#46116451Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:04 PM GMT

Starship Class Sheet Name: Moth Mother Ship Appearance: Loocks like a giant metal moth Armaments: Mass amounts of BL lazers Defencss: Sheilds and hard metal Cargo bay size: the "Tail" holds about 100 tons Fighter bay size: WIngs are filled with fighters Used by:Hornites Starship Class Sheet Name: Dem Fighter and Blas Fighter Appearance:Stated earlier Armaments: Stated earlier Defencss: Basic SHeilds but they are veyr weak Cargo bay size: Enough to hold about 10 humanoids Fighter bay size: None Used by:Hornites
#46116494Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:04 PM GMT

(Tell me if im G-modding.Its just that ive always wanted to join a rolepaly like this but they are always really far in)
#46116578Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:06 PM GMT

Faction Sheet: Name: United Earth Government (UEG) Emblem: 2 UEG colony ships crossed over a earth with a circle around it, and the letters UEG over. Capital: Washington D.C, Earth. Current leader: Richard Hawkens. Leading race(s): HUMAN! Currency: (Optional) UEG Credits (abbriviated "cR") Government System: (Democracy, dictatorship, etc) Democracy History: In 2055 when a organized terrorist cell threatened global security the UEG was created to unite the free countries of the world against the terrorist cell. They were sucessful against the terrorists, but in the chaos of the war communist forces took over China. China took over most of the asain countries and russia through means that are not yet know. In 2096 a FTL drive was created. The UEG and their rivial the People's Republic of China bought one and spread to the stars,making their own sizible empires. Alignment: neutral Military Divisions: Navy, Army, Marines, Spec Ops Other:
#46116814Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:09 PM GMT

(The whole points is that were aliens......Im seinding abunch of Hornites to Earht,see how they react.)
#46117070Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:13 PM GMT

(You can be humans if you want. Also, no going to other galaxies, and your empires should just be starting out. So no giant ships or huge wars or anything. And one colony, max. Halo, you can't have 'sizeable empires'. Your just starting out, remember?)
#46117166Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:14 PM GMT

(Fine.The Grax were in a different SOLAR system but in the same galaxy)
#46117248Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:15 PM GMT

( Sorry for late post, my allignment is neutral. )
#46117866Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:24 PM GMT

Stephen I walked with my team to the cleanup station.All in all,it was a good victory.We had takin some damage on the Moth Mother Ship,Light Wing.My sqaud hadnt lost a single man but the poor sqaud called The Mings ,which is a kinda of bird on our homeworld,had lost 7 of the 10.The three remaining would be split up among some other squads.See,the Dukes only broke soldiers into groups of 10 and picked a leader.THe leader would pick the name of the squad.Over time the squad became like a family,making harder when we lost a man.Every month we get 10 more soldiers on our mother ship.WHen a sqaud is under 8 members,they break them up among other squads,whcih is like losing a brother.You see them again every other week for the meal(as I said,the rarely eat),but it stil lhurts.
#46118285Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:31 PM GMT

Starship Class Sheet Name: Nightfire Cruiser Appearance: Large ship, about a mile in length. (That does seem large but if you think about it, really it is relatively small compared some things that you see in movies and stuff.) There is a circular bridge which is the tallest point on the ship, about 300 yards up. (Also relatively small.) The tower to the bridge is only 200 feet. The rest of the ship is relatively basic, a curved rectangular hull with the name of the particular ship painted on the side. There is a cargo and ship bay in the lower half of the hull. The bay stretches out from the ship about 50 feet and the rest is inside. (The 50 feet is used for landing and takeoff) The entire ship is painted dark blue and the name would be painted silver. Armaments: 12 forward ion cannons with 8 rear and 5 on the side, totaling for 25. The ion cannons do a fair amount of damage to mild armor, but are not very effective against heavily armored ships. There is also one large photon cannon which takes months (Raacku months) to charge, lasting only five seconds, but it can knock out a ship's power if a direct hit is made. It also does lots of damage to armor, heavy or not. Defenses: Relatively strong shields all around, all of which are powered by the ship's central power system, as is most everything else. Cargo bay size: Fair size, 300 square yards and 150 feet high. Fighter bay size: Same as cargo bay. Used by: Raacku Empire
#46118547Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:35 PM GMT

Stephen "Soldiers.We have defeated the Grax,once and for all.The remainer of them have retreated to the Din System and abandoned there home planet.THey will all die out in about 3 days or so.That last ship MOther Ship was the last won they owned"Said Duke Raren."Now we have a new challenger.Our sceintists have tested and created 10 intersteller traveling cores,allowing us to move to other galaxies,if they work.Ten of you will be assigned,each one from one of they sqauds and all three of the Mings".I groaned using my vocal cords.All we could do wiht them was groan and preform our SOS calls.We had very good hearing though and all my squad heard me."Walis Sqaud"Said the duke"Dem Squad"."Omega Sqaud"."Hawk Sqaud"."Air and Water Sqauds".One left.I hopedin all 3 of my hearts that it wouldnt be Slash Squad."Sla..."I panicked.All my hearts missed a bear"...mmer sqaud" he finished.They unpicked people all sat back.
#46119271Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:46 PM GMT

Starship Class Sheet Name: V'haar-class Battleship Appearance: Approximately 500 meters in length, 100 meters in height, and 700 meters in width. It looks like a large stingray, with the 'tail' being filled with Cirek("Reaper" in English)-class fighters, along with a cargo bay. The bridge is located at the front of the ship. The wings end in two long Warp Nacelles, which glow a bright red color when active. The wings also house most of the ships systems. Armaments: Two forward Plasma Torpedo launchers(One on each wing), one aft Plasma Torpedo launcher, 10 Disrupter Cannons, one Phaser Array(Mounted on the underside of the ship). Defenses: Primitive shields. Thick titanium armor and eight small point defense laser cannons. Cargo bay size: 50 meters in length, 20 meters in height, 60 meters in width. Fighter bay size: 70 meters in length, 20 meters in height, 80 meters in width. Can hold 50 fighters. Used by: Sathiik Coalition
#46119393Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:47 PM GMT

