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#46217110Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:22 PM GMT

You awoke in a village. You get up, and look around the village. There's a market where you can buy food, a well where you can get water, a blacksmith where you can buy weapons and armour and sheilds, and a hotel where you will live. You walk to a person and ask him a few questions. "Where am I?" you ask. "You are in the town of Lumbridge." the man answers. "How did I get here?" you ask. "I don't know. Everybody who lives in this village doesn't know how they got here. We just wake up, and we're in this village." he answers. "That makes no sense!" you say. "Calm down. We all don't know how we got here, but this village is very good. The hotel is very luxurious. The water is clean. The weapons are strong. The food is clean and fresh. But there's one bad thing. If you leave the gates of the village, you will see many evil creatures in a place we call the Dark Realm. Like trolls, goblins, giant spiders, cannibals, zombies, and skeletons." he sais. "Thanks for your help." you say, walking away. Now, you must live in this village. ~Rules~ No ubering. No godmodding. No spamming. Listen to me. Mild romance. Don't make me barf. Be realistic. If you die, a preist can revive you if he finds you. If you read all the rules, put "Nyan Cat" at the bottom of your CS. ~Types~ Preist Can revive dead people. Wizard Can use magic. Warrior Very strong and good with weapons. Merchant Sells food. Blacksmith Sells weapons, sheilds, and armour. Scavenger Leaves the village gates and goes into the Dark Realm to find food. Resident A regular villager. ~Character Sheet~ Name - A.ge - (16-20) Gender - Personality - Appearance - Type - (Preist, warrior, wizard, etc.) Armour - (Must go buy it at the blacksmith.) Weapon(s) - (Must go buy them at the blacksmith.) Sheild - (Must go buy it at the black smith.) Items - (Food, water, etc.)
#46217308Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:29 PM GMT

Name - Mika Alron A.ge - 17 Gender - M Personality - Headstrong, possibly a little arrogant. Appearance - Mika wears a brown cloak over his armor. He also has black pants and boots. He has medium length brown hair, dark brown eyes, and a medium build. Type - Warrior Armour - will buy Weapon(s) - will buy Sheild - N/A Items - Mika has a canteen filled with fresh water from the well. He also carries around a few gold coins with him. In a small pouch he has some dried meat and bread. He also has flint and steel to create a fire.
#46217345Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:30 PM GMT

~Character Sheet~ Name - Alexander Zackfolf A.ge - 19 Gender - Male Personality - Curious, adventerous, risky, always getting into trouble, goofy, rarely serious, sarcastic, layed-back, nice, and caring. Appearance - Chocolate brown hair that covers left eye, slightly tan Caucasion skin, freckles on nose and cheeks, icy blue eyes, pink lips, thin nose, height 5'3, and weight 157. Type - Scavenger Armour - Light leather armour. Weapon(s) - A light bronze sword. Sheild - A light bronze sheild. Items - 3 apples, a canteen of water, a cloth for cleaning sword, a bag for holding food, and a rope.
#46217371Tuesday, April 26, 2011 4:31 PM GMT

@Comm Accepted.
#46219400Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:23 PM GMT

I walked into the blacksmith. "Hey there, little guy! What can I get ya?" the blacksmith asked. "I want a bronze sword, a bronze sheild, and some leather armour." I said, giving him some of my gold coins. "Alright." the blacksmith said, taking the money. He handing me the things I wanted. "Thanks." I said, leaving the blacksmith. I walked over to the well, and got some water. I knew I whas going to need it. I went to the market and bought some apples with some gold coins. I went to the hotel and bought a room.
#46219505Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:25 PM GMT

I sauntered over to the blacksmith, seeing a guy walking out with some nice merchandise. I walk in. "What can I get ya?" Exclaims the blacksmith. "Well i'm not sure if i really want a sword, i haven't really used one. How about a recurve bow, i have used a hunting bow before!" "Alright" Says the blacksmith. "I'll take some of that light armour too." I hand him the gold coins when he has the weapon and armor. I grab a dozen arrows and toss a few more coins onto the counter. "Thanks" He says. I walk out, unanswering.
#46219674Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:30 PM GMT

A man dressed in expensive clothing walked into my hotel room. "What do you want?" I asked. "Oh, I'm just here to offer you a job." "What kind of job?" "Well, out scavenger died last night, and we need a new one. Will you do the job? I'll pay you 100 gold coins every time you go scavenging." I thought for a second. "Sure." "Good! You can go on your first scaveng right now." [Quest Started! Go out of the village gates and find three diferrent fruits.]
#46219708Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:31 PM GMT

