 20, 2009 2:39 AM GMT

(( NO! :P you were far away, it hasnt really been long enough for you to get here anyway ))
#6568819Friday, March 20, 2009 2:41 AM GMT

(Hey take it easy, I just wanted to see if you would kill me or not.)