#46870593Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:07 AM GMT

Spy name of the spy : Ashley REAL name : Vannesa ( GIRLY SPIES ARE VERY HARD TO SPOT, AND UN-COVER, in my studies i found. )
#46871899Tuesday, May 10, 2011 1:29 AM GMT

As the sun was slowly setting behind the Cannery Mountains, the three hero's laid eyes on the Roblox neighberhood of New-Bloxia, as far as the eye can see 'Happy Homes' laid out like a bland and repetitive chess board, The three heros serch for 37th street. After a half hour the come across it, then they go down until they reached the middle, "Very quite for Robloxia" Says Spiderpig, "It's weird, I've heard stories of this place and how everyone would see noobs wandering around 24/7, and yet... it's just a ghost town" "Maybe its just around Dinner time and they're all AFK?" Suggests Conner, "Anyway, we're here. Who wants to go first?" The three Heros stand in front of a copy of the Happy Home, the only one with a number next to the door, the number 13, Conner had a feeling this may be luck or a curse. "Oo!Oo!Oo!CanIgothavealook???" excitedly asks Sweedish "Yea,sure. Just don't touc-" Conner tries to say before being cut off as Sweedish runs into the house "It'sO.k.!!Everythingsafeinside!" yells Sweedish to the others. When Spiderpig entered the house he noticed a lever on the other side of the room, threatened with curiosity he goes over to the lever and pulls it, pretty soon the entire house shakes, and two large panels open up from the floor and out comes.....a teal colored couch "Hmm...Don't remember That in my home" says Conner before going over to the couch and sitting down "Hey! you don't know where that goes or what it does! It could kill you!" yells spiderpig "Just a chance, as an adventurer I have to take chances no matter how badly the odds are stacked, besides, I'll respawn anyway" explains Conner. SpiderPig neverously sits down on the couch and Sweedish just sits on top of the couch, then the couch descends into the mysteries that this comples holds
#47097461Sunday, May 15, 2011 10:47 AM GMT

#47097587Sunday, May 15, 2011 10:58 AM GMT

Nice story The only thing i can write are scripts and forum posts :3
#47125905Sunday, May 15, 2011 9:18 PM GMT

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#47143507Monday, May 16, 2011 2:49 AM GMT

(can i join?)
#47161000Monday, May 16, 2011 9:15 PM GMT

@cute: yea, anyone can The remaining parts should be up by tonight, maybe.
#47171152Tuesday, May 17, 2011 12:20 AM GMT

i like evil and stuff so villian
#47172245Tuesday, May 17, 2011 12:40 AM GMT

A dude with a shady hood and people don't notice him, as he can blend into dark alleys.
#47292803Friday, May 20, 2011 9:39 AM GMT

#47311206Friday, May 20, 2011 10:32 PM GMT

As the elevator descended into the darkness, only illuminated by the tall lamp next to the couch. Then the Elevator shaft opened up to see a very large room, much like an aircraft hanger, the entire cavern-like room was only lit by the multitude of Kerosene lanterns hanging from the ceiling. Around the perimeter of the room are more doors that look like they lead to more elevator shafts, and strewn about are machines, what they are and what they're meant to do is unknown to the hero's. On the other side off the room is a desk with a plush swivel chair with the back of the chairs to the hero's and next to the desk is another tall lamp illuminating the desk. When the elevator stops at the bottom and the hero's get off the elevator Conner slowly takes out his Pumpkin Staff, not sure if he's going to need it. Then a voice unknown to any of them comes from the swivel chair, "So, I am to believe you are the one's who vant the milk?" The voice says with a very strange Russian accent. "Yes...?" Asks Conner confused about this mysterious Robloxian, "Ah, good. I guess I can tell you who I am" The Mysterious Robloxian says as he swivels his chair around to show himself, "I am Perry, evil mastermind of one of Roblox's most hated thing". "Perry? Doesn't sound like THAT much of an evil name..." says SpiderPig, "Ifyoursoevilthenwhatevilthingdidyoucreate??" Sweedish asks, "Vell, if you're so curious, I guess I can show you...LolAssemble!!" Perry yells as the other doors open up and hundreds of noobs come out, flooding the main room. "If you're vondering about the company, let me make it simple, I built them." Perry says over the numerous chatter of the noobs. "You built the Noob nuisence of Roblox? You really are evil!" Conner says. "Enough talk, either you lose and I keep you in taxidermy, or you win and I give you the milk. Noobs: LolAttack"
#47313567Friday, May 20, 2011 11:16 PM GMT