(Sorry. I misspelled. Our, not out.)
#46220090Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:40 PM GMT

I walk over to the well and refill my canteen after taking a swig.
#46220354Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:45 PM GMT

I opened the gates and walked into the Dark Realm. I saw small orange eyes watching me. Suddenly, a arrow hit me in the chest, but it didn't hurt. My armour made it bounce off. It whas a cannibal. I got my sword out, listening to the foot steps of the cannibals. "He looks delicous." I heard one of them whisper. Suddenly, they all started screaming loudly and ran towards me. One my one, I killed them. I stood on top of their dead bodies, panting. I kept walking, listening to the whispers of the cannibals. I could hear them following me.
#46220412Tuesday, April 26, 2011 5:47 PM GMT

I see a man walk out into the dark realm. He didn't close the gates, so i ran up and closed them, hoping nothing would get in. "Poor soul.." I mutter to myself.
#46220999Tuesday, April 26, 2011 6:02 PM GMT

Name - Mika Ver Leth A.ge - 19 Gender -Male Personality - Fierce, brave, but very quiet and can lose hsi temper easily. Appearance - He has thin face, and dark blue eyes, with straight, black hair. He is about 6'6, and weighs about 15 stone. Type -Warrior Armour - He will have silver armour, which is light but storng. One the bottom of each plate has 3 black lines. Weapon(s) - A long sword with a black handel, small golden dagger. Sheild - Small, black shield with three red lines going diagonally left. Items - Water pouch, large bag of money underneath his armour, and a sandwhich. Nyan cat
#46230531Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:07 PM GMT

I saw three large red apples laying on the ground in front of me. I walked towards the apples, happy to finally collect the food and go back to the village. As I leaned down to grab the apples, I hard some people scream, then some cannibals ran towards me. It whas a trap! Before I could pull out my sword, they kicked me down. They stepped on my face, laughing. (Mika, accepted.)
#46230585Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:08 PM GMT

(Rune.Scape? If it is, I might join.)
#46230624Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:09 PM GMT

(@Oh Yes, it's based off Rune.scape.)
#46230693Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:10 PM GMT

Name - Dominique Lestrange A.ge - 17 Gender - Female Personality - She is very humorous and courageous. She's not just an ordinary troublemaker. Inside, she is can be very sensitive and deep, but tends to hide it away from the rest of the world. Appearance - Dominique has dark chocolate brown hair that reaches down over her shoulders. She has a side fringe/side bangs/side swept fringe/side swept bangs to the left of her head. Her eyes are the same color as her hair. Dominique has a bony nose and thin, bright pink lips. Dark haired, thin eyebrows. Slightly pale skin. Several small blemishes to the side of her face. Dominique is usually wearing casual clothes, like; a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, a tight hoodie, jacket, or baggy sweatshirt, socks, Converse sneakers, regular sneakers, or flats. Her hair can sometimes be pulled up in a ponytail, bun, pigtails (occasionally), or plainly down. Type - Scavenger Armour - (Must go buy it at the blacksmith.) Weapon(s) - (Must go buy them at the blacksmith.) Sheild - (Must go buy it at the black smith.) Items - Scavenges for food and water, has an old cellphone
#46230799Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:12 PM GMT

(@Cran Well, you see, I would let you join, but... Your character has a cell-phone, and this takes place in a ancient time.)
#46230913Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:14 PM GMT

(..you could have told me that Items: Scavenges for food and water, a ripped up parchment, ink)
#46230983Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:15 PM GMT

(@Cran Now you're accepted. =3)
#46231006Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:15 PM GMT

(:3 Start?)
#46231373Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:22 PM GMT

~Character Sheet~ Name - Annabel Cato A.ge - 28 Gender - Female Personality - Nice to some people (if they are nice to her), sarcastic, arrogant, fights with her father a lot. Appearance - Long brown hair always up, green eyes, olive skin, pointy nose, and perky lips. She wears a purple t-shirt and a short light blue skirt and black boots. She's 5'9" and 119 lbs. Type - Warrior Armour - Will buy. Weapon(s) - Will buy. Sheild - Will buy. Items - Cooked bread and some stale water.
#46231378Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:22 PM GMT

#46231403Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:22 PM GMT

(Nyan Cat :3)
#46231578Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:25 PM GMT

[ Content Deleted ]
#46231820Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:29 PM GMT

('Tis. Well, based off it.)

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