(You cannot go to other galaxies. Not for a long time.)
#46119624Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:50 PM GMT

Stephen Testing went bad.All the remaining mings were killed and the testers from Dem,Omeger,and Water sqauds.The one from Hawk squad actually WORKED.The rest smoked.But now the tester has been promoted to a Lord!For sheer luck?I had known the one from Omega,We had boht come from Yertan Squad.It had been destroyed with mt first Mother Ship,The Grand Speeder
#46119632Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:50 PM GMT

The Kraith stay unknown, and go on an researching spree. Since they arent really planning to colonize soon, they were going to put ship creating to minor.
#46119802Sunday, April 24, 2011 9:53 PM GMT

Stephen Hawk's was a fake!Someone had faked the whole thing!THe scientist in charge for it was executed with the one from Hawk and a about 5 other people plus all from the Hawk Sqaud.
#46120206Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:00 PM GMT

Tursim walked around the new Nightfire, they had named it "Spacif". He had his crew assembled in the grand meeting hall. It really wasn't so grand. There were a few hundred seats, all of which were made with low quality leather. He did manage to swing the high-council into letting him get a podium with a microphone and even a small display screen. But anyways, they were in the meeting hall. "I called you here today," He began, "To bring forth the new generation of ships." The crew cheered together. Tursim continued, "We have picked the finest crew for this new ship, our ship, the Spacif!" The crew cheered louder, "And to celebrate this new ship," Tursim raised his voice, "We will take you all on a small exploration of our known system, even stopping at our colony on Somago5!" Tursim sat down in his seat, his first officers were next to him. All of the cadets in the crowd were roaring in cheer, "HOORAY FOR SPACIF!" (NOT IN STORY) Tursim's first-officer crew: Pilot- Rajim Yar'm Radar Specialist- Yesaiah Fysu Engineer- Scota Zambova Weapons Specialist- Turkmi Trah Defense Specialist- Ram Fackosa
#46120463Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

The UEG and PRC create their first colonies outside Earth's solar system.
#46120490Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

(Forgot a few) (NOT IN STORY) Tursim's first-officer crew: Pilot- Rajim Yar'm CoPilot- Zamob Kai Radar Specialist- Yesaiah Fysu Engineer- Scota Zambova Weapons Specialist- Turkmi Trah Defense Specialist- Ram Fackosa Communications Specialist- Era Maio Cargo/Ship Bay Manager- Jacklanso Soaw
#46120632Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:05 PM GMT

(Anyone wanna set up a comm frequency with Raacku?)
#46120906Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:09 PM GMT

(If you want you can use the Raacku Calendar, their current "StarDate" is 22.34.304 (JK, if you watch startrek you'll get that reference.) It is really 3002.
#46121150Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:12 PM GMT

(SORRY BUT I KEEP FORGETING POSITIONS D=) Tursim's first-officer crew: Pilot- Rajim Yar'm (M) CoPilot- Zamob Kai (F) Radar Specialist- Yesaiah Fysu (F) Engineer- Scota Zambova (F) Weapons Specialist- Turkmi Trah (M) Defense Specialist- Ram Fackosa (M) Communications Specialist- Era Maio (F) Cargo/Ship Bay Manager- Jacklanso Soaw (F) Chief of Medical- Scotts Margor (M) Chief of Science and Research- Yurima Fakasino (M)
#46121292Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:14 PM GMT

Captain Xantak(I'll make a CS for him later)stood on one of the many viewing areas at Nekath Shipyards on the outskirts of Ezeth. The first inter-stellar ship, the V'haar-class Battleship "Shadow of Sathiikis", was being constructed here. It was almost ready to be launched, and Xanak had been assigned to command the ship. It was an exciting opportunity, for he would be the first Sathiik ever to venture out of their home star system.
#46121357Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:15 PM GMT

The UEG colonies on Mars were thriving due to a few Big perimeter Atmosphere Processors (BpAP's). The UEG also had a few mining bases in the asteroid belt. The PRC also had mining bases in the belt. The PLC also had colonies on a few of Jupiter's Jovian moons. Also, they had bases, outposts, and colonies on the moon. On Earth it self the UEG had 2 space elevators, one in Cuba, and another in Mombasa, Africa. The PRC had 3 space elevators, 1 in Japan, China, and Russia. The space elevators were long tubes of strong materiels that took cargo elevators up to space stations. It was a cheap alternative to flying stuff up there.
#46121469Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:17 PM GMT

(typo: I meant PRC not PLC in the first paragraph.)
#46121675Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:20 PM GMT

StarDate 3002. Tursim walks back to his cabin on Deck8. "Hello, Scotts," He says, passing the medical corridor on Deck8. "Hello, sir," Scotts replies. He is walking to his cabin, as well and falls into step with Tursim. "How have you been?" Tursim asks. "Good, sir. We have found a possible cure to that one cadet's illness," He says, "You know, the one with the oddly shaded spots." "Ah, yes, that pilot, correct?" "Yes, sir, that is the one." "Well do tell him that I hope he gets better," Tursim says over his shoulder as he enters his cabin. There is only about a 50 foot space inside his cabin, bathroom and all. It contains a bed, a intercom transmitter, and a few empty shelves. Of course there is also a bathroom and a small closet. Tursim sighs and takes off his uniform, placing it on a hanger. He puts on his night clothing and clambers into his bed, thinking of what to say in his speech tomorrow.