You got my character perfect! Even though i didint think about the Russian accent, its still good :D!
#47374052Sunday, May 22, 2011 12:24 AM GMT

.:. .:::. .:::::. ***.:::::::.*** *******.:::::::::.******* ********.:::::::::::.******** ********.:::::::::::::.******** *******.::::::'***`::::.******* ******.::::'*********`::.****** ****.:::'*************`:.**** *.::'*****************`.* .:' *************** .
#47517148Wednesday, May 25, 2011 1:15 AM GMT

All the Noobs attacked, 'lol'ing and asking the Hero's for Tix, all the while the three Hero's attackng the noobs: Conner firing pumpkins from his staff, SpiderPig slashing at them with two swords and Sweedish throwing suger packets at them and trying the bite thier heads off. Perry siting back and enjoying the fun. Soon, after killing and electocuting about a thousand noobs, all three of the Hero's had an idea, the same idea and they knew it would work, Sweedish took out a suger packet and drew on it a (very crude) Tix, then he lured the noobs away. Conner shot at a box on the wall and all the lights shut off, he then reached into his backpack and felt his way around before pulling out a miners helmet and turning on its head lamp. SpiderPig was just about to slash Perry to kingdom come and back, but he noticed: the swivel chair was empty. Sweedish was surprisingly able to get all they noobs into an elevator using only one suger packet, before he ran over and asked "Whathappenedtothecrazyman?maybeheusedagrappleguntogetoutwhilethelightswereout?" "Who knows? All we know is that he's capable of anything, nice first impression I've seen in a while" Conner commented "I see vou three var with the understanding of my terms. Just because vou three var 'Hero's' doesn't mean I vont try to stop you in the vuture, future; thats vat I meant. Ve warned, Ve very 'very' warned" echoed Perry's voice around the cavern "Ok now THAT....seem very suspicious, and it probably was." Conner said as he went over to the elevator, '"Well come on, this wacko's gotta have milk somewhere" he said to Sweedish and Spiderpig. All three hero's got on the elevator (that was fortunatly supplied power from its own generator) and went up to the surface. Dawn was just aproaching Robloxian, and a new day brought new surprises. When the elevator stopped,SpiderPig noticed a small fridge next to the door, Spiderpig opened the fridge door and next to a plate with Telamons head inside a cube of jello, with a post-it note that read: 'no touchy - TelaMoon' was a gallon of Milk. "Guess we can say that this Misadventure in Robloxia is finally done."Conner said as he grabbed the milk and went out side with SpiderPig and Sweedish following, "But, I don't think that means we're done here..." -End of Misadventure #1
#47554364Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:15 AM GMT

#47622971Friday, May 27, 2011 7:41 PM GMT

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#47682203Saturday, May 28, 2011 8:19 PM GMT

Got it, that makes three n' a half villians in the Misadventures Misadventure #2: The Rise, Fall, and substantial Rise of Robloxia Ch 1: Something bring you up to speed "It basically started about, how long was it? Ah, around 2007. That's when the evil mastermind Perry built his gargantuan army of electronic noobs. Then for years they've gone around annoying Robloxians asking for "T1X P1_0X!?" or "V1SAT MAH P1ACE! 0R U N00B!!" Many great Builders and Scripters just gave up and went to the lonely dark road to never return. Thus the Creativity and Imagination has plummeted to near nothingness, creating a black cloud over the Sea of Dusek, and over the past few months its quickly grown large enough to cover the Roblox HQ, which is landlocked about 100 Robloxian Miles (1 RM = 5280 studs) from the Sea of Dusek. Many of theose crazy people with signs you see on the corner of a street say that Roblox has done its time...and will soon perish. As I may have told you before, our Hero's: Conner, SpiderPig, and Sweedish; have found a legendary gallon of Milk. But, as you may have asked before: Whats the point of this? How do these people fit into the story? And who is this TelaMoon mentioned? Don't worry your little head about it, it will all be explained in due time...."
Top 25 Poster
#47722197Sunday, May 29, 2011 1:37 PM GMT

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#47771582Monday, May 30, 2011 5:57 AM GMT

#47826154Tuesday, May 31, 2011 2:30 AM GMT

bump please misadventure 2 btw can ihave another character? swedishlemons brother: RUSSIANLIME!!! DUN DUN DUN!!!! and he has a gummy kingdom and everything there is gummy creatures and gummy WATER and gummy fish and he wants to kill the heros because swedishlemon is with them and swedishlemon ends up nearly dieing cuz he eats too much gummys but you guys have to save him
#47973503Thursday, June 02, 2011 11:56 PM GMT

