#46419836Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:29 PM GMT

~Jun~ Someone yells to me. A Da' Van. "Nope!" I yell. I glide down and sweep glider across her face.
#46419874Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:30 PM GMT

I see the airbender swipe down at her. I actually laugh. I know this village has seen enough, so i call a retreat to the ship, and see firebenders loading prisoners on.
#46419891Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:31 PM GMT

~Julia~ i dash into a building and read how to protect yourself from fire benders "Damn they're all water benders but im a Da'Van Earth bender"
#46419904Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:31 PM GMT

They breif us on a mission the fire nation has seen Da'Van near they will send us to help. The squad leader we call commandate orders us to the ships but me to lead a cavalry charge. I breif my men and order them on their ostrich horses and I lead us forwards. I see the village being torn by war and see the naval units. I get ready for battle and rember my master
#46419961Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:32 PM GMT

~Julia~ I Dash out and make a rock wall around the entrance of there ship "Going somewhere"
#46419981Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:33 PM GMT

~Akira~ I land Jun's Bison, and I see the Fire forces, leaving. "Tch. I was looking forward to a battle. I turn to Rama and say, " Rama, go on up and circle down when we call for you. I'm going to find Jun before he get's himself in trouble." Rama grunts and takes to the air.
#46419982Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:33 PM GMT

#46420009Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:34 PM GMT

(Niko, you send you weren't a bender.) I see Niko being carried into the ship. He is motionless. My heart sinks. I order a full on retreat onto the ship, and most people are on. The prisoners are held on deck. I load on and run over to Niko. A soldier tells me what happens. He was hit by a huge boulder from a Earthbender, but he was still alive, just unconcious. "Thank goodness!" I yell.
#46420065Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:35 PM GMT

I run off the ship to make sure my men are on, but find a huge rock wall. I go back on the ship, and jump off the front. I land successfully over the rock wall, and see a girl. "Surrender!" I yell, aiming my fists at her.
#46420106Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:36 PM GMT

(Dang i forgot) i scream to the fire benders "il hope your happy cowards for fighting with absolutly nothing no pride no generious nothing!"
#46420116Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:36 PM GMT

~Jun~ I pursue the girl I attacked and find here being threatened by a Fire Bender. "Need some help?" I yell to the Fire Bender.
#46420189Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:38 PM GMT

"Yes, it would be good." I say. "Wow, you're the first airbender i've ever seen!" I say, not taking my eye off the girl.
#46420205Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:39 PM GMT

Ran I tell my crew to set sail to reports of Da'Van, and ready troops for investigation or battle. The Port is in sight, as my ship lands, opens up its troop hatch, ( I think thats what its called ) and troops come out.
#46420247Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:39 PM GMT

( Ugh. Late post. sorry. )
#46420255Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:40 PM GMT

~Julia~ i slowly think how to fight in my mind "if he thinks about using fire ill keep dodging but if he comes and attacks with his arms ill duck and punch and legs but he kicks me ill jump on his leg and kick him in the head.".
#46420258Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:40 PM GMT

(what do you mean late? It's fine, just reinforcements xD)
#46420264Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:40 PM GMT

~Jun~ "We're kinda rare after the Fire Nation genocide." I say. I look at him, "No hard feelings though." I point my glider at the girl.
#46420304Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:41 PM GMT

I create a little flame in my hand. "Come on little girl, you don't want to be burnt! Just take down your little wall and we'll leave!"
#46420329Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:41 PM GMT

~Julia~ in mind "ill flip him off his glader if thats posible if not ill use him as a shield"
#46420342Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:42 PM GMT

~Akira~ I look around the village. No sign of Jun, yet.
#46420360Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:43 PM GMT

~Jun~ "That's it! I'm sick of waitng!" I whip up a ball of hair and fling it at the wall.
#46420372Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:43 PM GMT

~julia~ "im not i just got trained earth by a fellow helper all i know is shields and walls of rock"
#46420388Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:43 PM GMT

I make the first strike, sending a small flame to the girl. I didn't want to kill a girl. Hopefully this distracts her so the airbender can take her down.
#46420396Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:43 PM GMT

*i create second wall next to first*
#46420415Saturday, April 30, 2011 2:44 PM GMT

~Jun~ I rush forward and wrap my hands around her wrists.