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#46205316Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:12 AM GMT

This is the 8th Era. This is in Spring, near the village of Pask. The Guard is full of strong men and women. A town is nearby, only several miles. The sky darkens. You see some darkly armored men walk through the street from outside of your house window. Some local soldiers get in their way, questioning. The dark cloaked and armored men slew them. Panicking, the town guard bell rings and everything is a scramble. Several minutes later a battle occurs. Horrid creatures spring out and attack local militia sections. The Guard crumbles. You escape barley alive. This is a roleplay in a medieval setting. With some fantasy mixed into it. Thismonia is a human country, close to an allied City Elf country. So, both races are in both. But, a cult of shadow worshippers summoned necro energies to infest the world, for revenge. Demonic soldiers came from the Death Hills. War broke out. The first to fall victim was the human kingdom of Thismonia. Things to RP as: Guard/Soldier: Soldiers have been dipatched to the aid of the village, also surviving guards help. Panicked Villager: Citizens. Elven merchants and human villagers are caught up in the tragedy. Spirit: Cannot do much. Can come back looking for relatives, or could be a holy angel. Darkness Soldier: Intelligent gray-skinned men. Vague human features. They wear black armor and usually carry infantry equipment. Mindless Undead: Skeletons and Zombies can be found sometimes. Usually from tainted toxins emiting from the Darkness Soldiers. Rules: No ubering or godmodding. No magic without permission. Angels/Ghosts cannot fight, and are not really afflicted with anything. Character CS Survivor: Name: Race: Social Class: Ag.e: Appearance: Story: Weapon (Optional): Spirit/Undead/Darkness Soldier Character CS: Name: Ag.e: Former Social Class: Former Race: Appearance: Story: Weapon (Only Darkness Soldier): Have fun!
#46205415Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:16 AM GMT

Survivor Character CS: Name: Jack Lispent Ag.e 23 Social Class: Guard Race: Human Appearance: Skull cap, no shoulderguards, Linked chainmail vest and pants, dark leather boots and gloves, torn Village Guard tabard. Tall thin man, reddish cheeks, black hair and hazel eyes. Very few freckles. Story: Newly Uniformed guard. When the creatures attacked he fought. Evcerything scattered. So did he. The village was burnt. He is lost in the middle of nowhere now.
#46205589Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:22 AM GMT

(You can post)
#46205801Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:31 AM GMT

#46205851Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:33 AM GMT

#46205997Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:40 AM GMT

(Additional Rules: No extreme romance. Be realistic. No powers, unless your a magic-user, which only people with permission get. No riding around dragons are anything like that.)
#46206471Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:04 AM GMT

(Ugh, don't die thread!)
#46208482Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:20 AM GMT

Spirit/Undead/Darkness Soldier Character CS: Soldier Name: Thomas Vanhan Ag.e: 36 Former Social Class: Slave Former Race: Elf Appearance: Dark Brownish Hair,Long Ears,Iron Armour,Scar(Right Eye):Eyepatch(Left Eye) Story: Once Slave whos eye got poked out at 16. At the age of 25 he was almost killed by the Great slave revolt but didnt. That led to him to getting the Guard job. Weapon (Only Darkness Soldier):None
#46208522Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:26 AM GMT

Thomas wakes up"The undead are attacking Guards to the Tower we must defend!" Thomas is thrown out of bed by his officer. "Just becaus you survied the revolt dosent mean you gonna survie this!" The officer yells. Thomas not out of bed heads to the door the Quarter Mater takes a Long Bow/Arrows and gives it to Thomas saying"you elfs get the easy part of the job."
#46208548Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:30 AM GMT

Thomas sprints to the wall and uses the ladder to climb up it. One of his fellow soldiers gasp in horror when he sees the large evil army. "We must defend till sunrise men we sent word to the kingdom and thats when they will sent troops.Now FIRE!"
#46208580Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:33 AM GMT

A swarm of arrows falls down on the army then the catapults make a THOMP! on the zombies but only a little of the zombies die."WERE doomed" one of the soldiers yell. But the Officer Yells"Reload. FIRE! and once again we shoot into the hoard
#46208616Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:38 AM GMT

The soldiers reapeat this about 5 more times then they come. They hear the sword fight below us and the screams of pain Thomas is told to escort the soldiers with other men saying"I fight for are king to the death" Thomas jumps down from the ladder moving quickly to the entrance of the towns hall.
#46208707Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:47 AM GMT

(Before I contenue im the second village the army attacks so thats why were more prepared and thats also why we got the allies at dawn) Thomas see the panick in the villages eyes and yells "Elderly first you know the drill!" Most people ar kind to Thomas knowing he used to be a slave before the revolt,and they know he is a fair guard not like most of them looking to steal from there next victim,they do as there told. Whispers can be heard fom across the crowd as they make it to the wall.As they make it out one of the soldiers Zefrey tells Thomas to check up on the battle saying"We shouldnt of lost we have the finest men this Kingdom has ever seen!" Thomas nods and gos but inside Thomas is not as sure as Zefrey.
#46208749Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:51 AM GMT

Save a spot for me, I'll join later.
#46208813Tuesday, April 26, 2011 7:59 AM GMT

K Thomaas is only about a half mile away from the city so he quickly makes it to the wall. The battle all ready looks grim and zombies are blocking his path into the city. "Looks like ill have to climb the wall,just like military training." Sneaking to the wall not letting the zombies notic him he quickly scales up the wall quicker then usual and his at the top when the sun is starting to rise.
#46208832Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:01 AM GMT

(Eh, dunno. I don't like it 'cause I made a Medieval Horror and Medieval Fantasy. This is like both, but different. Not as complex. Basically I don't like it because of how much simplicity it has.)
#46208839Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:02 AM GMT

Its preety cool though
#46208877Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:06 AM GMT

(Really good concept, just needs more complexity. It doesn't have enough detail, no systems within it. Check out -Meteor Plague- (Or parasite, forgot which) and -War Against Magic- to see what I mean by complex. Also your story would be cooler if you had it based around a couple characters, and you just started to type it out, to match you idea. Read both of the stories in the two threads above to see what I mean.)
#46208906Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:08 AM GMT

Ya that dose make sence
#46209147Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:32 AM GMT

Name: Narak Race: Human Social Class:Soldier Ag.e: 44 Appearance: Blue eyes.Shaggy hair.Wound on face that never bleed either gone Story:Narak was very trained.He become in ag.e 43 one of the high ranks.In the tragdey he killed some darkness soldiers.Some wizard crafted his weapon/ Weapon (Optional):Light elemntal hammer and sheild
#46209323Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:51 AM GMT

Thomas runs toward the battle nothings left except dead bodys
#46209478Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:12 AM GMT

5 zombies notice him he slashes the first ones head off then runs
#46209520Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:18 AM GMT

Thomas jumps from the wall laanding on a shrub
#46216570Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:04 PM GMT

(Sorry guys. I had to go to sleep, and left. Maybe I'll add more detail. I'm not really adding a plot right off the bat, since I'm really letting the RPers start it)
#46216705Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:09 PM GMT

Jack wanders aimlessly through a small brownish grassland patch. His senses were dull, he hardly understood what was going on, or if he even existed.

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