Another Villian? ok, yea, sure...Wait...Gummy? I know I'm just gonna spam something with Gummy Bears when I put this place into the story
#47975158Friday, June 03, 2011 12:24 AM GMT

Ch 2: The Beginning of the End, and the End of the Beginning It was a normal spring day in Robloxia, the Three Hero's were enjoying their day as any other; SpiderPig was flying around downtown Robloxia on his Jetpack, Sweedish was enjoying a coffee with extra-extra-extra sugar at the Diner, and Conner was practicing his flute with a modified 'Adventures of Noob Boy Part 1' gear next to him with a web page that read 'How to play the flute for Monochromatic Wizards'. All that would change with a mere creative spark, because it started to rain, a light drizzle, then a massive downpour. Lightning crashed around from the Dark Cloud that hung over most of Robloxia. With winds blowing like crazy, this was one of the worst storms Roblox has ever seen... Then, the unthinkable happened: a massive Maelstrom opened up in the Cloud, the wind and rain being sucked up into the massive cloud whirlpool, Lightning striking from the cloud back into the Maelstrom. If this wasn't terrifying to the bone it would have been beautiful. Then from the Maelstrom came what nothing could predict; a gigantic vacuum cleaner came from the Maelstrom, hanging from the heavens. The dark cloud being sucked into the vacuum, then the Vacuum started so suck up every last bit of Creativity and Originality from Roblox. Buildings, Places, even Robloxians themselves were sucked up by the Vacuum into who knows where. Both Sweedish and Spiderpig were able to make it to a safe spot in the far off area of Robloxia named Brumble Bee Meadows. Conner, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky as he help on to a rock using only his Staff of the woodlands. Then, a mysterious Purple portal opened up near Conner and created a cross-suction with a Maelstrom-Vacuum, and Conner was sucked into the portal as his arm gave out and slipped into unconciousness...
Top 25 Poster
#47978627Friday, June 03, 2011 1:22 AM GMT

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#48368479Friday, June 10, 2011 1:58 AM GMT

Ch 3: Muahaha... Somewhere in Robloxia, a Dark castle sits on an island of obsidian in the middle of a lake of lava. In one of the castles deepest darkest rooms sits a circular stone slab with glowing blue wires strung around the slab. Four Robloxians stand around the table, their appearance darkened but the outline of their bodies shown from the glow of the wires. One of the Robloxians seems to be holding a stereo playing the Bowser music from Super Mario Galaxy 2. "So, as we see here," One of the Robloxians say with a familiar Russian accent as he points to a map of Roblox, "Marked by X's here, here, and here. Portals have been popping up and taking Robloxians, where. who knows..." "Quick question," A second Robloxian says, one wearing a fluffy fez and holding the stereo, "Why do you get the Russian accent, when I'm clearly Russian, you. Not so sure..." He says questioning the first Robloxian. "Because, I'm clearly the leader here, so I'm the vone who gets the cool accent." He replies, " Even IF you can't get the accent right?" The second Robloxian barks back at him. "Will you two just shut up about accents and get back to the plan! You two, I swear are worse then a bunch of Noobs...and turn that music off!!" The third Robloxian yells with a female's voice as she slams both of her fists on the table, the Second Robloxian quickly goes to shut the stereo off. "*sigh* Very vell, with these Robloxians disappearing, thats valuable Creativity gone, and as ve all know too vell thats bad, VERY bad, because one of the escaped robloxians is-" The first one starts to say before being cut off by the forth and last one at the table, his body being show the best due to his clothing made of fire, "Because that robloxian is the one who made a fool of you, took your gallon of milk, and is threatening to kill us? AKA my old friend Conner...I say we need a plan to distract him." "Pfftt," The female robloxian starts to say, "Yea, but I don't think we're gonna ask you, 'Murphy's Law'; last time I checked, all your ideas failed" She informed and insulted the firey Robloxian. "Hang on, Angel, 'Murphy' here may have the same idea I have, looky here.." The first robloxian says as he holds up a crystal ball with an image inside, the image shows another girl, hiding in the shadows, "All we need here to do is just 'distract' the hero's and then everything will be ours!" He says before all four of them start to laugh evily
#48397198Friday, June 10, 2011 6:12 PM GMT
