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#46461039Sunday, May 01, 2011 2:11 AM GMT

Welcome to the Region of Kanto,Where all Trainers start. We are the United Pokemon League, and are the Authorities of the Regions. Here is the Rules and Regulations. 1.No harrassment of any trainer,In any form. 2.Only one starter Pokemon until you get to rank 3. 3.You must face a Gym Before you say you get the badge,and there will be a Roblox Badge for it. 4.You must pay For a Pokeball,which will be in my tshirts.Each Pokeball is 4 tickets. 5.We might give out free pokeballs,and if you win a Gym Battle,you may have one. 6.This Roleplay will be serious,and will last a long time. 7.We are currently In Progress,so any complaints/Ideas/and Worries shall be PMed to me. 8.The Trainer Card Details shall be PMed to me. 9.We are a Official Clan on Roblox. 10.The towns/regions/gyms are at my places.Read the Desc in each for Gym Notifications. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Heres the Trainer Sheet(You must fill this out with your info) Name: Age: Gender: Starter Pokemon:Charmander,Bulbasaur,Squirtle(pick one) HomeTown: HomeRegion: Occupation/Affiliation: Likes to:(Please limit to 2 things. Pm me the sheet when its filled out,for approval,and Ranking up to the ranked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now for the Final Challenge.You shall Not Roleplay here,and you shall Roleplay at my places(sorry if its demanding)Roleplaying on here is very....Weird. If you are forgetful,I reccomend making a Text Document or Notepad file,saying all the info on your charachter seet,your badges,rank,and Pokemon,incase you get Admin Attacked by a Noob,or Forget. Have fun,and welcome)Please Join the Clan,and you shall be Deemed a Trainer Officially,all UnOfficial are As is,and will not be accepted into a gym.

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