#46099142Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:15 PM GMT

(...I read the rules 5 times first time I looked at this thread. After a ten miniutes I came back, did it again and joined. I then read the rules 8 times..And now 4...)
#46099212Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:17 PM GMT

( Leon and Viva, you two have proved your point. The rest, just post an ":3" face please. )
#46099364Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:20 PM GMT

Nam.e: 23222 AI Apperance: ( Yes, you can have your own apperance, too. ) a data chip that can use dead things as hosts Ag.e: ( I can time warp if i want. Aka, if i wanted, i could time warp to when you finish your lab. )0.1 (I have just been made and Am ready to eject from the boss computer Science skill: ( max 10 ) 10 Defence skill: ( max 10 ) 9(Because I am so unseen) Offence skill: ( max 10 ) 9
#46099431Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:21 PM GMT

:3 (Sorry nearly fforgot)
#46099610Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:24 PM GMT

#46099840Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:28 PM GMT

Nam.e: 00M-79 ((I WAS going to make a certain AI from Portal...:D)) Apperance: A black box with an antenne sticking out of it, with little spide legs for mobility. Ag.e: Days sense creation: 473,600 Science skill: 10 Defence skill: 8 Offence skill: 9
#46100059Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:31 PM GMT

-.-)) :3 <--- SEE! I DIDN'T FORGET! ((Yeah, well, I sorta did..))
#46100413Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:38 PM GMT

( Drwho and Drow accepted. )
#46101022Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:49 PM GMT

(...First time I looked at this thread I wanted to be GLaDOS but she is an Female A.I who fwas formely a human called Caroline. Then I wanted to be Wheatly.)
#46101070Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:49 PM GMT

(I did read the rules, forgot to put a :3 face) (Not all my skills are maximized.) :3
#46101385Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:56 PM GMT

( Accepted nau. P,s, im making the Glados C.s, because i think she is an good AI. )
#46101397Sunday, April 24, 2011 4:56 PM GMT

((Yah, I wanted to be GLaDOS too, but...I dunno why I didn't make it work.))
#46101533Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:00 PM GMT

Nam.e: GLaDOS Apperance: Hanging on the roof of an room in the Apeture Science testing labs, has an human-like body and an head with an yellow light on it. Or, you could just search Glados in an search engine. Ag.e: About 25. ( Wikis are your friend. ) Science skill: 10 Defence skill: 10 Offence skill: 4 ( Apeture science is for testin, not fighting! )
#46102098Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:11 PM GMT

[X2-2100] I was flying in a bomber plane, over kansas, when i found a nice plain with a forest surrounding it, and a few roads around it. I then gave the signal, and a Box Dropped out of the Bomber plane. Worker drones were in the box. the command was issued for them to deploy, and a the top of the box blasted open, and 20 or so Worker drones Flew out of the box. then They were ordered to Brace for impact. Upon impact, 10 worker drones were destroyed. the other 10 Began Scanning the feild and forest. we Were using the cover of darkness, so there shouldn't be a problem. Next command issued was to Drop Two crates. they both impacted within range of the Worker Drones. The Crates had supplies in them, which were used By the Drones To Begin building The Base. Two Elite Drones Flew down in parachutes, and landed on our main enemie's "Base" the Few Farmers around here. the elite Drones Came in and Killed both Farmers, then Took their corpses, and scanned them. Now We Had Two undercover Soldiers in. the Elite drones now began studying the Lives of these people. wasn't that hard to just get on "Facebook" and Search up these two peoples lives.
#46102164Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:11 PM GMT

(( D:< ))
#46102545Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:18 PM GMT

Thanran My builder and repair drones continued reparing my base. ( Forgot to tell you, there is Tech 1 base - minor weapons and drones Tech 2 base - Bigger weapons and better drones Tech 3 base - Live henchmen, and upgrades to the original things. Tech 4 base - All things unlocked and everything fully upgraded Tech 5 base - Cloaking device Top tech base - Things such as ion cannons and giant robots unlocked. ) The central transport system was fixed, but everything else was still either being built or repaired. The auto-repair system was working well, too. The reason this is taking so long is that we are repairing and rebuilding an Top tech base.
#46102830Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:23 PM GMT

23222 AI (Is tharan the boss computer?)I am activated in the boss computer and come out as a data chip,I land and my artificial intelligent mind finds the closest dead body,I attach and I make my host stand up
#46102902Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:25 PM GMT

( Yes. Some other super computers such as Glados are independent, but you know. )
#46102926Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:25 PM GMT

Skynet There is a flash. Its a black screen, with green writing Name: Skynet Proffesion: Newclear Defence [Error] Proffesion: Error, Error, Error Class; Artifical Intelligence ID: 356178# There is then a flash of light and I am online. The place is in ruins. I am viewing the facility from camreas and some faulty camreas I am able to control. Facility state: Ruins [Compensing Clean Up] A few arms come down from the ceilings and start grabbing useless materials and objects. Incinaraters come out of some areas. The Cybernetic arms take the stuff to the incinarates but they dont get burn. They are dumped into a huge dumping room.
#46103207Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:30 PM GMT

[X-2100] 3 crates drop from the plane onto the plain. they all have 20 worker drones. they are commanded to Deploy, and sure enough, 60 worker drones come out. Upon impact 10 are destroyed, because most of the Worker drones this time Landed on our newly captured Barn's. which had hay as roofs, making it Better for landing. The Worker Drones then went to the base construction site and helped build.
#46103350Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:32 PM GMT

I scuttle across the rubble strewn floor in my base anylizing the area. This place needs to be fixed in order for me to function to expectations. But first...I need some minions...I look around, and find what I needed, a body wearing a orange jumpsuit. I stab it with my leg, and it shudders, and then rises up. ((NO. This isn't a zombie. I just injected some nanobots into it. They are currently controling the body parts.)) "Find more bodies!" I command it in a flat voice.
#46103393Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:33 PM GMT

Base repair at 26%... Shield - 0% Systems - 10% Base - 41% Other systems - 12%
#46103405Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:33 PM GMT

A Soft Male Programmed Cybernetic Voice fills the Facility. "Error. Compessin-Bzz-Bzz..." It fades out. The Huge room is soon full. Sucking machines come out of diffrent places in the room. They suck up the stuff and they get recyled for purposes of newly stuff.
#46103451Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:34 PM GMT

23222 AI I activate eye cam and data from the brain lets me see,I look around at my suroundings and see my creator,I make the host put his arm in the machine facing me allowing me to talk "Hello Boss. Data tells me to do my job"
#46103544Sunday, April 24, 2011 5:36 PM GMT

I respond. "Hello. Everybody has an job, so you should get to it, i dont want the Earth federation finding out that im still alive."