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#46228498Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:35 PM GMT

Hey welcome to an Apocolypse RP! Story: In 2013, World War 3 broke out across the world, America,England,Canada,and Germany/Austria formed the Allies (like WW2) to fight the facist communists, Libya,Afghanistan,North Korea formed the facist empire called the Axis (Ran out of ideas xD) the Allies nick named them "The A.arch.ists" North Korea launched a nuclear missile to America, there calculations were off and they hit California (Target was D.C.), sending California into a state classified as "The Wasteland", M.utants and m.onsters (ANy species except invincible g.odlike people) We are the survivors of the Wasteland, it is our time to survive. RULES: No RPGS or like One shot, one kill guns, No G.od Modding, No Headshots (Unless your character was planned to die anyway) No Arguing (Unless in story) Use Story mode (Ex. "I walked into the plastic wrap in the doorway") Character must be approved to join. I may ask to change certain things THIS IS NOT BASED ON FO1-NV NO BOTTLECAP MONEY PLEASE Character sheet: Na.me: Ag.e: Gender: Bio: Species: Appearance:(Preferably decal) Born where?: Weapon(s)(G.uns, swords, knives): Misc. (Optional): Character sheet: Na.me:Max Mooney Ag.e:14 Gender:M Bio: Family all dead, trying to survive by self, Moved from Germany to California after Libyans invaded our apartments Species:Human Appearance:(Preferably decal): Army Cap, Beat up Tee and jeans, Dark brown hair and green eyes Born where?:Berlin, Germany Weapon(s)(G.uns, swords, knives): Steyr AUG, P99 pistole, Jack K.nife Misc (Optional): Hates The Tribe (Facist colony in wasteland, explain in RP)
#46229067Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:44 PM GMT

Na.me: Jacob Levei Ag.e: 26 Gender: male Bio: Escaped bruned down building,family died in it. Species: Human Appearance:Blond hair,blue eyes,torn clothes Born where?:London,England Weapons:M4,M9,Knives
#46229898Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:57 PM GMT

(Aproved, Hex)
#46229975Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:58 PM GMT

(God is not in the filter.)
#46230049Tuesday, April 26, 2011 8:59 PM GMT

(Thanks, don't wanna get [ Content Deleted ] and maybe get banned for some odd reason)
#46230169Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:01 PM GMT

(Also, joining.) Character sheet: Na.me: Brittany Lowell Ag.e: 22 Gender: Female Bio: Her family died in the wasteland, and she's all on her own. Species: Human Appearance: http://www.roblox.com/Ultimate-Anime-Girl-11-item?id=6005963 Born where?: Orange County, California? Weapon(s)(G.uns, swords, knives): Knife and pistol. Misc. (Optional): N/A
#46230210Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:02 PM GMT

(Oh, alright. BTW, not my best cs. Sorry :P)
#46230798Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:12 PM GMT

(Start RP now) I dragged my feet across the wasteland as I Loaded my pistol, I'm on my way back to the shelter my squad (We'll get into that later) was where we were at the time, we alternate every month (Everyone last track of the time so a month is now 14 days, we have the names January- Juno Febuary- Fall March- Omahah, I'll continue later), right now we are at an abandoned jail out side of San Francisco, I stopped to see some one, or something walking on top of the cliff.
#46231074Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:17 PM GMT

Approved :3
#46231425Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:23 PM GMT

Character sheet: Na.me: Kurt Jackson Ag.e: 20 Gender: Male Bio: Was stationed at a California Military base to defend if the Axi.s attacked from the Pacific. Species: Human Appearance:(Preferably decal) My ROBLOX Character, except instead of R.A.T it says USMC. Born where?: Miami, Florida, U.S Weapon(s)(G.uns, swords, knives): M416. M1911 Colt 45. Combat Knife. Misc. (Optional)
#46231501Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:24 PM GMT

@Dude Approved
#46231719Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:28 PM GMT

Character sheet: Na.me: Mark Hyde Ag.e: 29 Gender: Male Bio: Became a worker in a store in Gemrany then world war three broke out he joined the military. But trained to fight but never got a taste of combat with the enmey was stationed in Califronia. The uncharted areas Species: human Appearance:Dark brown hair, blue eyes, caucasian, muscular, 6 ft 8", 212 LBs, Desret camoflauge faitauges, black military issue boots, grey gloves Born where?: Berlin Weapon(s): MP5 submachine gun, G36 assulat rifle, USP pistol Misc.: N/a
#46231813Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:29 PM GMT

[Kurt] I walked through the streets of San Francisco. The outskirts were pretty much abandoned, even before the nuke hit. I looked to my left and saw a cliff and an old jail. Before heading off to the jail, I decided to search a Gun shop for ammo. I didn't find M416 or M1911 ammo, but I found a sawn-off shotgun and some buck shot slugs. All other weapons seemed to be taken. I busted open the cash register and found $40. I walked outside and there was an old, dried up, paper white face, with green ooze pooling out in front of me. A mutant. I kicked it in the gut and kneed it in the face as it fell to the ground. He hissed and I put a bullet into his irradiated brain. I walked to the jail.
#46232564Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:40 PM GMT

I Heard some one coming to the jail, I quickly ran inside and hid in an old cell, there as I listened in horror, I heard a loud roar, I looked back into the cell I was in. There, infront of me was a mutant charging at me, with reflexes, I fired my pistol, one problem, JAMMED, "DANG IT!" I yell as I whack the mutant with my pistol, the mutant bit one time into arm and sliced it open with its claws, I pulled back the top of the pistol to put a bullet into chamber. "Well that was easy..." I stabbed the mutant in the stomach and shot it in the chest, I ran out side of the jail to pass out as I hit the ground.
#46232771Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:43 PM GMT

I was walking through London,I was depressed,I was just wandering.
#46232802Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:43 PM GMT

[Kurt] In the distance I saw a teenager pass out. I squinted for a second and started off in a sprint towards the jail. I got to the kid. He looked around 15 and I picked him up and got him inside a cell. I put a gauss pad on his torn up arm. I checked my M416 and stayed in the cell with him.
#46232984Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:46 PM GMT

*mutant comes out of nowhere* "ahhh!!"I scream I shoot the thing with my M9 and it decomposes.I hear more screeches,"theres more"I say.
#46233071Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:47 PM GMT

(I have to go my Grand mothers house, I'll get online there and continue in about 20-30 minutes)
#46233159Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:48 PM GMT

(Sorry, watching YouTube.) I trudged through the dirty streets of San Fransisco, depressed.
#46233208Tuesday, April 26, 2011 9:49 PM GMT

(Ok) I looked around and saw an old building. I had no idea what it was, so I walked in.
#46233960Tuesday, April 26, 2011 10:00 PM GMT

(Umm am I accepted
#46234073Tuesday, April 26, 2011 10:02 PM GMT

(Btw guys the building I entered in was the jail. I don't like to RP by myself p_p.)
#46234189Tuesday, April 26, 2011 10:03 PM GMT

[Kurt] I heard the main door of the jail open. I loaded a clip into my M4.
#46234244Tuesday, April 26, 2011 10:04 PM GMT

(Sorry Blackberry, accepted)
#46234710Tuesday, April 26, 2011 10:11 PM GMT

I woke to hear the sound of a bullet loading into a chamber, I groaned, where was I? "Where am I?" I said grogily (MAKIN UP WORDS :3) I opened my eyes slowly to see a man hold an M4 and looking out side a cell, I groaned again as I rolled over as my limbs went numb

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